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:3 new redeem series. (there will still be a vote for adventure time, steven universe or gravity falls)


she-ra 1x1

Watch "she-ra 1x1" on Streamable.


Winter Turnip

wooo another awsome ride

Carl Rigney

"That is a problem for future Adora and Catra." -- Catra, nicely summarizing her planning skills


My brain is broken I can't watch this show without thinking " I can't believe Kyle just died" Everytime something happens to Kyle lol

Daisy Azuras

This is another excellent series like Owl House. The first season is a little slow as they set up the world and the characters but it gets soooooooo hard and fast after that. Prepare to cry a lot.


Adventure time or gravity falls plz

Justin Garlington

I’m fine with both Adventure Time or Gravity Falls, but since Gravity Falls only has two seasons I think that would be better to start with