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“No wait a second… fuck am I dumb now?” Stacy thought to herself. She stopped dead in her tracks and started rubbing her head in confusion. Her quizzical look was clear to any passerby behind her sunglasses.

“Where am I even going? Wasn’t I going to the store to get more of something… I don’t really… But hold on, am I still dumb? I don’t think I figured that out yet.” Stacy’s mind felt like she couldn’t hang onto a single thought.

This was how her mind had been deteriorating over the past week. It started with simple things like forgetting why she walked into a room, or why she had opened her phone. Overtime her mind gradually forgot more important things like where she worked, what to do when she had to use the potty, what letter came after “K”, or how to paint without using your fingers.

“No wait!” Stacy thought, as a moment of clarity washed over her mind. Her hands shot down toward her thickly padded crotch. She suddenly felt elated. All her problems were solved! Her fingered pressed into the mushy padding. A gush of warmth spilled out the sides of her diaper from the sudden pressure. “Me not dumb! I’m wearing my diaper! That’s not dumb!!” Stacy said out loud.

Her mind barely registered that it wasn’t normal for warm wet beads to spill down your legs. That might mean that something was wrong with her diaper. Stacy spaced her feet apart and looked down at her crotch.

“Hmm… it feels kinda wet around the edges…” Stacy said to herself. People walking by looked on in complete shock. A grown woman staring directly down at her heavily diapered crotch, clearly inspecting her leaky diaper. Stacy didn’t care though.

“Ah well, someone more smarterer than me is suppose’ ta take care of my diapers…” Stacy thought, as her head snapped back up. Her legs came back to attention and she started waddling down the road. Her diaper felt so warm and wet with each swing of the leg. Stacy relished in the feeling. She wondered why everyone else’s butts weren’t puffy and wet like hers.

“What was I doin’ again? Thinking? Hehe…” Stacy thought, feeling so silly for even trying to preform such an act. Thinking was for people with brains, and Stacy definitely didn’t have one of those. She simply buzzed and hummed along the sidewalk, letting the world take her wherever she wanted.

“STACY!” A voice rang out from behind. It shook her out of a dumb colorful haze.

“Mama?” Stacy muttered absentmindedly around her thumb. It had snuck in there at some point.

“Oh my god, Stacy! It’s… It’s you… Why are you… sucking your thumb? Stacy are you okay? You haven’t been to work in weeks. We’ve been so worried about you!” A woman said frantically to Stacy. Stacy had a vague recollection of this woman. She seemed familiar, almost like she was someone important…

“*Gasp*! Ma’ma!” Stacy squealed, throwing the woman into a hug. “Ma’ma diapie need chaginnn Aheheh!” Stacy giggled into the woman’s ear.

“Ugh, Stacy, no! Fuck, I’m not your mother. I’m your boss! Get off me!” Maya yelled in disgust. “What is wrong with you?! Are you on drugs or—” Maya said, but stopped mid-sentence.

Stacy suddenly coughed directly into the woman’s face. Unprovoked. Particles hit Maya’s eyes and the inside her mouth. She recoiled and scoffed.

“Ew what the- fuck Stacy?! What the hell is wrong with you?! So fucking gross to… ugh Jesus, cough in my face like that?!” Maya said, this whole interaction Stacy was extremely off-putting. The cough, the leaky diaper, the weird infantile reactions. Maya was done. She pushed Stacy aside and started walking away.

“But Ma’ma! Diapie feew so… so goooodddd….” Stacy said, her face growing slack. Her jaw loosened, and a floppy tongue started hanging from a drooly smile. Stacy felt a wave of euphoric regression rock her brain as another stream of pee started gushing into her saturated diaper. “Diap-o… Didi waeh waeh…” Stacy said, her mind struggling to materialize thoughts. They were fragmented wisps, blown away by the thundering waves of ecstasy.

Maya looked at the wide-smiled, zombie brained woman in disgust. “God, she is so fucked up on something.” She thought, before picking up her pace. She couldn’t get home fast enough after that encounter


“We are not sure when or where this virus came from, but we are asking all citizens who are experiencing the following symptoms to STAY HOME! They are: “Brain Fog”, Urinary or Bowel Incontinence, mental and cognitive impairments, amnesia, confusion, infantile thoughts or behaviors. If you are experiencing any one of these, please contact your primary care doctor IMMEDIATELY!” The anchorwoman said with an urgent tone. Maya winced and groaned in the bathroom mirror.

“Oh darn it! Stacy gave me that bad virus thingie they talkin’ bout. She coughed all over me a couple days ago…” Maya said, looking at herself in the mirror. Her thick diaper bulge ballooned out from her ass.

Maya started feeling the effects of the virus the night she interacted with Stacy. By the morning, her bed was soaked, and she couldn’t stop thinking about going to the store to buy diapers. Her feet practically took her to the drug store that day. Since then, she’d been padded 24/7. It was mix of deep desire, and a growing genuine fear she’d make a mess in her pants without them.

“I think she made my head feel funny… Like a dummy dumb head…” Maya thought, as she felt a pressure grow in her bladder. She concentrated all of her physical and mental power to clench down hard. She knew what would come next if she didn’t.

“Ergg… Come on, Maya… Be a big kiwd… Don’t become dummy…Don’t go potty in your diaper…Hermm!” She wined, trying her literal best. She felt herself on the very edge of her potty training. She held it together with all her might.

One drop fell into her diaper… then another… then a couple more…

“Uh.. oh…” Maya whispered to herself, still trying in vain to stop the accident she was already having.

Maya knew what was about to become next. It had been happening more and more each time she flooded her diaper. Fun, giggly, infantile thoughts started creeping into the forefront of her mind as her flow grew heavier. The lights of higher thinking and reasoning started turning off as her regressed brain started taking hold.

“I’m… he… hehe…I’m” Maya uttered, trying her best to keep her adult mind intact. The growing warmth below her groin couldn’t be stopped. Her bladder muscles started relaxing. The slow trickle accelerated into a steady stream.

“I’m going pee pee in my diaapeerrr!!! Heheh! I’m going poottyy! Ahee I’m dumb wike a baby! Hehe” Maya blurted out, and that was it. Her stance widened, and her bladder muscles completely relaxed. She pushed down on her bladder. The steady stream intensified into a complete flood.

“Oooo…” Maya uttered involuntarily. Her final release completely flooded her brain with fun bubbly thoughts of intense regression. Her adult mind completely drained out into her pants and filled back up with intense feelings of joy and pleasure.

Her eyes closed, her lips perked, and her hand moved to grab the back of her hair. Her entire body melted into complete and absolute bliss.

The virus rewired her brain with each accident. This was how Maya wanted to live her life now. Moments ago she was an adult, but not anymore. Maya didn’t want to be smart. She didn’t want to know what it was like to be a big kid. She wanted this bliss. She wanted her mind filled with sweet thoughts of diapers, blissful sensations, and incoherent fragments.

“Ima ba baba peepee diapieee..” She said, using her maximum mental capacity to form those words. Her perked lips pushed out bubbles of drool for fun.

Her legs wobbled. The brain cells in charge of knowing how to walk and stand died, and were replaced instead with the desire to love and use diapers. That’s what most of her brain capacity was responsible for now anyways. Maya sank down onto her cushioned butt. Sinking even further mentally into a scrambled brained, diaper-loving, mental infant.




Just lovely !