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“Don’t care.” Paisley thought to herself when she woke the next morning with a full bladder. Normally she held it in for Ruth, but not anymore. Even though her diaper was already near max capacity from her anger accident the night before, she let the pressure in her bladder go. The warm trickle absorbed into her diaper for a few moments, before spilling out the sides. Paisley couldn’t help a smirk from growing on her lips as she let herself leak.

“If this is how they’re going to see me, then why do I have to act any different?” Paisley thought to herself.

And that’s exactly what she started to do. Any reservations Paisley had about using diapers had completely vanished.

She told herself it was out of spite to her mother. How could she just leave and say those nasty things to Paisley without allowing her to defend herself? But deep down, it was more than that. A growing part of Paisley relished in the accidents. The same excitement she felt earlier from putting on her first pull-up busted through her chest each time she let out a trickle. Paisley knew what she was doing. She knew the consequences of letting go into your diapers 24/7. Under the veil of spite, she started willingly un-potty training herself.

“Fuck it. If they want me to be a baby. Then I’ll be a baby. Let’s go diapie.” Paisley thought to herself. She simply stopped trying to use her bladder and bowel muscles. She consciously relaxed them every waking second of the day. It didn’t matter when or where she was, what she was wearing, or what the state of her diaper was in. That was for Ruth to take care of now.

It didn’t take long for Paisley to start noticing changes. She was already super used to going in her pull-ups whenever she wanted. After 3 weeks without even flexing her bladder or bowl muscles, her control started tumbling down hill.

The first thing Paisley noticed was how soggy her diapers were getting. Paisley first noticed one day when she was lying in bed on her phone. She felt a slight pressure in her bladder, and instantly let it go into her pants.

“Ah..” She whispered to herself, feeling a wave of naughtiness rush through her. She waited for the feeling of her purposeful accident to absorb into her padding. Instead though, it pooled near the bottom of her bum.

“The fuck?” She thought, sitting up. She felt the pee slosh into the front of her diaper. Drops of her accident squelched out the side of her heavily used diaper. She could only remember one other time she went in that diaper. In reality though, it was way more than that.

“Hoooly shit I’m becoming un-potty trained haha. It’s actually working.” Paisley said to herself as she poked and prodded her mushy diaper. “I don’t even remember… I really wet this thing.” Paisley giggled, finding mostly humor out of this quickly deteriorating situation.

Paisley didn’t stop there. Her wet results only accelerated her desire to wreck her potty training. If she had stopped there, maybe she could have saved it, but she wanted to go further. She wanted to have zero clue what the state of her diapers were. She doubled down on her diaper training.

Messing started becoming frequent, and sometimes surprising. Paisley had blown past the mental barrier of messing her pants. She found the experience highly enjoyable. She worked hard to stop paying attention to herself when she felt the urge to mess.

She would simply focus on something else. Her phone, the TV. She was trying to train her brain to ignore any sensations of needing to mess. Paisley was trying to make messing as attention grabbing as feeling a slight breeze, or someone brushing past you on the sidewalk. Maybe you notice it for a split second, but quickly your mind turns it attention to something much more important. And you simply forget it even happened.

It all came full circle one day when Paisley was talking to Ruth in the kitchen. She was asking Ruth if she could make her some chicken nuggets for lunch.

“Grammy, can you pwetty pwetty pwease make some nuggies for me? I’m so hungryyy.” Paisley said in a whiney tone. She found recently that if she complained or begged hard enough, Ruth would do basically anything she wanted.

“I don’t know, Paisley. You’ve had chicken nuggets the two days. If you keep eating them, you’re going to turn into one!” Ruth said in a loving, yet stern tone. Paisley frowned and lowered her eyebrows. Her anger rolled through her body without any control. She let her emotions do the talking. Her left foot stomped the ground.

“Hrmf! Grammy no fair! Why you being such a meanie! I.. nuh… Wan’ chicken- er-nuh… Nuggets!” Paisley whined like a brat. In the middle of her mild tantrum, she didn’t even notice that she started pushing her bum out. She bent forward slightly, and her face muscles tightened.

In the way back of Paisley’s mind she registered that something just happened, but it quickly faded from her mind. It didn’t even have the time to form as a memory. She didn’t know what it was, and frankly didn’t care. She just wanted her chicken nuggets.

“Sweetie, do you just go potty?” Ruth asked, Paisley shot a quizzical look.

“Wha? No, Granny. I didn’t.” Paisley said, genuinely sure she didn’t do anything in her diaper. She hadn’t felt a change. “I want Chicken Nuggies! Not a diaper change!” Paisley said, feeling frustrating flash in her chest.

“Honey, without looking, how wet do you think your diaper is?” Ruth said to Paisley. Paisley’s anger subsided slightly as she found humor in trying to guess the state of her diaper. She didn’t even look down.

“Heh. I don’ know? A little?” Paisley said, trying to base her answer in reality. She remembered feeling a little wet a couple hours ago, but she wasn’t sure if that was a few diaper changes ago. Ruth smirked and shook her head.

“Honey, you’re soaked. I’m surprised you’re not leaking right now.” Ruth said, walking up toward Paisley. She walked behind the girl and grabbed at the waistband of her diaper. She pulled it out to get a view of the back. “And just what I thought, you always make that face when you start messing yourself.” Ruth said in a defeated tone.

“Wait, what? Haha.” Paisley said, trying her best to swivel her neck to get a look at the back of her diaper. “Did I really mess? Lol” Paisley said, feeling completely nonchalant about the situation. It was comical to her that she had just messed without noticing. It was like telling her she just called someone the wrong name or messed up on what day it was. A simple, harmless, everyday occurrence.

“You have been going through diapers like crazy lately. You’re up to almost half a pack a day. Sometimes you even go past 7 on a bad day. What has happened to you, Paisley? It’s like you’ve gone backwards. Are you even trying?” Ruth said. Paisley just shrugged.

“Eh, I don’t know, Grammy.” Paisley said. She was already bored of the conversation. All she wanted was her chicken nuggets. “Can you change me or get the nuggies, please?” Paisley said, she knew if she kept pushing Ruth would fold. And that’s exactly what she did.

“*Sigh* Yeah, let me put them in the oven then I’ll change you.” Ruth said in defeat. Paisley jumped up and hugged her Grandmother.

“Yayyy! Thank you Grammy! Love you!!” Paisley said. Adding some love at the end always sealed the deal. Ruth grinned and patted her grand-daughter’s arm back.

“Love you too, go get on your changing table and I’ll be there soon.” Ruth said.

“Kay!” Paisley said. She followed the order and walked to the changing table in her room.


The sound of the vacuum echoed distantly through the home on a lazy afternoon. Paisley always hated the noise. It distracted her from watching videos on her phone.

“What am I at? Like 5%? Uggghhhh I have to walk all the way over there thoughhh.” Paisley thought to herself. She let her dying phone fall onto her diapered lap. She sunk into the couch. She could die from laziness. No part of her wanted to walk all the way to her bedroom and grab her charger.

“I know what to do…” Paisley though, she drew in a big inhale before belting, “GRAMMY! CAN YOU GET MY PHONE CHARGER!!!” Paisley yelled toward the vacuum noise.

“What was that?!” Ruth yelled back. Paisley sighed and rolled her eyes.

“PHONE!!! CHARGERR!!” Paisley yelled back louder.

“What?! I can’t—Oh!” Ruth yelled, suddenly the sound of the vacuum whined to a halt. It didn’t sound like it was on purpose. “Oh damnit, Paisley! You distracted me.” Ruth yelled from across the house. Paisley had no clue what was going on, but she sure as hell wasn’t getting up.

“What happened, Grammy?” Paisley yelled back. She heard Ruth sigh in frustration multiple times.

“Damn thing… all tangled….” Ruth muttered, Paisley couldn’t make out the muffled sounds.

“Grammyy! What happened?” Paisley yelled again, she waited a few seconds but again received no response. She shrugged and grabbed her phone. “Whatever.” She thought, flicking open her phone. She shuffled her weight to one side. She took stock of the fact her diaper felt wet, but she could keep going.

A couple of minutes later Ruth walked into the living room. She was holding something up in her right hand. Paisley looked up and wished instantly that she hadn’t.

“*GASP*! GRAMMY! What the hell you broke my charger!!” Paisley said, springing up to her feet. She walked across the room to examine the mangled, twisted wire. Parts of the metal wiring stuck out of the rubber tube. It was beyond repair.

“Well I’m sorry Paisley, but I was trying to listen to you yelling at me! I didn’t realize where the vacuum was and… it just happened so fast. I couldn’t stop it. The moment it sucked it up, it ripped it up.” Ruth said, handing the charger to Paisley. “I’m sorry, dear. I’ll get you a new charger for you toy when I go out again.” Ruth said apologetically. Paisley sighed and shook her head.

“It’s fine, it’s just. Ugh. I’m gonna be so bored now.” Paisley though, looking at her phone on the couch. It had maybe a few minutes left on it before it died. Ruth shot an empathetic look.

“Maybe I could find some toys for you to play with or something.” Ruth said, before looking down the hall. “I might have some tucked away in the spare room…” Ruth thought, “I’ll look after I’m down vacuuming.” She said, Paisley just shrugged and shook her head.

“Yeah, fine, whatever Grammy.” Paisley thought, before walking back toward the couch. She exhaled the heaviest sigh of her entire life as her soggy diaper butt hit the couch. She let her arms flop down beside her.

The only thing she had now was the TV. She hated watching TV during the day. All that was on was infomercials and The Price is Right. Both of which she hated.

With no other option though, Paisley grabbed the remote to the side of her and pressed the power button. The TV switched on instantly. Sure enough, a shitty infomercial showing off silver earrings flashed back.

“This one is special because—” The woman on the screen said. Paisley flicked it to another channel before she could continue.

“Ugh, boring. Fuck, this is gonna suck.” Paisley thought, as she started mindlessly flipping through channels.

“Today on Ancient Al-“

“I knew I always loved-!”

“Get yours today for only 19.9-“

“The new bacon 9000 with-“

“Urgh!” Paisley yelled, throwing the remote onto the floor out of frustration. It felt oddly good to let her anger boil over like that. She slumped into the couch, and let her head fall onto the armrest. She closed her eyes for a few seconds.

“This is going to fucking suck without my phone…” She thought, feeling sheer boredom wash over her. She’d be willing to watch grass grow at this point. She huffed in frustration.

“Are you kids ready for a fun adventure today?!!” A cartoon voice yelled in a jolly tone from the TV. Paisley’s eyes opened out of curiosity.

Three cartoon characters looked into the room with bright smiles, and diapers taped around their waists. The background of a bright sun and green landscape drew Paisley’s eyes into the show. There wasn’t anything hypnotic about it. No hidden messages. Just a colorful fun show for Paisley to watch.

“Today we’re gonna talk about the potty! And how sometimes, it can be hard to make it there!” The voice said. Paisley looked down at her swollen diaper and let out a little chuckle.

“Yeah it can be, sometimes… heh…” She laughed, finding her attention falling completely onto the show at this point. She found herself getting engrossed into the simple, easy to follow, colorful plot that the show laid out for her. Paisley even found herself humming along to the tunes and answering the questions.

“Right there! The fox is right there!” She yelled in her mind at one point. She didn’t know what episode she was on at this point, they were starting to play one after the other. They were just so much fun for her to watch. And she oddly connected with the characters. All of them had trouble with the potty, and they talked a lot about how that was okay to struggle with it. The show ignited that familiar excited feeling she got when she wore her diapers.

It was fun to act little with the show. No one was around to judge her for it. Everyone she knew expected her to like it anyways. There shouldn’t be any guilt associated with watching a little kid show. This was designed for Paisley.

The sun shot a low orange beam of light through the window. Paisley had gotten lost in the cartoon world for hours. She finally snapped out of the TV haze when Ruth walked into the room with a light blue plastic chest.

“Hey, Paisley! Look what I found!” Ruth said, as she placed the chest of toys on the ground. The pile of toys was so high, that a few spilled out the sides when Ruth placed it on the floor. Paisley lazily looked over at the toys.

She felt indifferent about them. She mainly wanted to keep watching her new favorite show. She still had to be polite though.

“Thanks, Grammy. Maybe I’ll play with them later…” She said, obviously uninterested in the toys and Ruth’s presence.

“Well, alright. They’re there if you want them.” Ruth said, as she walked up to Paisley. As she approached, she obscured Paisley’s view of the TV. Paisley stretched her neck to the side so she could keep watching. “You look soaked, dear. And it smells like you might have messed too. We need to change you, Honey.” Ruth said, as he placed some prodding fingers into Paisley’s diaper.

“Ughh I don’t wanna change, Grammy. I wanna watch Tvvvv.” Paisley wined. No part of her cared about the state of her diaper. She didn’t even know it was full, let alone messy, until Ruth told her.

“Come on, I can change you on the floor if you want.” Ruth said, pulling a diaper out from the stand next to the couch. Paisley’s eyes looked away from the TV for the first time in hours.

“Fine.” Paisley said, as she slinked off the TV. She got on her back, and let her head fall to the side. Her eyes went right back to the cartoon. Ruth started going to work on the diaper change.

“You really filled this diaper, up! Looks like we’re no where near potty training you yet!” Ruth said, as she lifted Paisley’s legs and started cleaning her. Paisley just nodded her head.

“Yepp…” Paisley said, not really sure what she was responding to in the first place. Ruth noticed her lack of attention and just chuckled.

“You kids and the TV, you can sit in front of those things for hours…” Ruth said, as she started taping a new diaper onto Paisley. “It’s almost 5 o’clock though, so you better enjoy this last one. The news is going to come on soon.” Ruth said.

“What!” Paisley said, looking up from the TV and into Ruth’s eyes.

It happened so fast. As Paisley looked up, the motion of Ruth’s hand was already upon Paisley’s mouth. Without any warning, Ruth popped the pacifier into Paisley’s mouth.

“Hrm?” Paisley said, as the bulb settled in between her teeth.

“Oh yeah, I found it while I was looking for your toys. I thought you might want it.” Ruth said, as she continued with the diaper change. Paisley was nearly dumbstruck.

She’d never used a pacifier before as an adult. She didn’t even know what it felt like. The plastic bulb sat in her mouth. She had not idea what to do with it. Paisley’s gaze looked back toward the ending cartoon.

She relished in the day she just had. Diapered. Watching cartoons. It was honestly blissful. Paisley couldn’t have wanted it to go any other day.

Slowly, she felt her teeth bite down onto the blub. Even slower, she felt her mouth start to gently suck and pull the pacifier blub back. Her mouth softly released the suction, and let it bob back to it’s original spot in her mouth.

“..That’s… Nice…” Paisley thought.

She waited a few seconds. Then, her mouth repeated the process again. Then again. Until she started rhythmically sucking the pacifier, letting it bob up and down in her mouth.

“We’ll see you tomorrow, kids! Just like we do every day!” The cartoon’s echoed, as the screen faded to the credits. Paisley felt sadness wash over here for a moment. She wished the show could go on all day long.

“What am I going to do now? The show is over!” Paisley thought, as she felt Ruth place the final tape onto her diaper.

“You can play for a few more hours before bedtime, okay?” Ruth said, as she got on her knees, then back onto her feet.

Paisley laid there for a few seconds. All she had on was a soft black shirt, a diaper, and a pacifier in her mouth. Her eyes slowly locked onto the chest of toys Ruth had placed down a few minutes ago.

“Play before bedtime….” Paisley thought to herself.