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What do you think of the new Westworld?

Last episode was such a frenetic, violent, sci-fi rollercoaster, it's nice to get a human, personal story this week. And the episode neatly strings together most of the defining events and symbols of the series' timeline – the Maze, Arnold, Escalante massacre, Logan's misadventure, Ford's plans, Dolores’ massacre, the Valley Beyond, the Door. Maeve, William and Emily/Grace all make appearances. So this week’s video is a good chance to clarify the overall story before the final two episodes (:

You can expect the S2E08 video around Friday (maybe Thursday). Remember that there won’t be a S2E09 video – instead, we’ll hold a Patron livestream about E09, then do a big Season 2 Finale Explained video after S2E10.

You're welcome to chat Westworld in the Patron Discord, and 3+ Patrons can access extra bits and pieces in the video-talk Discord.





Shiera Seastar

I could watch an entire movie starring Zahn, his performance was compelling!! :D

Rikke Holmberg

It was my favourite episode ever. Ghost nation has intrigued me from the first time we saw them. Yeah, sure there are logical inconsistencies and plot holes and whatever, but the acting was spectacular and the tying together of all the plotlines was cleverly thought out. And the whole idea of a host reaching conciousness without the the humans interfering in any way was just beautiful.


I agree Rikke. I dont want to pick holes in something so moving and beautiful. Acting and cinematography was breathtaking in this episode.


Because episode 7 was so jam-packed full of action I was hoping to see more of that, so while I liked this episode upon first viewing, I found myself hoping that we'd cut away to the main narrative for part of the time. I didn't really appreciate how much depth this episode added to the series, I couldn't help to fall in love with such a beautiful story of the journey to self-awareness with all of its triumphs and heartbreaks. On a second and even third viewing I was stunned at how beautiful the cinematography was and what a terrific job all the actors did here- even that extremely important cameo of Logan, how screwed up he became because of what William did to him- and isn't it odd- Akechetta hates TMiB, but really, it was William who helped start his own journey to consciousness. If he hadn't humiliated Logan, the two would never have met and Akechetta would never have found the door. So, while he might hate William now, he has a lot to thank him for.