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Mikaele Rosecrans

This song plays in stranger things and it’s the cutest thing in the show

Raven Dark

Thoughts on the things you were asking: About Bastian skipping class, only to stay hiding in the school and reading in the storage room. It might seem more sensible for him to find some other place to read, but consider his home life. His father doesn't like that he escapes into his imagination, and thus probably would get annoyed if he saw him with the book, so he couldn't even wait until after school and read it at home. He also couldn't skip school and stay home in case his father came home. I think Bastian wouldn't feel comfortable going anywhere else to read because the bullies might show up. That storage room seems like a place he normally goes to be alone and feel safe to get lost in his imagination. On the name Moon Child, which you didn't ask about, but I thought you might find interesting to hear some insight on. This probably seems like an odd name for Bastian's mother, but I think it has to do with the time in which she was born. This movie came out in 1984. I'd guess Bastian's mother was probably born in the sixties, or maybe a little before that. In the sixties, it was common for girls to have names like River, Windy, Saphron, Rainbow, Moon, ect. For a woman born in that time, the name Moon Child fits right in. I loved this movie as a kid, and I still love it now. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and what fun it was watching it with you!