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Hey ho guys! Have we got a special treat for you. NRG is taking a rather unique approach to mythology in our universe, and we're essentially creating our own original Pantheons! It'll be sort of a 4th World/Eternals thing, with our pantheon having inspired most of the many gods of mythology throughout different cultures of history. But with old gods comes new gods trying to over throw them and the Planet, and we're introducing to you the leader of this evil Pantheon and one of the biggest baddies planned for our universe! So get ready to meet Travial: The Prime Evil and God of Urbanization!


As Ursula Nolan’s trials of redemption as Empress continued, Mother Nature eventually revealed the truth behind making the industrialist her champion- She belonged to a primordial pantheon of Deities who brought life to Earth when it was once uninhabitable, inspired legends of various myths as they watched over Earth in secret. But Mankind’s pollution and growing apathy towards their world and each other had caused the forces of nature to evolve and otherwise mutate beyond the Pantheon’s control. Barriers once set up by Mother Nature had grown weaker and had allowed great evil to be reawoken… or rather reborn in new form. Known as ‘the necrorcs’, they were beings given life from the death and disease brought on mankind's actions from weakening the earth, who were harbingers of a new Earth rising from the death of an old one that could no longer support those before it. With these necrorcs came a new Pantheon, many of which took forms of the very faults and means that had weakened the Earth to begin with.

At the front of the necrorcs rebirth was their herald and their leader, dubbed by the great Earth Mother as ‘Travail’. She described him as everything she was not: a demonic, neo-eldritch sovereign who thrived on conquest, plague, famine and death; and was empowered by the urbanization of man. Lurking deep within the Earth’s center in a necropolis known as the Underealm, Travail sought to weaken the Earth further by essentially bringing about the apocalypse so that he and his new Pantheon could be free once and for all. As for life on Earth, Travail had no queries about sacrificing their presence, but he often spoke about how life on Earth had already begun to prepare for the end; that they were changing for their own weakened world. It was almost as if he knew what the presence of Empress and the man rising superhumans spoke for humanity’s future. That there was a reason most accidents that would otherwise kill a human instead cursed them with great powers…

Regardless, with his growing army of necrorc spirits taking new monstrous form, Travail forever remains determined to fully escape the Underealm and bring about the dawn of his kind, his efforts continuously halted by Mother Nature’s herald and her allies.


  • Necrorc Neo-Deity with great power over urbanization, death, pollution, and more:
    • Animalia manipulation
    • Architecture manipulation
    • Element Manipulation
      • Manmade and Limited Natural
    • Disaster and Plague Manipulation
    • Disease Manipulation
    • Pollution Manipulation
    • Technological Manipulation (limited but growing)
    • Poison and Toxicity Manipulation
    • Urban Empowerment and Teleportation
    • Flight via demonic-gargoyle wings

So, yeah, though we don't like to compare unless we have to, Travail is basically set to be the Darkseid or Thanos of our universe, with a little bit of Lord Zedd thrown in for influence. We hope you guys like this new villain of ours, let us know in a comment below!

Travail: the Prime Evil © NRG Comics

Art by Danilo Cassonato https://www.deviantart.com/bilcassonato



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