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This was a fun video to make – more of a storytelling exercise than an intricate theory analysis. But there’s still plenty of prophecy and mystery in there… and lots of cool little connections to the main series. It was fun using imagery from the graphic novel – in a similar process to the Watchmen video.

With The Hedge Knight done, we’ll continue with The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight – have already done most of the necessary reading and research.

We’re also considering a video about Raised By Wolves, a cool new sci fi show on HBO. Raised By Wolves is about space colonisation, religion, robots – all that good stuff. Feels a bit like Westworld, in terms of ambition and budget and themes – so it’s ripe for an Explained video once the season’s over.

Also, did you see the news about possible signs of life on Venus? We could make a non-fiction video exploring perspectives on Venus from ancient mythology, pop culture, and modern science – similar to the recent disaster & religion video.

I still wanna do a His Dark Materials video. And there’s also a cool lil video about a sci fi story called All Tomorrows coming…

So I’m not sure what order these videos will come in, but they’re all gonna be really cool!

Thanks for your support


PS: There's an Easter Egg at the end of this video!


The Hedge Knight: Game of Thrones Prequel Explained

Get a free audiobook and unlimited Audible Originals with a 30-day trial: http://www.audible.com/asx What happens in the Game of Thrones prequel story, The Hedge Knight? What makes a true knight? Is Dunk related to Brienne? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveZqqGewoyPiacooywP5Ig?sub_confirmation=1 Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AltShiftX Twitter: https://twitter.com/altshiftx Images and video from Game of Thrones used under fair use. Images from The World of Ice and Fire used with permission from Random House. Dunk & Egg art by Gary Gianni Dunk & Egg art by shebsart: https://shebsart.tumblr.com/ The Hedge Knight graphic novel art by Mike S. Miller and Mike Crowell King Daeron II art by Amok: https://www.facebook.com/amokanet Myriah Martell art by Manre-Art: https://www.deviantart.com/manre-art Rhaegar art by Karla Ortiz Lyanna art by ImperfectSoul: https://www.deviantart.com/imperfectsoul Dunk and Rhaella at Summerhall art by NaomiMakesArt: https://twitter.com/NaomiMakesArt https://www.instagram.com/naomimakesart/ Jon & comet art by eluas: https://www.deviantart.com/eluas Daenerys & comet art by slavicstarks: https://slavicstarks.tumblr.com/ References & further reading: Lady Gwyn: https://radiowesteros.com/2018/11/30/episode-42-the-hedge-knight/ Steven Attewell: https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/2020/02/03/dunk-egg-essay-1-what-worth-a-hedge-knight/ Special thanks to Patrons Cameron Weiss, Michael Appell, Ryan Steele, Eric Louis-Dreyfus, Triangle Wine Company, Harry, Nikos Moraitakis, Shane Veglia, Steven Placencia, Ria McDoodle, Tim Cunniff, Alexandra Eliades, Brian Sentient, Travlis Hallingquest, Noah Kav, Hunter S Zimmerman.



Venus stuff and Raised by Wolves sounds really great!!

Jennifer Grasso

1. I love Dunk. I love Egg. I love Brienne. I’m tearing up. 2. You blew my mind with Dunk and Jon Snow. 3. You’re the best ASX