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“No wait, this sticker isn’t… supposed to go on… what am I… gosh darn everything feels so… like…” Eva tried organizing her thoughts as best she could. Her neurons felt scrambled though. Like someone had taken all the connections in her brain, and plugged them into places they shouldn’t be. Each thought process led to a completely different mental road than she intended.

“I’m not an… adult… Wait no I’m… a baby who pees… in her diaper? No I thought I was… not… potty trained when I was… little but now… I’m… going poopy in…. diaper?” Eva thought, but still none of it made sense. Each thought was practically answered for her. In her mind she knew something wasn’t correct, but no matter how hard she tried, she simply couldn’t wrangle control of her brain.

“Boop!” Eva said randomly, as she felt herself stick another sticker on her chest. It felt good to be suddenly childish like that. She felt her mind start humming a familiar, delicious playful buzz. Letting her brain sink into a mushy dumb mess was too irresistible. Eva stopped worrying about those adult negative thoughts she had moments ago. Stickers felt fun to put on her chest, why was she trying to argue with that?

“ayego puh stickah on boobbiieee hehe!” Eva uttered, feeling her mouth grow numb and hard to control. Her lips felt funny and rubbery. She didn’t give it a second thought as a bubbling drool started pushing out of her lips. Her mouth just felt wet like that sometimes. “Bwroowp!” Eva squealed and giggled as she placed another sticker onto her chest.

“Oh no, no, no! Little one! Haha, oh look at you. You’re making a big mess with these stickers, aren’t you?” Emilia said softly to Eva. Emilia descended over the girl. She quickly yanked the sticker book away from the regressed Eva. Eva felt despair grow rapidly inside her. It crescendoed into a full-fledged crying scream in a matter of seconds.

“WAA! ME WAN’ STICKEWRS!!!” Eva screamed. She wanted them desperately back into her possession. The 27-year-old had no chance of holding back the ocean of tears that started flooding out of her eyes.

“Oh dear, look at her go. Alright, calm down, calm down there, Baby.” Emilia said, before suddenly popping a bottle into Eva’s mouth. Eva’s temper tantrum stopped instantly. Her mouth salvated around the nipple. Drool started slipping out between her lips as she started sucking instantly on the bottle.

“You little Rugrats can’t get enough of these bottles.” Emilia thought, as she watched Eva’s eyes grow duller. Her gaze became blank and far away. “One of these, and you guys are baby brained for the rest of the day.” Emilia thought to herself, as she placed the sticker book onto a table next to her.

Inmates at the “Second Start” center were crazy for the bottles. They were the main tool used to “Re-educate” the prisoners into more docile civilians. The entire system had been approved by the government as an alternative punishment to jail time. Woman with minor offenses could op out of their jail sentences and spend a few months at these new education centers instead. Eva, who was caught on her second DUI, decided to take the alternative route instead of spending time behind bars. Little did she know, she swapped the metal bars for wooden ones around her crib.

The moment Eva got there she realized this was a mistake. Grown adults crawling around in full diapers. Eva tried getting out, but they had her sucking on one of the mind melting bottles before she could react. Her mind never felt the same ever since. Each drop sank her mind deeper into permanent regression. Her brain sank from the intelligence of a normal 27-year-old, to that of a three year old toddler on a GOOD day. Most of the time that was right before she had her morning bottle for the day. Coupled with the nonstop hypnosis they bombarded her with both day and night, her mind had been reduced to complete babyish rubble.

“I’ll see you in a couple hours before you, ‘wake up.’ “ Emilia said to Eva. Emilia smirked before noticing a couple drops of the bottle had gotten onto her right index finger.

“I love buzzing off these…” Emilia thought, before popping a finger into her mouth. The drops spilled down her tongue. They tasted like ecstasy. “Alright… who’s next for their diapie changes?!” Emilia thought to herself as she looked behind herself at the sea of diapered adults. She felt her brain warm as the drops instantly made their way into her blood stream….


“Uwmf!” Emilia yelled out, as her legs finally collapsed on the ground. She was roughly 200 yards away from the education center at this point. But the hypnosis swirling around in her brain finally knocked her down to her knees. Walking was suddenly super confusing to Emilia. Which leg did she move in front of again? How did she even keep balance? It didn’t make sense.

“Gosta… Gewts… outta… unngg…” Emilia muttered to herself as she tried crawling. She felt another wave of warm wet pee gush into her diaper. She couldn’t control it if she tried. Her mind felt weaker with each swing of her legs.

Stealing drops from the bottles had slowly turned into sips, which graduated to a couple swigs, before ultimately entire bottles. Emilia knew she was in deep when the staff found her passed out in a storage closet one day, with an empty bottle still in her hand. She could barely tell them she was sorry, which came out at the time as, “Me biwg giwl!! Me sowwyy!!”

She was forced into the same routine as Eva. Daily bottles, hypnosis, and mind-numbing TV. She was feeling her lucidity slip away with passing each day. Her moments of having a “big girl brain” was getting fewer and far between. That’s why when they the little ones out to play one day, she knew this was her only chance to get out. She bolted for the trees the second the guards weren’t looking.

“Jus… gotta… keewp… umf!” Emilia uttered to herself, her arms were starting to feel week. Each step she took, her hypnosis conditioning took a stronger grip over her mind. The center made sure that escapees wouldn’t last long away from the center. Running away was bad. Good girls, like Emilia, stayed in their soft cribs and drank their bottles.

“Hrm ermf!” Emilia said, her legs felt were starting to feel to heavy to move. The energy required to move them even a couple inches was beginning to be too much. Her body felt tired, her fleeting mind reasoned that perhaps she should take a break.

“Maybe I… jus… tawke a nappie…” Emilia thought, as she felt herself grind to a halt. The mental dam she had built to keep the infantile thoughts from flooding her brain was close to failing. “I… I jus…” Emilia blabbered to herself, her dizzy vision made it hard to focus on the swirling ground in front of her.

A split second later, Emilia felt her limbs give out completely. She fell onto her stomach, and the dam broke. Strong waves of babyish nothing blew each candle of intelligence out of her mind.

“Da hee!” Emilia squealed, as the warm unintelligence filled her mind. Warm blank regression blanketed her mind. Her mental being was obliterated by the crashing waves of infantile feelings. That same warm feeling started pushing out the back of her diaper. Within seconds, it was completely filled. Her wet and messy diaper indicating to the world the mental level she was now reduced to.

“Da hehe! Ahehe!” Emilia giggled, as she found herself flipping onto her back. The red flowers were so pretty and fun to play with. That was probably why she crawled all the way out here in the first place!

“There you are silly! Someone tried to run away, didn’t she? But she forgot that her little brain wouldn’t let her? Aww, you poor thing.” The woman guard said as she walked up to the babbling Emilia. “Well, looks like we’re going to have to wipe you entirely now. We don’t like escapees here. Come along, let’s get rid of every last brain cell.” The guard waved the cart over. With help, she got Emilia on it, and whisked her off to her complete and utter mental factory reset.



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