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Update 8/4/2023: So, to make long story short, we've decided to revise/refocus Ryker as more of a grander NRGverse villain as opposed to a mostly Toonman-focused villain. We just figured it made more sense for his character, so we're making some updates to some characters associated with him. SOME of Ryker's henchmen will stay Toonman villains, but not all. In Swoleflex case, we decided if it made more sense for his origins to be tied to Aunty Venom of Zener's comic. So now she's his hire muscle and shared muscle between the Think Tank. Updates to character origin below.


Chad Foster was an aspiring professional bodybuilder and weightlifting strongman who had unfortunately developed a rare form of IBM (Inclusion Body Myositis). His desperation to find a cure eventually found himself approached by Aunty Venom of the Think Tank, who promised him drugs that offered a temporary solution to his IBM until more permanent cure could be created. In exchange, Chad would offer himself as a bodyguard and enforcer for Aunty Venom, as well as the rest of the Think Tank when asked.

While the Aunty Venom’s pharmaceutical cocktails did offer Chad his life back, they were experimental and highly addicting, and Chad found he needed to take them more and more frequently to relieve the pain. Eventually, enough doses caused Chad to activate his latent psionic genes that allowed him to manipulate his muscles to different shapes and lengths with increased strength, but as a result destroyed his integumentary skin, leaving him a literal muscle bound freak. This in turn forced him to become more dependent on the Think Tank for 2 cures now, and he found himself using his new powers against superhuman enemies of the Think Tank under the callsign Swoleflex. Despite his position and his loyalty to Aunty Venom, most heroes see that he is an innocent victim of the Think Tank and try to help him.


  • Muscle Manipulation- By flexing his muscles, he is able to grow and shape them into intricate proportions and elongated shapes, gaining superhuman strength and invulnerability in the process.

Let us know what you think of this new character with a comment below!

Toonman: The Animated Ace © NRG Comics

Art by Nico Quintas https://www.deviantart.com/nic011



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