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not feeling too well but I recorded!


Dungeon Meshi 18

Watch "Dungeon Meshi 18" on Streamable.


Quinton Macejkovic

Isn't that one of the people that were following Shuro before?


Oh. My. God. I remember when Marcille was talking to Him about Falin, she didn’t mention how Falin only said “he makes a really good impression of a dog!” HOLY SHIT SHE WAS RIGHT!!! 😂 😆


Man Alicia everyone in the party really don't have faith in your husband. :3


as a manga reader i find the end of this reaction very VERY funny.

Jathby Dredas

Laios touching the fluffy tail. The choice has been made.

Kiana Vayne

Falin did tell Marcille about Laios having a really good dog impression.