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Hi all! I’m doing something a little different here than I normally write. Make sure you read my little introduction paragraph here, because it basically sets up the entire story!

I dream a lot. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because of the fact I get AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep every night, and have a very regular sleeping schedule. As you may have guessed, as someone who is both an AB/DL and 24/7 untrainer, I often times dream about diapers. In fact, a lot of my fantasies play themselves out while I’m dreaming. The other night I had an incredibly vivid diaper dream. So vivid, and right in line with my fantasies, that I decided I’d write a short story about it for you guys! This story is about 97% accurate. There are a few minor changes, but the diaper plot is 100% what happened to me, and even the little real life surprise at the end 😊

If people like this, then maybe I’ll do it again! 


“Hi there! Welcome to RC videos!” The lady behind the register said to Maggie the moment she walked through the door. Maggie shot a small hand up to wave ‘Hello’ back in response. She immediately turned down an aisle to avoid further conversation.

“This place seems nice… And they even have a decent selection. Not just current mainstream blockbusters…” Maggie thought to herself while she scanned the seemingly endless shelves of movies. The selection was oddly specific, almost as if the movies seemed tailored to her exact preferences. 

“Hm. Strange, I wouldn’t have expected them to carry all these indie films…” Maggie thought, as she wondered through the aisles. 

“Is there anything you’re looking for specifically?” The clerk beckoned out from the rows of movies. Maggie swiveled her head toward the voice. She was aligned perfectly with the clerk. 

Maggie didn’t want to come off as a lame hipster, but she felt compelled to tell her truth in that moment. If she was going to spend time in this store, she might as well get what she was looking for.

“Oh um, do you guys have an alternative section? I’m looking for something up and coming. I love thought provoking and mind twisting films!” Maggie said cheerfully. The clerk responded with a curious smirk. 

“I think I know what you mean…” The clerk said, as she motioned to her right. A doorway clad in sparkling purple curtains flashed into Maggie’s view. A soft purple neon sign flickered above the doorway. 

“Reserved Section” read the neon lights. Maggie felt a shade of embarrassment flash across her face.

“Um, I’m not looking so much for pornography, I’m mostly looking for-“Maggie said, before the clerk cut her off.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find what you’re looking for there. Go on, take a gander. It’s not going to bite.” The clerk said, maintaing her sly grin the entire time. Maggie felt a shot of fear run through her veins. She could feel the strange gravity of the room pull her toward the entrance. She took the steps before she even realized what she was doing.

“T-Thank you.” Maggie stuttered to the clerk, as she passed through the doorway.  She could feel a mix of excitement and fear running through her. A set of stone stairs spiraled down in front of her. They seemed cold, and a slight mist wisped from below. The matching stone walls were dimly let with a soft orange glow.

“This feels like a bad idea…” Maggie thought to herself, but she felt herself take the first step. Once her foot hit the stone stair, it seemed the rest of them came faster than the next. Within an instant, Maggie found herself in the basement of the video store.

The room was dark, but lines of purple colored neon zig-zagged across the walls. Light techno-music drifted from the speakers in the corners. The whole room had a cyber punk of feel to it. That feeling was only amplified by the neon lit counter in the middle of the room. The counter wrapped around a single shelf of videos. Standing behind the counter, and staring directly at Maggie, was another women. She wore sleek metallic clothing, her makeup flashed vibrantly, matching the feel of the room. Next to her was a large TV screen attached to a movable arm fixed on the shelf.

“Hello there, are you here to pick out anything special?” The woman said, leaning over the counter. Her breasts laid over her arms and pressed up against the counter. Maggie shrugged while walking closer to the woman.

“I don’t really know, the lady upstairs said you guys have special videos down here? I was looking for something unique.” Maggie said. The women nodded and turned to the TV.

“I think I know what you’re looking for. We have plenty of porn here, but we’ve got something that other stores don’t have.” The woman said, motioning toward the TV. The screen flicked on to a neon pink. “We’ve got a special blend of hypnosis for anyone interested.” The lady said, turning back toward Maggie.

“Oh… Um…” Maggie said weakly, she was completely caught off guard from that statement. Hypnosis was one of Maggie’s favorite ways things to listen to and watch, but she wasn’t about to tell this random lady that. It was a deeply personal part of her.

“I don’t… I don’t really listen to any hypnosis. I’m not sure if that’s what I’m looking for.” Maggie said, trying her best to quell the dominate pull of the woman.

“Heh.” The woman chuckled, as she looked Maggie up and down. She shook her head before saying, “I could tell what you were the moment you walked through that door. A mousy reserved shy girl?” the woman paused before finishing. 

“Diaper fetish. 100%” The woman said. Maggie’s eyes instantly flew wide open. She felt ice run through her veins. How on god’s earth did lady know this Maggie’s deepest secret?

“I…” Maggie said, trying taking a backwards step toward the stairs. The woman placed a hand on the TV.

“Before you go.” She said, looking directly into Maggie’s eyes. “I can give you hypnosis more powerful than you could ever imagine. It can melt your brains into the dumb dumb baby you’ve always wanted to be.” She said simply to Maggie.

Maggie stared in disbelief. This woman, seemingly on the spot, was able to weed out Maggie’s number one secret. If it wasn’t in such a strange setting, Maggie would have felt downright impressed. But in that moment, Maggie felt something she never would have thought she’d feel in that moment. A feeling that pressed her to make her next move.

She felt herself grow incredibly horny at the thought of this mind-bending hypnosis.

Maggie took back that step and walked forward toward the woman. She smirked and grabbed the TV with both hands. 

“You made the right choice. Have fun, baby.” The woman said, before suddenly shoving the TV screen right in front of Maggie’s eyes. 

The rest of the world instantly melted away. The only view Maggie had now was this screen. She couldn’t look away even if she had wanted to. A light faded spiral came across the screen in front of a grassy field. A lovely looking woman sat in the center.

“Welcome back, baby. Are you ready to be the besets baby for Mommy?” Mommy said through the perfectly tuned speakers. Maggie nodded without a second thought.

Her mind felt like it was sinking. The hypnotic whispers, coupled with the strong pull of the spiral, caused Maggie to fall into an incredibly deep hypnotic trance. It happened so suddenly. This woman had complete control of Maggie’s mind.

“Babble for me.” Mommy said in a stern tone. Maggie felt hesitant at first, but the words spilled quietly out of her mouth.

“Bahgaba.” Maggie said, feeling some of the embarrassment from babbling in public lifting off her shoulders. It felt nice to please Mommy, and to act like her true self.

“Again.” Mommy said, the words were law in Maggie’s mind at this point. She just let her mouth fly with random gibberish.

“Bagadaa dwubywuby” Maggie said, feeling her mind effectively turn off at that point. The hypnosis had systematically knocked down every mental barrier she had of acting like a baby.

“Babble while you wet your diaper like a good girl for Mommy!” The woman said, Maggie was helpless but to follow her Mommy’s commands. 

“bededee pee peeewweee!” Maggie gurgled, before pushing as hard as she could. She felt her bladder release a strong stream of pee into her now snuggly taped diaper. The physical feelings of her bladder faded away the harder she pressed, until eventually she couldn’t feel anything down there anymore. Everything felt numb at best. All she could sense was a warm squishy diaper growing sagging heavier with each passing second.

The screen was pulled away from Maggie’s view a moment after that. She could see her Mommy waving bye-bye to her as the TV returned to it’s original position. On all fours, Maggie saw the neon lit basement comeback into view. This time though, the world was looking at a much different girl. Maggie’s head felt heavy and dumb. Like her head was nothing but a empty bowling ball at this point. 

“Hanna nan, na rawwa?” The woman behind the counter said. Maggie didn’t understand a word of the gibberish that came out of her mouth. She cocked her head to the side, and looked quizzically at the large breasted woman. The woman cupped her mouth, and pointed at Maggie. She started laughing hysterically.

“Youunana knwodo dojo?!” The lady said, before starting to laugh even harder. Maggie knew instantly in her heavily regressed brain what was going on. She couldn’t understand English anymore.

That notion only sent her mind into a further tailspin. If she was going to be a dumb baby in public, she might as well fully act the part, she reasoned. Within an instant, she pushed harder into her diaper. She wanted the whole world in that moment to know she had chosen to live the life as a baby now, instead of a grown adult.

The mush expanded quickly around her butt. It pressed up against the diaper, causing it to expand and grow a heavy messy bulge. Maggie could feel the last bits of her mind draining out of her with every push. 

“Hunnnngn nnnaaaa” Maggie babbled, feeling excitement run through her. Not only was it fun to babble and please Mommy, but also acting this babyish in front of an adult. It was like a dream come true for Maggie. 

“Hunanarowow” The lady said, Maggie was way too little now to understand even the slightest lick of English. All she did was clap her hands in joy. The feeling of being this little and ditsy sent wave after wave of excitement through her.

Ding dong….. ding dong….. ding dong….” A sound echoed through the speakers. It started softly but grew louder with each second. “Ding dong…” Maggie knew that sound…

Suddenly, the world blurred. The basement flicked away, before a bright light took the scene. In an instant, the dream melted away. The light from the morning shined brightly through the curtains, illuminating the tan walls of Maggie’s room.

“Gasp!” Maggie said, sitting up from her dream on her bed. She fumbled around her nightstand to find her alarm. Her hand laced around the phone. She flicked the annoying sound off.

The events that just occurred in Maggie’s dream immediately started running through her mind. It even took her a few seconds to shake her head back to reality. “That was a deep one…” Maggie said to herself, before finally blinking a few times to regain her focus.

It’s dreams like that where Maggie knew what would come next. Every morning started with a diaper check to see if she had successfully wet the bed in her sleep. Normally, she just flexed her thighs to see if she had made progress in her bed wetting endeavors.

Not that night though. Not when the diaper dreams were that intense. Instead she threw the blankets off, got up, and looked down to confirm what she already expected.

A yellow, saggy diaper around her waist. 


Zander Chesney

Thank you for sharing. How wonderful. <3