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This month's Patron-only livestream is in 24 hours, at 9am Eastern time Monday. If you can't watch live, you can watch later at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFwM4wDHFp4

We'll talk about the upcoming videos on The Sworn Sword, and Venus, and whatever questions you ask – feel free to add questions as comments below.

Past livestreams here:  https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX?filters[tag]=livestreams 


Patron livestream: The Sworn Sword & Venus



What do you suspect the circumstances are behind Dunk fathering bastard children (at least in Tarth and Winterfell)? While Dunk seems to lose all sense when it comes to women, he doesn't strike me as one who would wish to abandon pregnant women or leave behind fatherless children. How do you think this aspect of his life relates to the recent Fire and Blood stories of Lucamore Strong' s secret marriages while on the Kingsguard and Harwin Strong apparently fathering several Targaryen princes with Velaryon last names?


Was Egg the villain of Summerhall or did the Maesters, Faith, or Bloodraven cause the inferno? Did Dunk ultimately have to defeat his own king? Did he have a Hodor like "Hold the Door" moment to allow the survivors to escape?