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*All characters depicted in this story are over the age of 18*

Lexi could feel sweat building in between the grip of her wand. She twisted her fingers nervously around its base. She drew in a deep breath and went through her rationale one more time.

“She can’t leave.” Lexi thought, “She won't if everyone thinks she’s a baby, no one will know. I can always change her back if she doesn’t like it.” She reasoned. Growing up with one sister can be difficult at times, but Ariel and Lexi were nearly inseparable. They did everything together, despite their age gap. They had a wonderful childhood together, but that was sadly coming to an end. Ariel graduated high school two months ago. She was ready to move on to her freshman year of college in less than a week. Lexi was in shambles over it.

Lexi knew her powers. The wand allowed her to change reality at will. She wasn’t the most skilled witch out there, but she could easily regress her sister, as well as change people’s perceptions around her. Was it cruel? Maybe. But Lexi could always change things back if it didn’t feel right. She loved her sister. She just wanted what was best for the two of them. She steadied her grip and pushed open Ariel’s door.

“Hey Lexi, knock much?” Ariel joked, she was lying lazily in her bed. Lexi didn’t respond to her joke. She held the wand up toward her sister.

“It’s what’s best for both of us.” Lexi said, she squeezed her wand, then whispered the words in her head. A dim light procured from the tip of her wand.

“Lexi, are you playing make-believe right now? Because I totally want to play too!” Ariel said, she did a double-take. “Wait that’s not what I meant, I mean, if you’re going to play dress-up, can I be the big sister?” Ariel said. She shook her head in confusion.

“This is a better life for you, Ariel. Think about it, you don’t have to worry about college anymore. All you need to do is be my little sister. Doesn’t that sound fun?” Lexi pleaded.

“I’m not your little sister, I’m further ahead in my potty training then you!” Ariel said, trying to defend herself. That still didn’t feel right to her.

“Really? Who’s the one wearing a diaper?” Lexi said, pointing down at her sister’s waist. Seeing her plan start perfectly reduced some weight off her shoulders. This was right. It was okay if her sister took a break from life.

“That’s a really good point. I am wearing a diaper.” Ariel thought, she looked down at her legs. She had on a bulky white printed diaper, with blue accents for the edges. “This underwear is really cute…” She thought lazily.

“Wait!” She said, pushing through the increasingly thick mental fog. “I am not suppose’ to be like this. I is really smart and big adult. Why are you doing this!” She said, it was difficult to form full sentences. She saw the words, but where and when to put them was getting hazy. Her brain felt weaker, as though she rarely used it. Still, she tried to fight back against the magic.

“It’s okay, Ariel. It’ll all be over soon. Here, you can pass the time with your paci!” Lexi said, she flicked her wand. A light blue pacifier with a pink ring appeared in front of her sister. Ariel didn’t resist. Her greedy fingers snatched the pacifier then popped it in her mouth.

“Mmmm….” Escaped from her lips as babyish pleasure corrupted her mind. Her eyes fluttered close from the numbing ecstasy.


“No!” Her mind fought back, she spit out the pacifier. Her arms felt like lead, but she managed to push herself up. Her eyesight seemed wavy. It was difficult to focus on her sister both physically and mentally. She persevered and pushed herself up onto her feet. “I… I really big giwrl. I know that I is really really…. REALLY smart.” She said, her legs moved forward. She pushed herself around Lexi, and started for the door. The only way she could think of getting out of this was by running away from her problems.

“Oh yeah? Then what’s the smartest thing you know?” Lexi asked. That stopped Ariel in her tracks. She couldn't think of something at first. Her neurons strained, doing their best to generate the most mature image she could think of.

“Wets in da potty?” She said, with a hint of uncertainty in her voice. Her fingers creeped into her mouth out of anxiety. Ariel wasn’t fully confident in her answer. She waited with bated breath to see if the adult told her whether she was right or wrong.

“Do you wet in the potty? It certainly doesn't seem like you do.” Lexi teased, she pointed to her sister’s diaper.

Ariel subconsciously crossed her legs then looked down at her diaper. She knew this whole time that something was going on down there, but she could never put her finger on it. Everything in her pelvic area felt foreign. She didn’t know where her muscles were, let alone how to control them. Her body let the weight of her bladder and bowels dump freely into her diaper.

“Oh no…” Ariel whispered the fingers in her mouth shuffled into just her thumb. She needed it right now. She knew going potty in her pants wasn’t what a grown-up did. She didn’t know the first step on how to stop it now. The only thing she could do was accept it and wait for it to end. Her thumb helped. It sent soothing waves to extinguish the bad thoughts in her mind.

“I…. goin…… peepeeeesss….” The words drift through her skull. Her eyelids shuttered close. Another cannonball of infantile thoughts erupted in her mind. She relished this moment. She let her being swim in the light golden feeling of piss. Her muscles let her entire bladder dump into the padding. It is saturated in a heavy accident. The forefront of her mind dissolved into bright yellow colors. She saw images of playful elephants dance through her fog. It all happened independently. She had zero input to her thoughts.

“It looks like someone is really enjoying their diaper… You’re not doing too well at stopping this, huh?” Lexi asked, ribbing on her sister. Ariel’s self tried to push through her dense brain matter. She couldn’t get as far as last time. Only a single thought could process at a time now.

“Run.” She thought. Her wobbly legs started running down the hallway. The walls blurred past her. She realized instantly this wasn’t sustainable. The energy in her legs depleted quickly. She only made it to the living room before her legs gave out.

“Oof! No fair! You make….” Ariel said, zoning out for a second, she got back on track a moment later, “... make… umm… me no good!” She said, spewing words through her mouth, hoping it made sense. The living room looked different now. It resembled a nursery. Ariel’s nursery. Half her body laid on the couch, while the other half knelt on the ground. She grabbed a pillow subconsciously for support.

“I think I know that stance. Are you going to go potty again??” Lexi said, she pointed at her the back of Ariel’s diaper. Her sister whimpered before a cramp strained her bowels...


“Hrmf….Mff…” Ariel whimpered, she grimaced in pain. She was trying in vain to stop something that she didn’t understand in the first place. She randomly clenched down on muscles in her pelvic area. She didn’t know if it was working or not. They were shots in the dark. Lexi beamed a loving smile down at her sister. Her tone melted into motherly teasing.

“Are you going poopie? Hm? Are you going potty when you’re not supposed to?” She said, maintaining her bright demeanor. It washed Ariel’s stress away. Her facial expression started to change. Her cheeks flushed red. Her lips wiggled from frowning to a small smile. She felt giddy, childish excitement push out her embarrassment. It was funny when an adult teases you for being childish and silly. She couldn’t help but nod her head.

“Yewth…” She said around her thumb. Lexi flicked her wand, another pacifier materialized around her sister’s lips. This time it was red.

“This will help you pass.” Lexi said. She was right, the rubber nipple made her sister’s eyes waver again. Her defenses were crumbling. She couldn’t stop another babyish vacuum from suffocating her thoughts. Her mind thought freely. It had no leash. She bounced from one sensation to the next. She lost control. She flooded her diaper for the second time in the past five minutes. The mess spread like warm mush into the back of her diaper. She didn’t try to stop it. Ariel didn’t know anymore that people stopped themselves from going to the bathroom. It just happened.

Ariel felt like her consciousness was slipping. Her self-image was getting confusing. She knew adults existed, and that she was probably one at some point, but none of that made sense anymore. She was filling up her diaper and sucking on a pacifier to enjoy the mess even more. Adults don’t do that. There’s no way she could have ever been a big kid before. Ariel’s weak limbs caused her to slip off the couch. She leaned back up against the couch and faced Lexi.

“Anyone still in there?” Lexi said, tapping her sister’s head.

“Heeee” Ariel responded, forming a drooly smile. The last of her was fading. She tried to mentally grasp at her wispy departing thoughts. She couldn’t snag them all. The rest drifted away like balloons.

“You’re supposed to say, ‘Uh-oh!’ When you have an accident!” Lexi reminded her baby sister. Ariel, always one to be a good girl and follow the rules, placed her hands on the front of her diaper.

“Brup-Booww” She babbled around her pacifier. Her lips were too numb to control.

“Good girl.” Lexi said. She stepped closer to Ariel, then pointed the wand at her. The tip gently touched the front of Ariel’s forehead. Lexi whispered the last of her spell. The end illuminated again.

Ariel’s eyes opened wide, then rolled into the back of her head. Her mouth flopped open, along with her tongue. The pacifier dislodged from her lips, it tumbled off her chest and onto the ground in a dripping wet mess. Her body released whatever was left in her bladder and bowels straight into her diaper.

Starting with the front of her mind, the lights went out. The roots of the spell grew from there toward the back. Each tentacle erased another part of her brain. It extinguished every neuron. Nothing in her brain fired anymore. She was rest back to zero seconds old.

“Perfect.” Lexi thought, as she watched her sister slump to her side. Her body was tangled up in itself. Her eyes crossed, and went out of focus. Her diaper felt warm and mushy. “I can change you back whenever I want.” Lexi thought, she shoved the wand into her pants. “Maybe…” She whispered, walking to the changing table to get supplies.

“Probably not.”

MC 2021



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