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Your first patron-exclusive bonus upload is here: The Road to NES Works issue 1. This is a high-resolution (and edited) compilation of the daily image posts I've began publishing to Instagram and Twitter in January, covering posts from Jan. 1 through 31. My pie-in-the-sky dream here is to find a feasible way to publish these in a collected edition at the end of the year, but I realize a 12x12" full-color coffee table book spanning 365 days might end up being impossibly expensive... especially when the material is somewhat similar to the text-centric NES Works (et al.) books.

This is being published as a sort of work-in-progress. You'll notice some of the images look out of place, which is because I shot them five years ago. I have a replacement set of those games on order to be reshot, but they're running behind and rather than delay any longer, I decided to simply upload as-is. Once I can reshoot, I'll publish an updated edition. The updated edition will probably replace the full-set images with straight shots of the box fronts, which I think ultimately work better for this series.

Anyway! Please enjoy these very large photos of very old video game boxes, and look forward to more patron-exclusive material soon.


Peter LaPrade

It's neat to see how Famicom & SG-1000 (and those Mark II reissues in the MyCard format) was expanding its catalog in contrast with each other. Road to NES Works is definitely a cool project.


This is really put together well. The photography is great. Thanks.