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This was a story commission! Message me if you'd like one of your own :) Hope you like it!

Laura kept her eyes closed even after she felt the effects. She couldn’t help but smile and shimmy in excitement. This was her favorite part. That moment right before she opened her eyes. It was like opening a present on Christmas morning. Slowly, her eyelids opened at a glacial pace.

“Ahh!!!” Laura screamed in delight. She was beyond ecstatic. “YES! Perfect! Oh my god they’re perfect!” Laura said to herself. She started bouncing up in down in front of her bedroom mirror out of excitement. Her new, perfectly perky size 34C breasts bounced in unison. They completed her top model tier look.

To say a Greek goddess was standing in front of that mirror was an understatement. Laura looked like a perfect 10/10. If you put her up against Kylie Jenner, she would put that beautiful woman to shame. Her looks killed, and the new pair of tits she had only elevated her to the next level.

“Oh, I love this thing!” Laura said as her bounces rolled to an end. She looked down at the device in her hand. It was a small black cube with a red square button on top. It looked unassuming to a common passerby. Like a child’s toy or fidget device. In reality though, power it held was almost beyond human comprehension.

Laura placed the device on it’s golden stand next to her king-sized mattress. She plopped her body down and sank into the soft cashmere blankets. Her eyes stared up into the intricately painted mural of the night sky above. She drew in a slow inhale, then her lungs deflated. The excitement she felt from the boob change was already starting to wear off.

“What to do now…?” Laura thought to herself before grabbing one of her latest iphones. She flicked it open to see hundreds of unread messages from fans. “I could go jet skiing on the lake again.” Laura thought to herself. She knew the answer was “No” to that idea before she even considered it. “Maybe ride the elephants and drink that 80-year-old Champaign again? That was kind of fun…” Laura pondered while she looked at her Instagram posts. Each one with tens of millions of likes and comments.

Life had gotten oddly routine for someone with the power to do anything. It started about two years ago when Laura was given the most powerful device known to man. It was developed by herself and a team of researchers with the goal of bettering the world. As the old saying goes though, Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When Laura was chosen to test the device one day, she changed reality, so she’d never have to give it back again.

This wasn’t the kind of reality-changer that could do anything though. The device was bound to Laura. The only things it could change is aspects and qualities of Laura’s life and self. It didn’t work well at changing other people’s realities. It didn’t matter who was controlling the device. All it could do was change Laura’s reality.

Laura started small at first. She changed her appearance to fix little things like her hair or make-up. Gradually that became changing her car from a shitty Toyota to a brand-new Ferrari. Her house upgraded soon after from a cookie-cutter raised ranch, to an extravagant fifteen-bedroom mansion fit with her own indoor swimming pool and tennis court. Her life became that of a stereotypical rich supermodel.

There was one problem though. Laura was never one to want everything handed to her. The rich life had its serious perks. But her life felt hollow. Having anything you want takes the randomness out of life. Laura had full control over everything, and it was oddly maddening to her.

The past two years had been exactly what Laura wanted them to be. And there in lied the problem. A significant part of her missed the uncertainty in life. The ability to control every aspect of her life was a curse, and a growing part of Laura was starting to hate it. As she lied there in her $400,000, these exact ideas swirled through her head.

“I need something different. I need something new.” Laura thought to herself. A familiar feeling started flickering between her thighs. Arousal.

“Mmm…” Laura whispered from her lips as her fingers slipped below her waistline. The thought of losing everything wasn’t just an emotional want, it had grown into a strong sexual need. Laura didn’t just want life to be normal again, she sexually NEEDED it. Her frustration had built so immensely the past two years, that it had become a borderline fetish to Laura. Every fiber of her sexual being craved to lose control of life again.

“Ugh, fuck!” Laura said, feeling anger roll over her body. She stopped masturbating and sat up in her bed. “This is getting so boring. I can’t deal with it anymore.” Laura thought, feeling a mix of anger and arousal float through her head. She pushed herself off the bed and onto her feet. She started pacing around her elegantly designed room.

“I need something to be different. At least one part of my life has to become random again. I feel like I’m losing my mind in here.” Laura thought, as she looked at the vibrant modern paintings hanging on her wall. She felt her pockets instinctively for her phone. She bit the bottom of her lip at the same time.

In all honesty, Laura had been thinking about this issue for a long time. This feeling of controlling every aspect of her life wasn’t anything new. And because of that, she had spent the time thinking of options to get her out of this situation. She’d never gone through with it though. But each time she had one of these frustrated episodes. She felt herself move closer and closer to the edge to take a leap. She fished her phone out and flicked it open. Her fingers brought up the recent text messages with her boyfriend.

“Hey, are we still hanging out today Babe?” The last text message read. It was sent almost an hour ago. Laura stared at the message while the weight of her life sat on her shoulders. She felt her fingers type the message without thinking about it.

“I’m coming over right now.” Laura typed, the instantly hit send. She felt a mix of excitement and anxiety instantly shoot through her veins. At the surface, this was a simple visit with her boyfriend. To Laura though, this had the potential to turn into something else entirely.

Her eyes shot across the room and looked at the device sitting in it’s gold stand. She felt her knees weaken at the thought of what could happen at her boyfriend’s house today. Her hand gripped her phone tighter. A couple seconds later, she started walking toward her nightstand.

“I… I need this.” Laura thought, once she was standing next to the device. “He probably won’t do anything too bad. I can always have him change it back too…” Laura pondered, her fingers sneakishly slipped between her legs again. She felt the flicker from before return as a bright fire. She relished in the waves of pleasure emanating from below.

In the heat of the moment, Laura grabbed the device. Her other hand pulled open the nightstand drawer, and grabbed the collar on top.

“I’m not thinking irrationally, am I?” Laura thought, as she turned away from the nightstand. As she started walking she caught a glimpse of her perfect body in the mirror. Every time before then, she had simply seen a beautiful woman looking back. That time though, all she saw was someone who had everything she wanted.

That needed to change.


Laura stopped right outside the front door. She collected herself and drew in a deep breath. She closed her eyes and contemplated the events that were about to happen. Was this really what she wanted? Was this really the way she wanted to go about change? She took the black device out of her pocket and looked down at it.

The sleek cool metal box practically mocked her. The thoughts of her last two years drifted into her mind. She felt such euphoria at first. Everyday was a mix of bliss and happiness. It ended faster than she would have ever expected. If she went back on herself now, when she was this close, she’d never do it again. Laura looked up at the front door. She saw her reflection in the glass. She adjusted the collar around her neck, then grabbed the doorknob. She twisted it, then opened the door.

Laura’s boyfriend jumped slightly in surprise at the sudden entrance. He was across the room with a clear view of the front door. He didn’t expect Laura to enter the house so suddenly.

“Oh! Hey, Darling! You practically scared me to death there. I wasn’t expecting you… to come in… like that?” Laura’s boyfriend said, trailing off at the end. Laura was walking fast toward him. Her face looked oddly fierce. Not like she was angry at him, but as if she was determined to do something. She quickly made the distance between him and walked right up to him.

“Why are you wearing a collar…” He wondered, pointing toward the bondage around her neck. She didn’t acknowledge it. Laura grabbed his right hand with her left, then put the black reality device into it. She looked him dead in the eyes and said,

“Change me.”

“I’m sorry?” He said, completely bewildered about what was going on.

“Change me into anything. Change my life. I need something different. I can’t keep living like this anymore.” She said, taking his hand and shoving it into his chest. From his face it was clear he had no idea what she was talking about.

“I’ve never told you this, but there’s a reason my life is the way it is. This device. It can change my entire life. It can change everything about me, who I am, the life I live. I’ve spent the past two years building a fantasy world around me, and I can’t do it anymore. I’m losing my mind. I need someone to change it into something else, and you’re the only person I can trust.” Laura said, her eyes looked longing. She was serious about this.

“Laura, I don’t know-“ He said, but she cut him off with a sudden motion. Laura gripped his flaccid cock around his thin sweatpants. She slowly started rubbing her hand up and down his shaft.

“You don’t need to know. The device will do anything you think of to me. Think with your cock. Think with your wildest fantasies. Turn me into anything you want.” She said, as she kept stroking. She could feel him growing harder.

“I… O-…Oka-y…” He said, feeling his arousal grow. It didn’t take much to get him going. Within a few more seconds, he was fully torqued. The sexual thoughts and fantasies started dancing in his mind.

“Anything, Babe. I trust you to make me into anything. I desperately need something new. You’re always done the right thing. Turn me into like, any kind of hot bimbo girl you ever want. I’ll like… totally gonna suck your cock every minute of everyday and, oohhh my god I’m gonna love it. I’m gonna become your dumb bimbo doll that’s gonna make my daddy feel soooo good every day!!” Laura said, her speech becoming more and more sexually charged with each passing word. Her head felt different. Lighter, in a sense. Like someone scooped out all the indoctrination that being a dumb sex doll for you boyfriend was a bad thing. It was fun to be dumb. It was fun to be sexual. And it was sure as hell fun to get on your knees and start sucking. So that’s what she did.

As she got on her knees she noticed her long blonde hair was in the way of her mouth. She brushed it to the side before opening his pants. A distant part of her wasn’t sure if she’d always had blonde hair, but Laura did what she always did with bad thoughts and simply stopped paying attention to them. Her pink lipstick smile morphed into a perfect “O” and started sucking.

“Laura are… are you oo…okay with this?” He said, as his new bimbo girlfriend started going to town on him with her mouth. She pulled away for a moment with a “POP” and looked up at him quizzically.

“What are you um… like… talking about? I do this all the time silly!!” Laura said completely serious. In her eyes, the only thing her life had ever been was a constant stream of her boyfriend’s dick. And usually, it was in her body in some capacity.

“Oh my god this thing really works!” He said, before Laura’s mouth went back to it’s usual position around his cock. She started sucking and slurping away at him.

Laura faintly heard a button above her click again. She didn’t really care though. She was too busy with what was in front of her.

Strangely though, Laura started noticing a strange feeling growing around her waist. It was like someone started stuffing cotton around her groin. She didn’t pay much attention to it at first. As the feeling expanded, Laura simply couldn’t ignore it any longer. She popped off her boyfriend for a moment and looked down at her waist.

“A diaper?” She thought, looking up at her boyfriend. She was confused at first. Why was she in a diaper? Did she always wear diapers? Wasn’t this what her underwear normally was? Had she worn anything else in her life? It was becoming very confusing.

That confusion continued to build in Laura’s mind. A moment ago she was confused about her diaper, but now she was unsure about a lot of things in her life. Like how to say her ABCs. She tried testing it out in her mind for a second.

“ A… b-B…. s…ssC….. um… poopie…. I think….. um…. Dubwl-Z?” She thought, genuinely unsure of what came after C.

It didn’t stop there. Soon she forgot how to identify certain colors, know the names of animals, or even say long and complicated words. She thought the best course of action was to ask someone really big and adult like her boyfriend.

“Was me doin’ in diapie?” She said, looking up at the adult in front of her. Laura’s boyfriend couldn’t stop the smile from growing on his face.

“Fuck, she’s just like a baby now. This is too fucking hot.” He thought, before pushing the button again.

Laura’s mind felt like someone had hit the emergency stop on her thoughts. All of her higher-level thinking had come to a screeching halt. She couldn’t think of anything more complex than the sensations and experiences in front of her. They commanded too much of Laura’s shrinking mind.

A growing part of her didn’t care though. It was actually kind of fun to let her mind wander and think of silly thoughts and words. It was so much fun in fact, that Laura started letting them bubble out of her mouth without any thought or care.

“Daddyyy me jus a stuuupid baby now. Me stuuupid baby!” She said, feeling herself bounce up and down happily on her knees. Her daddy grabbed her head and forced it back to where it belonged. Laura, knowing her place in the world as a dumb baby slut, went right back to work.

Another faint click in the distance. Laura didn’t register it. She was far too busy to pay attention to things in the background.

Something felt different in her bottom half. It was as like a sudden heavy weight had plopped onto her bowel and bladder muscles. The moment she felt the weight, it was obvious that it was way to heavy to bear. Laura helplessly felt the weight sink from her body, and into her diaper.

Her diaper started feeling warmer in the front. It was a lovely feeling if she was being honest. Strangely familiar and wonderful at the same time. As if on cue, her bum felt mushier too. The more she shook it, the squishier it felt. After a few more seconds, her diaper felt completely warm and soggy.

She knew what was going on. In her new mentally destroyed mind, she still knew what was happening in her diaper. All she did all day was make silly messes in them. It was the only concept she had at least a vague understanding of. She tried telling her Daddy about the situation by muttered around his cock.

“I cawn’t howld dawddy! I neewd diawpieees! I neewd my diawpe fow mha pwees and pwoo pwooos!” She blabbered around his rock solid hard on. She could feel it start to pulsate and flex. Something was about to happen.

Her body felt different again. It was a familiar feeling centered around her diaper. It started as a familiar flicker, but suddenly erupted into a full-blow forest fire. Laura’s sexual arousal exploded with the force a super nova. Her diapers were suddenly the hottest fucking thing she could ever image. Her dumb baby brain melted even further from the shear power of her new sexual lust for diapers.

“Gwabub buwb dwubub” Laura gurgled around his cock. Her eyes started rolling into the back of her head. Her brain was too far regressed at this point to even understand the English language. All the thoughts in her brain had been reduced to mindless baby babble.

Everything stopped making sense. Laura was reduced to the sexual feelings and warmth around her. The feeling in Laura’s diaper tipped over. She started cumming every ounce of her brains out into her already full diaper. Her boyfriend erupted too. Laura knew from the fountain that had started flowing in her mouth.

In a past life Laura thought she knew what happiness was. She thought she knew what euphoria and joy was. Those feelings were nothing compared to the way she felt now.

As she collapsed, feeling the oceans of pleasure rippling through every inch of her body, if she had the capacity to think, she’d know this was the right choice. This was the way she wanted the live the rest of her life.



You know, if someone knew it was me who commissioned this story, they might think I was a horrible pervert of some kind.


It was great, thank you! ^^