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“I’ll be gone for most of the day, Paisley. Are you going to be a good girl for the babysitter?” Ruth said to the diapered girl sitting crisscross on the floor. Paisley was only wearing a T-shirt that barely covered the top of her diaper’s waistband. The rest of her saggy bulk was on clear display.

“Hm?” Paisley murmured around her pacifier. Her gaze broke from the TV for the first time in 45 minutes. She blinked a couple times to focus her vision back to reality. She cocked her head and shot a confused look at Ruth. “Babysitter?” Paisley said, unsure as to why that was necessary.

“Well of course! I can’t leave a little one like you alone for long. Don’t worry though, Dear. I’ll be back later on in the day. You’re going to have so much fun with Abbey!” Ruth said, her footsteps caused the wooden floorboards to creek as she gathered her things.

A bolt of fear shot through Paisley’s body. “Oh no, a babysitter?! What if I know this girl? I can’t let her see me like this!” Paisley said, looking down at her discolored diaper. She thought for a moment about changing into adult underwear, but she quickly realized that’d be a bad idea…

Paisley wasn’t potty trained at this point. Even in a critical social situation like this, Paisley had no confidence in her ability to hold it. She almost never registered when she was peeing herself anymore. Wetting had become as normal breathing to her. Sometimes she’d notice it in the background, but for the most part, she could go days without realizing she’d just dribbled into her diaper. Warm saggy diapers were her everyday underwear.

Her bowels weren’t much better. Her muscles had grown soft due to lack of use. The moment she felt any urge to mess, it was a matter of seconds before it was in the back of her diaper. If she really tried, she could buy herself a couple minutes at most. But knowing how much she liked to zone out in baby mood now, it was a big ask to stay focused on something she wasn’t used to anymore. These diapers weren’t coming off, even if Paisley wanted them to.

“Okay, maybe I can go get some shorts? What do I even have to wear in the closet? Come on, Paisley. You really should have prepared for something like this…” She thought to herself, as she started mentally flipping through clothe options in her mind. Her closet seemed blurry in head. She hadn’t opened those doors in months. Her drawers were nothing more than T-shirts and diapers at this point. She didn’t even know where Ruth had put her pants.

Her frantic thoughts didn’t matter. They quieted to nothing once she heard someone knock on the door. Paisley felt herself freeze in fear. She wet herself on reflex. The front of her diaper warmed as her accident absorbed into the already wet padding.

“I think that’s her!” Ruth said, she quickly made her way over toward the front door. She gripped the doorknob, twisted it, and pulled the door open.

“Phew…” Paisley thought, the moment she saw the girl’s face. She had no idea who she was.

“Hi there, Abbey! Welcome! Come on in, come on in. Wipe your shoes on the mat there.” Ruth said to the girl. She looked like any other senior girl in High School looking to make some money from babysitting. She had to be no younger than 18.

“Hi… oh…” Abbey said, once she caught a glimpse of Paisley on the floor. She clearly wasn’t expecting to see a fully grown adult woman on the ground. Abbey looked up at Ruth and said, “I’m sorry… I thought you said she was… um… well… a toddler?”

“Oh, I know, she should be potty trained at this point, but she’s just not there yet. You said in the ad you’re okay with changing diapers though, right?” Ruth said. Abbey, still looking completely bewildered by Paisley, just nodded.

“Yeah I can… I can change her diapers. That won’t be a problem.” Abbey said, still maintain eye contact.

Paisley continued looking back at the girl. In that moment she realized she had a choice to make. Should she be her adult self around this girl? How would she take that? It would be a little weird if she talked and acted like an adult, yet this girl has to follow her around and change her diapers?

The girl wasn’t expecting Paisley to act like a big kid. In Abbey’s eyes, Paisley was probably a mental baby in an adult’s body. So why pretend to be something she wasn’t? Paisley could be a complete and total baby around Abbey. Without hesitation, Paisley felt her mind cement that relationship.

“Hebwo!” Paisley babbled around her pacifier. She threw a hand up and waved at the girl.

“Hi there, baby. Er… little girl. How are you?” Abbey said, she bent her knees to get closer to Paisley’s level.

Paisley felt infantile urges pull her brain further down the baby spectrum. If she was a baby why not go all the way? She felt her mind sink over that expectation. Paisley gave a lightly confused look at Abbey. She remained quiet for a few moments before turning back toward her TV.

“Does she, not understand how to talk yet?” Abbey asked, standing straight up and looking toward Ruth.

“She has her days, but for the most part no. Lately she’s just been grunting, whining, and pointing at things that she wants. Hopefully around a new face she’ll open up a bit more.” Ruth said, she moved her gaze down toward her watch. “Alright, well I have to get going. You have my number in case anything happens. I should only be a couple hours. Thank you again for helping on such short notice! Remember that her diapers on the changing table in her room, and I’ve left some Mac & Cheese in the microwave for you to reheat. She might be fussy about it at first, but if you spoon feed it to her she’ll normally eat it.” Ruth said before turning toward the door. “Bye bye, Paisley! Be nice to your babysitter!” Ruth said, before walking through the front door. Paisley didn’t say anything back, she kept her eyes glued to the TV screen.

“This is… so strange.” Abbey said to herself, “I’ve never seen someone this big still in diapers.” She muttered to herself. Paisley pretended to act like she wasn’t paying attention, but she could hear every word the girl was saying. Those same giddy feelings of excitement started resurfacing in Paisley’s chest. Just like when she put that pull-up on for the first time. Someone from the outside world saw her as a baby. Not as an adult, a diaper piddling baby that needed someone to watch her. It was strangely enticing to Paisley. She wanted chase that feeling.

Paisley grabbed a plushy caterpillar next to her. She took the stuffed critter and started banging it on the floor. Her eyes looked up at Abbey. She started let out a babyish whimper, indicating that she wanted to play.

“day!... day!” Paisley said around her pacifier. She grabbed another toy and started shaking it in Abbey’s direction.

“You want to play, Paisley?” Abbey said, not completely certain. She took a couple steps toward the Paisley before sitting down across from her. “Can you use your words? Can you say, ‘I want to play?’” Abbey said to Paisley.

Being treated this babyish unlocked a new level of regression desires in Paisley. She wanted to be at the mental level this girl was treating her. She let her mind grow quiet, and simply go along with how this girl expected her to act.

“I w-w… anaanaawawa” Paisley said, feeling her words simply spill out of her. She felt silly, but it was fun to regress into little space like this. Paisley forced her mind to think less. She’d been playing baby for so long around Ruth. It frankly wasn’t that hard for her to get into this head space.

“That’s alright, Paisley. You’ll get there. Here, I’ll play as the ladybug, and you can be the caterpillar.” Abbey said, picking up the ladybug plushy. Abbey was only a few seconds into animating the toy before suddenly her phone started to vibrate. “Hold on, one second, Paisley.” Abbey said, before fishing around in her pocket. She dug her phone out a second later. Her finger swiped left to answer the call.

“Hello. Hey yeah what’s up? … No I haven’t done that homework yet I’m going to do it while I’m with my charge. Oh my god, girl. I’m babysitting the weirdest baby, person, adult, I don’t even know what to call it… Yeah she is an adult, but she dressed and acts like a baby. She’s non-verbal and everything…. No I don’t think she’s faking it. Who just acts like this? And her mom or whatever seemed totally cool with it… I don’t know, this is really weird… Yeah, dude. I’m looking right at her. She’s sucking a pacifier and wearing a wet diaper. Yeah, she isn’t even reacting to what I’m saying. She looks like she’s in her own world…. Oh frick. Listen, I gotta go. She’s leaking on the floor. Ugh, okay bye.” Abbey said, before suddenly hanging up the phone.

“No, no. Come on, Paisley. Stand up, we need to get you in a new diaper this one is so soaked.” Abbey said, she quickly stood up and helped Paisley to her feet.

Paisley was in a dreamy state. Listening to that phone conversation let her mind sink further down into little space. She felt herself drop down another notch right before the ground beneath her felt wet. She was happily giddy about the fact she just leaked out of her diaper. She let Abbey pull her toward her nursery.

“Get up, quickly. It’s okay if you make a puddle on the table, I can clean it up later. This is so weird, I can’t believe you just did that. You really aren’t potty trained.” Abbey said. Paisley jumped onto the table. She didn’t even know if she was still going or not. She let Abbey take care of those big kid worries.

Abbey started untapping Paisley’s soggy diaper after it appeared the flow had stopped. By the end of it, Paisley had a small pool of pee around the seat of her diaper. Paisley had gotten her diaper changed thousands of times by Ruth before. But this one felt different.

Part of it was the new headspace she was in. Acting this little was more fun than Paisley had ever had here. The more Paisley thought about it, that had really been the theme of her entire stay with Ruth. Each day she felt like another piece of her adult-hood chipped away. Each chip that fell filled Paisley’s chest with a thundering amount of joy and happiness. She thought at some point she’d reach the bottom. That there was a point where she’d say to herself, “That’s it. I’m not going any further down. I want to be an adult again.”

But that bottom never seemed to come. And it didn’t seem to be on the horizon anytime soon. If anything, she still had plenty of room left before that bottom. Paisley may had been an adult before coming here. But she was far from that now. As these ideas struck Paisley, she felt yet another piece of her dwindling adulthood chip away.

“There you go, all dry. Probably not for long though.” Abbey said. Paisley just giggled and smiled back.


Paisley absent mindedly played with toys around her. Coos and gurgles sporadically spilled out of her. She didn’t have an agenda with them. She just let her body and mind randomly pick up toys and play make believe. Paisley wasn’t present in the real world. Her brain was lost in baby land.

“Do you know what this is?” Abbey’s voice rang out. Paisley felt herself pulled back into reality by her voice. A piece of paper was shoved directly into her view. Her vision was hazy. The paper looked like it had random scribbles on it at first. It took a couple blinks for Paisley to properly focus on what was in front of her.

“nuh?” Paisley muttered, as her eyes finally resolved the numbers on the page. It looked like calculus. Paisley had actually been pretty good at math when she was in High School. She felt a flicker of mathematical memory return to her as she scanned the problems.

The longer she looked, the more she felt a resistance grow in her brain. She didn’t want to remember. Paisley didn’t want to know how these equations or numbers worked. She forcibly stopped herself from recalling, and let herself blankly look at the page instead.

“Nothing? I thought so.” Abbey said, before pulling the page back.

As the page whisked away, Paisley suddenly recognized a group of numbers at the top of the page. It pinged something in her brain. Those numbers were important for some reason. Paisley felt part of her adult brain come back to her.

“Waihh-“ Paisley said, grabbing the paper again. She pulled it into her view and looked at the date at the top of the page.

“April 19th”

“Woah…” Paisley thought to herself, feeling her grip on the paper release. She looked into the distance as the realization hit her. She’d been at Ruth’s for almost 11 months.

“I’ve been a baby for… 11… months?” Paisley thought to herself. It made sense the more she thought about it. Time seemed like it blurred together once her life had become a never ending stream of diaper changes. Each day had practically been the same. Wake up. Fill diapers. Go to bed. Fill diapers. Repeat.

“Something wrong, Paisley?” Abbey said. Paisley didn’t respond. She just kept living in her mind.

Paisley was surprised at how she felt. And it wasn’t the initial shock of finding out she’d spent months here without realizing it. What really surprised Paisley was how much she didn’t care. Paisley already knew she’d likely spend another 11 here. What about her life was going to make that change? It certainly wasn’t Paisley.

“I’ll be right back. I need to use the bathroom.” Abbey said, as she placed her homework down on the couch. She got up, and walked down the hallway toward the bathroom.

Paisley laid in her daze. This was Paisley’s life. Whether she’d understood it or not at this point, this is what she wanted. Paisley wanted to be in diapers. She didn’t want to have potty training anymore. She might have convinced herself in the past that she lost control only because she’d worn diapers for so long. But who kept her in diapers? Who was the one who stopped trying to hold it the moment that padding was taped around her waist? It wasn’t Ruth. It was Paisley. She’d kept herself here all this time. She was the one acting like a complete baby.

Before Paisley could ponder any further, the phone suddenly rang next to her. It pulled her back into reality. She looked at the screen to see the caller ID.

It was her mother.

Paisley let it ring one more time before she stood up and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” Paisley said.

“Paisley, good I wanted to talk to you.” Kathy said before pausing. It seemed like she wanted Paisley to respond to that, but the two remained silence. Her mother continued a couple seconds later, “Listen, I… I’m sorry for how things have been the past few months. I didn’t intend for things to end up this way. I know you like living at Ruth’s, and she enjoys having the company and all, but… a friend of mine is looking to fill a job and she said she’d take you with your resume and degree. You can live back at home; your sister has officially moved out. You can take that room back. Listen, I still love you and I’ll always support you no matter what you want to be in life. You don’t have to take that job, I just wanted to let you know in case you were looking to move back.” Kathy said. This time leaving Paisley to fill the silence.

There wasn’t much of a debate in Paisley’s mind. She knew the answer before her diaper even finished filling.

“I’m good, Mommy. Love you too.” Paisley said, before she finished pushing the mess into the back of her diaper. She relished in her warm soggy diaper for a second before she hung up the phone.

Paisley immediately jumped back to her toys on the floor. She felt her mind cement into little space. One that she wouldn’t have to get out of for as long as she wanted. Which for Paisley, wasn’t likely anytime soon.
