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Well, I guess this isn't really a bonus video in the usual sense, but... two weeks from today will be the 10th anniversary of my first Game Boy Works (World) upload. Seemed worth marking the occasion.


10 Years of This Nonsense: April 2014 - April 2024

Game Boy Works debuted 10 years ago, on the Game Boy's 25th anniversary, which means this channel is "retro" now. I don't really do videos about videos, but I suppose this occasion warrants an exception. For those interested only in the specifics of game chronologies, you can safely skip this episode. The rest of you are welcome to join me for a few minutes of pontification.



This video series brings so much value to my life and interests. Thank you for doing this work 🙏

Toastman Jack

It felt a little underhanded to shove that question in after the congrats, but I do wanna offer sincere congratulations on the incredible work you've done with Video Works, it's inspired me to dive so deep into the NES library and really get a sense for the business/development/cultural/design context behind every game. It's a wonderful series and I hope to live to see Wario's Woods.

Daniel Hoffman

Congrats on 10 years! I remember watching some of the early Game Boy Works videos when they first came out, right when I was finishing high school, so I guess I can say the ___Works videos have been with me my entire "adult" life haha. I truly think that as video games continue to gain more respect as a bonafide field of media and their history begins to be studied and written about in an academic setting (much like how many colleges have a Department of Film), your Works series will be essential in helping scholars lay out the historiography of gaming. All of that is to say, here's to another 10 years (and many, many more references to Xevious and Heiankyo Alien)!


I randomly noted one day that you were the writer of an interesting Dragon Quest V review on 1up.com. Sometime later I watched your SNES Works video of SimCity, a completely different game in a different medium but somehow it was familiar. I quickly watched the rest of your videos, ordered a couple of books, and started giving you a couple bucks a month. I'm impressed at your dedication to capturing the time and place of any given games release. It's hard to fathom getting this far into NES releases with so much detail on every single game, but you are a good chunk up the mountain now. Congratulations on the 10 years!