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The video's coming along! Here's the conclusion so far:
"This episode is simpler than the last few. No crazy battles or obnoxious time-twists. And yet it tells a story that is both personal and mythic. It starts with the creation of Westworld and an Edenic existence before a fall from paradise. A hero walks a desert searching for meaning, journeys to the underworld for love, meets God slash the Devil, spreads enlightenment, then leads his chosen people to a promised land. This is the cosmology of Westworld – a sci-fi Bible weaved through the timeline by the love story of Akecheta. Westworld feels meaningful when it gets back to basics, with a story about a person trying to find their place in the universe."

Expecting to release on Friday (:






This was probably my favorite episode of Westworld. I think it so often is cryptic for the sake of being cryptic and it detracts from the story. I thought this episode was incredibly moving and I didn’t have to peruse the web or watch a 15-minute explanation to understand wtf is going on. But I’ll still look forward to your analysis! :)

Shiera Seastar

Loved this episode, love the actor, could watch an entire movie starring Zahn!


I think if he would have become self aware before his update, then yes, but post update he has access to "Ruthless" programing and I think made it clear knows how to leverage it when need be.