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“There, I just did it.” Riley said to Sarah as she lowered the barrel. Sarah rolled her eyes at the shit eating grin Riley had on her face.

“No, you didn’t, Riley. Do you realize how crazy you sound? Making me fall crazily in love with diapers because of your ‘special ray gun’ you bought from that guy. I sound like I’m explaining the start of a shitty fan fiction.” Sarah said, she threw her hands up in frustration. “Look, it’s late and I need to get home to do some final studying for my graduate entry exam tomorrow. This seems like the perfect juncture to leave. Have fun with your toy. Sorry you got ripped off, girl.” She said, before getting onto her feet. Sarah gathered her purse, keys, coat, and started walking toward the door. Just as her hand gripped the knob Riley spoke out.

“I’m still coming over next week for dinner, right?” Riley said, she was spinning the trigger guard of the gun around her finger.

“*Sigh* Yes, of course. I wouldn’t want to miss your latest purchase of a talking dog that’ll tell you your future.” Sarah said, she chuckled then opened the door. She walked out into the brisk nighttime air. She kept her composure for a few moments as she made it to her car, just in case Riley was watching her through the window. Once Sarah was roughly 15 feet away from her car she couldn’t help but start speed walking toward the door. Her hands quickly gripped the door handle. In one swift motion she flung herself into the driver seat, and pulled out her phone and clicked her Ways app.

“Uggghhh, where is the nearest CVS? I need to get in a diaper right fucking now. Mmmm my god, I don’t even care if someone sees me buy them. I NEED to be diapereddd.” Sarah said desperately to herself. Her body had never physically loved something more right now. Her new love for diapers outweighed that of her mother and father combined. Her life passions, goals, ambitions. None of that mattered compared to diapers now.

“Alright, 3 miles, let’s go.” She thought to herself, before slamming the car in reverse. She hit the gas hard enough where the tires screeched while turning out of the driveway. Once she aligned her car with the road, Sarah threw it in drive, and put the peddle to the metal. Who cares about speeding tickets when you lived in a world where you could have diapers? She sped to the store lightning quick.

It took less than 2 minutes for Sarah to get to the store. Each passing second without soft absorbent padding around her waist was excruciating. She didn’t care about the CVS parking spaces. She parked the car in between three different spots. She hopped out of the car, the engine still running, and ran into the store.

“Diapers!” Her mind exclaimed in joy once she saw the “Incontinence” section. She nearly sprinted to the section. Fireworks of pure happiness erupted in body once she saw them. Her face looked like a kid in a candy shop. “Just start grabbing, get as many as you can hold.” She thought to herself. Time was of the essence, she needed to get out of her adult underwear and into thicker padding ASAP. Her body felt like it was crawling without a diaper on. Her hands ferociously grabbed as many packs as her arms could hold. By the end, she walked up to the cash register with 4 packs of adult diapers, 2 packs of pull-ups, and 2 pairs of baby diapers.

“Getting stuff for… everyone in the house I see.” The cashier said as she rung them up. Sarah scoffed at such an insult.

“No, these are all for me. I need more diapers.” Sarah said, insulted at the remark. It didn’t matter though, she needed diapers on NOW, and the check out process was taking too long. Sarah grabbed her wallet and grabbed a fistful of cash, “Here, this is probably enough. I just went to the bank today.” Sarah said, before throwing all the money in her wallet at the clerk. She looked completely dumbfounded as Sarah quickly clutched her bags of diapers.

“Wait, Ms! This is way more….” The clerk’s voice died in the distance as Sarah walked out. She ran to her car, threw the bags in the back, and hopped back into the driver seat. She quickly found the directions back home from the store, and started speeding back to her house. Sarah calculated the cost of her new diaper expense in her head while she weaved in and out of traffic.

“Okay so I make $400 a week at Starbucks, I’m probably going to wet through 5-8 diapers a day. No way I’m holding back. And even if I mess myself, I can wait after a couple wettings to change. That way I can stretch them out. There’s 30 diapers in each pack… so I’ll be going through like one every threeish days… that means I’ll need…. Um…” Sarah thought to herself, the math was starting to get complicated while driving. “Fuck it, I have my entire savings to spend on diapers. I can move back home if need be or whatever.” Sarah thought, as she pulled up to her apartment.

It took a single minute for her to turn the car off, grab the diapers, and bound up 3 flights up stairs. She quickly unlocked and opened her front door, before slamming it behind her. Her hands trembled with excitement as she threw her bags on the floor, and grabbed the first package she saw. Sarah’s excitement ran hot through her veins. She’d been high before, and that was nothing compared to the urge she had to diaper herself right now. She ran to her bedroom, tore open the package of pull-ups she grabbed, and watched as they spilled onto her bed.

“Mmmmm……” escaped Sarah’s lips a moment later, as she hoisted the pull-up into place. “I… oh…” Sarah couldn’t find the words, this was the climax of her life. It was as if she’d lived every moment just to arrive at this moment. The moment she finally went back into diapers. Her mind was swimming in complete nirvana.

“Yupp.” She said, a couple seconds later as she looked down at her panty drawer. She got on her knees, opened the drawer, and grabbed fistfuls of underwear. She started throwing them out in the trash bin next to her bed. “Never wearing these again. Diapers are my underwear now.” Sarah said, with more confidence than she’d ever had in a statement before


Sarah didn’t leave her apartment for days. She had a lifetime of diaper use to catch up on. She didn’t care about her adult responsibilities right now. Diapers were all that her mind and emotions could focus on. From the moment she put that first pull-up on, her bladder and bowel muscles loosened wide open. Any and every twinge from her bodily system went right into her waiting diaper.

Wetting was fun. Wetting made Sarah’s diapers feel warm and soggy. And what was better to Sarah? A clean dry diaper? Or a droopy yellow one? Obviously the soaked one. Sara stopped paying attention to her bladder. She didn’t need to if she was going to be in diapers now. She applied the same thought process to her bowels. She didn’t hold back, any mess that moved through her body landed right into the back of her diaper.

Sarah started changing her entire life to revolve around diapers. She drew pretty pictures of them with some crayons she found in her desk. She drew all kinds of diapers, dry ones, wet ones, messy ones, wet and messy diapers. She took down all the boring adult paintings and replaced them with her diaper drawings. She changed all the backgrounds on her phone, computer, and TV to the thickest diaper images she could find on the internet. She didn’t want to be away from the sight of a diaper for more than a few seconds. Sarah locked her bathroom door and threw the key in the trash. She didn’t need the toilet anymore, and it didn’t make her think about diapers, so why did she need to go in there?

She found an interesting community on the internet that shared the same feelings for diapers that she had. They were nice enough to lead Sarah to audio files that supposedly enhanced her love for diapers even more. Sarah downloaded all the hypnotic files she could get her hands on. She queued them up on her home speakers and let them play on loop.

Each track made messing and wetting so much easier for Sarah. Overtime, it started getting difficult to even pay attention to her bladder or bowel muscles. She started finding herself wetting when she was right in the middle of it. Sarah loved that feeling though, which only made the tracks etch deeper into her brain. They slowly worked to take away Sarah’s adult brain, piece by piece.

Sarah didn’t realize how much time had passed when she heard the knock on the door. Time and numbers were really hard to think about for her now. Anything past 4, and everything felt hazy. Besides, she was too busy to answer the door in the first place. She as having fun grinding her wet diaper on her couch’s arm rest.

“Sarah? Nobody has heard from you in a week. You missed your test, and we’re super worried about you. I’m using the key you gave me a while back. I don’t care, I’m coming in!” Riley said behind the door. A moment later, she shoved the key into the hole, turned it, and opened the front door.

“*GASP* I THOUGHT SO!” Riley yelled. Sarah didn’t even turn around; she was lost in her diaper humping world.

“Da-diapies… mmm.. da-da-diapies… diapies… mmm…. Diapies…” Sarah muttered to herself as she humped. Her eyes were staring up at the ceiling, her tongue was flopped out of her mouth, and drool was dripping down her chin. Riley took immediate action.

“I knew the gun fucked you up. I’m getting you out of this!” Riley said, as she began digging for the gun in her purse. A primal survival instinct alerted Sarah’s brain when she heard that. Someone was trying to take away her diapers. That pulled Sarah right back into reality.

“No!!” Sarah yelled, as she dismounted the arm rest. A split second later, she tackled Riley to the ground. The gun flopped out of Riley’s loose grip, and onto the floor. The two wrestled for control of the device. Sarah, with more on the line to lose than Riley, felt her hand grip the handle.

“You wove diapers like me!” Sarah yelled, before pulling the trigger. Riley’s pupils dilated; her struggle quieted. Her body relaxed, as she melted into the floor. Sarah giggled, and watched as her friend went from combative, to finally giggly and happy like her. Sarah helped Riley up, and brought her into the bedroom to guide her into the same diaper world they could now live in blissfully together!
