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And here's an awesome drawing of one of Zener's baddies by Danilo. This time the murderous lover of darkness- Nocturne.

Here's a rundown of his origin again just for those of you who are new:

Leyton Reil was an orderly employed at Saint Martin Sanitarium who was enormous, of questionable morality, and a history of psychopathic behavior. It was for this reason that Ryker hired him to be his top muscle at St. Martin, keeping the inmates in line with his brutal methods and providing Ryker assistance in his experiments when he needed it. One day, however, Leyton was attacked and shanked with a hidden knife from a prison when he had made a perverse comment towards the inmates’ sister who had been on a televised news report featuring the first superhero, Empress. His coworkers rushed to save him, using the same experimental drugs Ryker used on the inmates. As a result, Leyton metamorphed into a new being able to control shadows and darkness within his mind.

Sensing an opportunity to finally do whatever he wanted without authoritative constraint, Leyton instigated a riot that led to a full-blown jailbreak, but was ultimately confronted and defeated by Axel De Veyra. Leyton escaped imprisonment, and had since been in hiding causing mysterious disappearances within Indigo Valley’s populous. The first and one of the most recurring enemies towards Axel’s superhero persona, Zener, Leyton - or Nocturne as he has rechristianed himself - has discovered that he grows more powerful by drawing power from the inner darkness of others, and he has sense something very powerful withing Axel’s inner demons. For this reason, Nocturne seeks to break Zener’s fragile sanity and become all powerful, unaware of the true danger he might unleash.


  • Umbrakinesis - As a metahuman being of living shadows, Nocturne is able to control, shape and manipulate the inner darkness and shadows of society for various purposes

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Zener: Master of the Mind © NRG Comics

Art by Danilo Cassonato https://www.deviantart.com/bilcassonato



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