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Here it is folks! The full design and origin of Toonman's newest Speedster villain, Zinger!


The once infamous host of the hit reality TV show, “Zinged”, Zee Granger entertained millions of viewers by crafting elaborate and highly sophisticated pranks the likes of which none had ever seen, all for the comedic joy of her viewers but at the expense of the ‘victims’ of her show. However, as time went on, the pranks were becoming more cruel and outright dangerous, and it soon became clear that Zee cared more about the physical and emotional torment she enjoyed getting from her targets for more than just for simple ratings. This all came full circle when one of her pranks put a participant in critical condition, and rather than showing remorse she laughed hysterically at their misfortune. Zee was fired, blacklisted, tried and deemed criminally insane, sentenced to treatment at Saint Martin Sanitorium, being one of the newest residences in the Underground before the breakout caused by Axel de Veyra.

Though her time at the Sanitarium had been short, it was long enough for her to be experimented on, with Think Tank unlocking her ability to think and move at superhuman speed. After escaping the Sanitarium, Zee returned to Vaudeville and began using her new speed a deadly campaign to exact revenge on her former producers, all the while broadcasting their demise live. Her efforts were ended by Toonman, who not only managed to disarm her pranks but turn the tables on Zee and get the last laugh. Rather than deterring Zee, she instead developed a respectable fixation on the Animated Ace, seeing him as an intellectual and pranking equal. Since then, Zee has begun a battle of wits against the hero, matching her “Zing! Speed” with his Zip! Speed and creating elaborate prank-based deathtraps to put the hero or the public in harm's way, just to see who truly is the Master of Comedy.

And because of her sadistic streak and love of childish and often animated gags, she has become an honorary member of the Fooligans, though she often boasts she’s better than all of them and has no problem putting the rest of them in harm's way if it means getting to Toonman.


  • Superhuman Speed - able to think and move at superhuman speeds that match Toonman’s.
    • Combines Speeds with Gymnastics and parkour to create an elaborate fighting style.
  • Able to craft elaborate weapons and deathtraps all based on jokes, pranks and gags, as well as often toys and cartoons.
  • Psychopathic, homicidal sadist who enjoys the physical and emotional pain and humiliation of her victims.

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Toonman: The Animated Ace © NRG Comics

Art by David Velásquez https://www.deviantart.com/neonrockingvisuals



Ákos Kovács

Soo Toonman got his own joker niice! By the way its extremely rare the female joker speedster combo.