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“Thank you, Ang, you’re the best. You know how it is moving. You always underestimate how much junk you really have. These old baby supplies are one of them!” Shelby said thankfully. She dropped the last of three boxes onto Angelina’s living room floor.

“It’s my pleasure! I know moving sucks, even if it is just across town. You really don’t need any of this though? Your little one isn’t going to miss all of these toys, and they don’t need these pull-ups?” Angelina said. She pointed down at the three open boxes of baby toys, supplies, and a package of goodnights.

“No, he doesn’t like playing with these toys anymore. And he’s totally potty trained now! I was going to donate all of it, but I thought why not hold onto it just in case for a couple more months.” Shelby said.

“Well, if you don’t end up needing it in that time, I could just donate it for you.” Angelia offered. Shelby smirked.

“Yeah that’d be great. I don’t want to make this your burden. If it’s too much space for you, just let me know and I could figure something out.” Shelby said.

“I think I can manage holding onto three boxes of baby toys for a friend.” Angelina said, chuckling at the end.

“We super appreciate it! Look, I’ll get out of your hair here. We still have plenty to un-pack at the new home!” Shelby said, before making her way to the door. “Don’t have too much fun with them.” Shelby joked, Angelina saw the humor and laughed as her friend exited.

“Well.” Angelina thought, looking down at the box of toys. “What did Shelby’s little one get to play with?” She thought curiously, her hands started digging through the box. She felt an array of plushies, hard plastic toys, and the soft plastic case of pull-ups. She grabbed onto a random toy and pulled it out.

“Huh.” Angelina said, examining the plastic rattle in her hand. She twisted it around to get a look at each side. The motion triggered LED lights to flash warm colors. “It lights up!” Angelina thought, she tightened her grip around the handle. She started shaking it back and forth. The beads rumbled inside, and the sides lit up again.

Angelina let her eyes get lost inside of the toy. The beads crashing and flowing around one another soothed her. She felt her mind grow quiet at the sight of the lights and sounds. This blanket of calm wrapped around her. Her hand absently shook the rattle as her eyes remained locked on the toy.

She didn’t stop shaking it until minutes later.

“Hm..” Angelina said, blinking back into reality. “That was..” Angelina thought, realizing in that moment that she’d just spent a solid five minutes absent mindedly standing there, rattling a baby toy. She didn’t finish her train of thought. Instead, she carefully placed the rattle back into a box.

“I’ll stick them in the closet here.” Angelina thought, she grabbed the boxes and put them into her living room closet. “Those will be safe there. I don’t use that closet anyways.” She rationalized instead of putting them in the basement. It was a good spot for them. “If I need to get to them quickly I can.” She thought, “For Shelby… of course!” She added at the end.


“Nehh!” Angelina blurted as her foot connected with the garbage can. She watched the empty vessel tumble onto the floor. “So stupid, so fucking stupid.” She whispered, after a few moments she bent down and picked the can back up. “Now I have to wait for my new card. Screw scammers. Some people can be downright horrible.” She thought. Angelina had never had her credit card information stolen before. She knew it’d be annoying paying for anything with a check for the next few days. Her mind couldn’t get off the butterfly effect of problems she was about to face. She started pacing around her living room, running through all the scenarios in her mind.

“I need to undo the automatic payments on that account, I have to change all of my Amazon information, I’ll have to pay for…. Ughhh! I don’t want to deal with this right now!” Angelina exclaimed. Her feet stopped pacing at the closet door.

Angelina saw the door out of the corner of her eye. She knew what was in there. Her mind thought back to the rattle. The smooth plastic touch of the handle. Red beads bouncing around playfully in the bulb. Of course, the best part were the swirly colors that lit up when she shook it. She saw them dance in her mind. The image alone pushed a heavy weight of anxiety out of her chest.

Her hand grabbed the knob. Before thinking too much, she twisted it and pulled the door open. The baby toys were exactly where she left them.

“Do I… really want this?” She thought, staring at the pile. “I’m an adult. Adults don’t, play with baby toys. They’re not meant for someone my age. They’re simple, silly, soft… comfortable…. And easy to play-“Angelina cut off her train of thought. That was enough of a reason for her. She bent down and grabbed opposite sides of a box. She pulled the box out and tipped it over. Dozens of babyish toys spilled out onto the floor.

“Oops… hehe…” Angelina mused to herself, “Someone dropped all of these baby toys on the ground. I need to pick them up!” She quipped. She let the tension in her legs go limp. She sat down in front of the sea of toys.

She grabbed at the first toy in front of her. It was a plushie caterpillar. Instantly, Angelina felt herself get lost into a mystical forest world. Her fingers animated the caterpillar, it scrunched along a tree branch, waving at Angelina to come join her. She happily accepted. Getting lost into her own fantasy world was easy, and extremely vivid. She didn’t think about the outside world while she was in her own little forest. She didn’t have to. Angelina’s mind didn’t feel like an adult in the outside world. She felt small, like a little girl who wandered around in the forest with a friend caterpillar. There wasn’t any responsibility. No adult cares to worry about. Just having silly mindless fun.

The forest dissolved once she dropped the caterpillar. Her mind let the location of the toy drift away out of existence. She grabbed at another random toy. This one was a beaming elephant with wheels instead of legs. Angelina’s mind saw a track for the toy to ride around form on the floor.

“Brrrrrr” Her lips flapped, imitating the sound of an engine. She revved the pitch high and low depending on the turn. She felt her self-identity become an extension of the toy. Her personality and thoughts blended into the play.

“Gotta pee pee.” She thought lazily. Her first instinct wasn’t to worry. Her mind was far too engrossed in playing with her Elephant. She let her body’s signals run their own course. She subconsciously got onto her knees as she drove the car back and forth. Feeling more relaxed in that moment then ever previously, her bladder muscles started to loosen. Angelina was faintly aware of what was going on. She had much more important things to focus on then peeing.

“Hm?” Angelina said, suddenly breaking from the racetrack. She felt a damp sensation developing near her waist. “I’m peeing myself!” She realized, quickly standing up and shooting her hands down to her crotch. Her potty training kicked in instinctively. She clenched down, stopping the dribbles from continuing to eek out. She scanned the damage. There wasn’t much, except for a small dark stain in the middle of her pants.

Angelina’s eyes shot to the package of pull-ups in the closet.

“I guess I need some protection whenever I’m playing…” She said, taking a step closer to the package of goodnights


Angelina’s diapered butt plopped down on the floor. Her thumb instinctively wiggled its way in between her lips. Her mouth started happily sucking on the digit. Her mind grew dim. She didn’t control her hands or body. They acted independently on their own will. She absently picked up a plastic ring with keys around it. Her hand shook the keys, bringing a delightful chattering sound into Angelina’s ears. It sunk her conscious firmly into a familiar regressed pocket.

“Mwobwub” She babbled in response to the keys. Angelina didn’t think about words when she was regressed. She didn’t think about anything for that matter. It’s what made regressing into an infant so appealing to her.

After her first session, Angelina was hooked. She never had experienced regression at that level before. The fact she slipped so easily into it. Her mind didn’t want to think adult thoughts, and instead wade around in nonsensical mush. All her cares, any worry she could possibly think of, they didn’t exist anymore. Not while in baby mode.

“Babies don’t feel stress. They don’t even know what that is.” Angelina reasoned with herself while in the diaper aisle. Pull-ups had been fun to wear at first, but they certainly weren’t thick enough. Not at the level Angelina was wetting at. She didn’t want control of anything when she was regressed. Bodily fluids included. After cleaning up multiple pee stains in the carpet, diapers were a necessity.

She tried her best not to let her cooping mechanism creep into real life. It was hard though; get yelled at while at work? She couldn’t help but sneak into the bathroom and steal some soothing, eye-fluttering sucks from her thumb. Stuck in bumper to bumper traffic? She was shaking her car rattle while nursery rimes blared through the speaker. Having a baby mind while stressed was too alluring. She didn’t want to deal with grown-up emotions. She wanted to be relaxed. Naïve to any of the world’s stressors. Angelina wanted to think about diapers, her toy’s imaginary worlds, and the lives they lived. She wanted to be a baby.

That’s why she had a moment of panic when she saw the caller ID flash on her phone, knowing already what the call was about.

“Hey!” Angelina said, sitting in her pee filled diaper at home.

“Hey Ang, I wanted to see if I could swing by and grab the baby stuff? We don’t need it, but I thought I’d take it off your hands and donate it all.” She said. Angelina smirked, looking out at the baby toys sparkled across her floor.

“Oh yeah, it’s all good. I already donated them for you. Don’t worry about it.” Angelina said. She was right. The toys had already been donated to a baby in need. Shelby, and Angelina, just didn’t know it at the time.




Awwww. I’m sure she’ll take good care of them.


I simply love the stories maggie