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*Happy Sunday, everyone! Here's a little treat to end your weekend with :)*

“There’s no way…” Ginny thought to herself the moment it caught her eyes. She let the book in hand sink down toward her waist. She peered through the busy hallway. Her eyes scanned for a couple of seconds to confirm her suspicions.

“That little… I can’t believe it!” Ginny thought to herself. She jumped up from the stone bench she was sitting on. Slouching her bag over the shoulder, she entered the sea of students walking to and from class. She squeezed and maneuvered her way through the bodies until she reached her.

“Hey!” Ginny said, tapping Hermione on the shoulder.

“Hmm?” Hermione said, spinning her head around to see Ginny. Her face flashed from curious to delighted. She greeted Ginny with a surprising embrace. “

“Helloooo, Ginny!” Hermione said, squeezing Ginny tight as she lifted her feet into the air.

“Ooff! O-kay, Hermione. Put me down.” Ginny squeaked out. Hermione let her arms relax, and placed Ginny down onto the floor.

“Watcha doin’? Heading to class?!” Hermione said jubilantly. Her happy smile and face was just a little off putting to Ginny. She seemed happy for no apparent reason. Like a dog happy to just be alive and around a friend. Ginny placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Here, lets get out of this traffic.” Ginny said, pushing her friend to the side. Ginny lead Hermione down an adjacent, less traveled hallway. They walked until they were out of earshot of anyone else. Ginny stopped Hermione, then looked around. Seeing the coast was clear, Ginny placed a probing hand on Hermione’s crotch.

“Hey!” Hermione said from the sudden move. Ginny didn’t respond to Hermione’s reaction; she instead squeezed the mushy padding around Hermione’s waist.

“Just like I thought. You’re wearing a diaper, Hermione! And a wet one at that.” Ginny said, flashing a teasing smile. “You must have had a lot of fun with Luna…” Ginny said. Hermione laughed before vigerously shaking her head.

“Yepp! It was tons of fun. But I didn’t know I needed a new diaper…” She said, before looking down at her waist. She pulled her black pants to the side to get a closer look at the state of her diaper. Ginny was right, it was starting to get a little saggy…

“What happened to, ‘We need to fight this’ or ‘We can’t indulge in this fetish.?” Ginny said. She had a point; Hermione had been heavily against indulging in the spell. Hermione’s apparent 180 was taking Ginny by surprise.

“I don’ knowww… Diapers are just fun! Luna and I had a super fun playdate. She wore diapers, I wore diapers, I played with some toys, then leaked into my bed. What’s so bad about all of that?” Hermione said before letting her waistband snap back.

Ginny almost couldn’t believe it. Whatever Luna had done to Hermione, it was baby-fying parts of her brain. She’d never seen Hermione so nonchalant about anything before. If you stared at Hermione’s ass for more than a few seconds you could realize she was wearing a diaper. It was almost if she didn’t care the entire student body found out about her diaper fetish.

“Listen, I like diapers. I’m wearing them from now on. Why don’t you trade in your pull-ups for a little more bulk and join me?” Hermione said, poking at Ginny’s crotch. She prodded the soft thin padding around her friend’s waist.

“Stop it! Haha.. Hey! Come on…” Ginny said, trying her best to hold back a fit of giggles from Hermione’s tickling hands. “Alright, fine. I don’t care if you wear diapers. But I’m super jealous of whatever Luna did to you. It’s like you’re walking on diapered cloud nine.” Ginny said. Hermione nodded before taking in a deep exhale.

“Ahh… Yepp! I’m feeling a lot better about things now. I love diapers, and I’m gonna think about them as muuuuch as I want. It’s just soo much fun to think about how soft they are… how fun it is to wet in them… Ugh the more I think of them, the more I can’t get them out of my head!” Hermione said happily. Her gaze lazily looked down the hallway. “Anywho, I guess I need a change before class now?” Hermione said, looking down and prodding her soggy diaper. “Why don’t we meet up again after dinner?” Hermione said. Ginny shrugged then nodded.

“See you then, Ginny!” Hermione said before walking down the hallway. Ginny watched as her diapered friend’s butt swayed side to side.

“Damn, I need to get some of whatever Luna is cooking.” Ginny thought to herself. She knew the spell book was likely still in Hermione’s room. And she did have a free period coming up…

“Yeah, I think I might do a little digging to find out what else is in there.” Ginny thought. She was already acting on the plan before she could think of any reason not to. Her feet started taking her toward the Gryffindor common room.


“There. All padded and ready to play!” Ginny said to herself. She admired her diaper handywork. The tapes were practically perfectly aligned. She looked at Hermione’s nightstand next to her. Her hands grasped the handles, then pulled the drawer open. The Spellbook was right on top. Ginny snatched it with greedy fingers. She flipped it open to the diaper spells section.

“Let’s see… .Let’s see… Ah okay, I think I remember Luna talking about this one.” Ginny said as she pinpointed a spell in the book. Excitement bubbled up in her chest. She felt a flash of arousal light in between her thighs. She placed the tip of her wand on the front of her diaper.

“Opus Libero”

A yellow spark flew from the tip of her wand, then dissolved into Ginny’s diaper. Instantly part of her brain started to disappear. Like a vacuum, her memories were sucked up until they were blank and missing from her head. Every shred of memory she had about potty training started erasing from her mind.

It was like it never happened. She wore diapers when she was born, and simply never made a single effort to get out of them. Her whole life, the only underwear she’d worn around her waist was diapers. She didn’t think about the potty. She didn’t even know how to use the potty. She didn’t even know what it was. It was like trying to understand a foreign language you’ve never heard before.

“Whoaa… hehee…” Ginny giggled to herself. She naturally shifted the weight in her thighs. In that movement she became vaguely aware of the fact her diaper felt heavier. She didn’t know why or what had happened. But something was definitely different.

She didn’t really care though. Her diapers were always in a constant state of change. Sometimes they were dry, sometimes they felt squishy, but most of the time they were completely full. That’s just how life had always been for Ginny.

“Okay, potty training, totally gone. I’m totally using that on Hermione the next time I see her. She’d love that one!” Ginny thought, as she looked back down at the book.

“I want something big though. Forgetting my potty training is weak sauce. We need to go bigger. We need to get to the next diaper level.” Ginny thought. She flipped to a page she’d never seen in the book before. She murmured the spells out loud while she read them.

“Legs get hard to walk on, no…. the world is more colorful… eh no…. hard to focus on things… No, no… Ooo. Blissful mind for as long as you’d like. Okay, let’s try that one out.” Ginny said, readying the wand tip toward her brain.

“Caput Muta er… one minute”

Her mind instantly screeched to a halt. Thoughts didn’t make sense anymore. Ginny didn’t really know how to formulate them in the first place. Her weak, inattentive brain simply rode along with any random dissipating thought that briefly grabbed her attention.

Her legs buckled and her she fell with a mushy *thud* onto the ground. She didn’t know how to stand. Even if she tried, the best she’d be able to do was muster a clumsy army crawl. The ceiling was interesting to look at for a few seconds. The moment her hand came into view though, everything changed. The only ounce of brain power she had told her to shove it entirely in her mouth. And that’s what she did.

Ginny mindlessly chewed and sucked on parts of her hand while her legs randomly kicked and swayed. Drool covered her hand and started pouring down the sides of her lips. Her babyish coos echoed through the room. This was bliss. This was everything Ginny wanted now. Her emotions felt ten times stronger as a mindless baby than as an adult. Pure happiness ran deep through her mind and body. She wanted this. She loved this. She wanted to be a dumb mindless baby.

After about a minute, her mind slowly started to focus again. It was as if her brain lead an expedition back toward adulthood. Her thoughts felt small at first. Gradually, they started making coherent sense. She started registering the world around her, rather than simply reacting to it. The expedition back to the top of adulthood was hard and exhausting. After another 10 seconds, her brain groggily came back to reality.

“Wowie, that ones really really… um… make funny dumb head.” Ginny said, her vocabulary was still coming back to her. She was hooked. This was going to be the new way she’d spend her free time. Baby braining herself out like that? It was all she wanted in her ever growing and consuming fetish.

She clumsily got back to her feet. She had to take a few correcting steps once she was standing. She grabbed the nightstand for support.

“Oof… That ones is pretty intense. That… wow. I literally thought like a baby. Nothing. Just slow and mindless. That was….” Ginny said, looking back toward the spell book. “… Fricken awesome. I gotta find one more for Hermione. She’s going to LOVE these.” She said, grabbing the open book and flipping it to the next page. She scanned as her eyes danced around the pages.

Losing your potty training is fun. It’s more of an introductory spell to getting into the little head space though. Becoming blank and mindless is without a doubt the next step. It was fun, and Ginny was 100% going to use it on the regular. But there had to be one more. One more spell that really knocked everything out of the park.

“Holy shit.” Ginny said the moment she read the unique description. Most of the spells had a vague floaty description of what they did. This one though was different. It read exactly what would happen in plain English. Ginny couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear.

“Oh yeah. Here we go.” Ginny said, pointing her wand into the air. She didn’t think twice about it. She cleared her throat, and uttered the spell.

“Gloria Mundi”

A purple orb grew from the center of Ginny’s wand. Quickly it grew to the size of the room, then faded through the walls. Ginny felt a tingle run through the back of her spine.

She stood there for a moment. Not sure of how to test if the spell had worked or not. The only sound she heard was her quick breathing. Her head swiveled toward the bathroom. She didn’t know much about the room, but she did know there were normally mirrors in there. She quickly skipped over to the bathroom.

Ginny gasped the moment she saw her reflection. Her hand involuntarily cupped her mouth.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!” Ginny squealed at herself. She couldn’t stop the bursting happiness and euphoria erupting from her body if she tried. She started jumping up and down in place like an excited little girl. “I HAVE to tell Hermione!!!” She said, as she admired her reflection.

“This is crazy, this is going to be SO much fun.” She thought. “She wanted to meet at dinner time, right?” She thought, looking down at her watch. She had a couple hours to kill before then. “Eh, I can miss a couple classes to play before then.” Ginny thought as a devious look spread across her face. “Besides, I have to break the new spells in…” Ginny said, as she looked back toward the Spellbook.

She shoved a thumb in her mouth and started casting spells.


“HERMIONE!” Ginny said, slamming the Spellbook down on the Great Hall table. Hermione jumped from the sudden noise.

“Eep! Hey don’t scare me like that!” Hermione said before slapping her friend on the shoulder. She looked around to make sure no one was within earshot. “You made me leak a little in my diaper…” She said seriously.

“Seems like someone work up from her baby nap.” Ginny said teasingly. Hermione rolled her eyes.

It was true. Hermione did seem more “present” then she had the last time Ginny saw her. She was still wearing a diaper though. Being smart and top of your class didn’t necessarily mean you had to wear big girl panties. Even though there was a risk wearing in public, she did changed into a skirt so no one would likely notice.

“We don’t have to talk about that. Why do you have the Spellbook here anyways? I thought we decided we were going to keep it in the common room.” Hermione said. Ginny gave a smug look.

“Hermione. I’ve found the BEST spells of all time in this book. I’ve been trying some out the past few hours, and boy are they-“ Ginny said, before Hermione cut her off.

“You’ve been trying some out?! Without me?!” Hermione said concerningly.

“What? What’s wrong with that? Jealous you didn’t get to have baby time too?” Ginny said. Hermione blushed and looked away bashfully.

“No it’s not exactly that… what if you got hurt? These spells can be dangerous.” Hermione said, doing her best to not let her actual jealously shine through.

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Ginny said, waving off Hermione’s concerns. “I’ve found some spells that can take us on a one-way ticket to baby land for as long as we want!” Ginny said. Hermione perked up at that last part. She was suddenly way more interested in what Ginny had to say. She didn’t want to come off that way though, she tried playing it cool.

“Oh really… That’s neat.” Hermione said before looking away for a moment. Her excitement got the best of her though, she quickly looked back and responded with, “What are they?!”

“Listen, I’ve found a spell that will make you forget your potty training. I got one that totally babyfies your brain. Like literally you have the mind of a newborn. It’s nuts and sooooo much fun! I spent the last like three hours in baby mode.” Ginny said while pointing to the Spellbook. Hermione looked quizzically at her for a moment.

“Didn’t you have class though?” She said. Ginny again waved her off.

“Whatever, listen. I have the best spell of all time in here though. It’s insane. Are you ready for this?” Ginny said, doing her best to build up the spell. Hermione played along and nodded.

“Okay… So…here it is. Literally, the entire world… sees you as a baby! It’s amazing. When I casted it, I checked my reflection and I looked exactly like one!” Ginny said triumphantly. She expected Hermione to have a stronger reaction to the new spell. But her body language seem only mildly unimpressed.

“Okay? How is that better than the baby brain spell? Or even the potty training one? I feel like those are way better for us. Why would we want people to see us as babies in the first place?” Hermione said. Ginny leaned in closer.

“Hermione. Break is coming up in a couple weeks.” Ginny said softly.

Hermione’s eyes lit up.

“And I think I just figured out how we’re going to spend it.” Ginny said.

“Are we…” Hermione said, Ginny finished her sentence for her.

“Spending the entire break as mindless babies? Oh yeah.” Ginny said.

Hermione couldn’t stop the growing excitement in her chest from forcing a smile.



so I just finished reading it and all I have to ask is when are we getting bought five because I need it oh my God yes