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(A little Photo editing put the magic on this one :) )


Why did you stop, little one? Is something the matter? Oh… Oh Mommy thinks she knows what’s happening. You’re getting a silly grin growing on that dumb little face of yours. Look at those hazy eyes you have. What’s wrong, baby? Are all those hypnosis files I’ve been pumping into you the past few weeks starting to kick in? You must have seen one of Mommy’s special triggers that she put into that ditsy little head of yours.

You know what’s going to happen next. That brain of yours is going to start getting smaller and smaller! I bet it’s already happening now. The world is getting more colorful. The corner of your eyes becoming blurry. But when you really focus on the now, all that shines through is Mommy. Your beautiful, irresistible, captivating Mommy.  

You’re regressing, baby. It won’t be long now until your head has turned into nothing but a pile of mush and jelly. You can’t help yourself but start drooling now, out here in public. You couldn’t even stop if you tried, let alone wanted to. You like being a baby. You want to become a dumb, ditsy little brainless baby for your Mommy. It’s what you’ve always wanted. Don’t hold back now for my sweetie. Be a good boy and let those mantras that have been swimming in your head each night take hold. Go on. Become a baby for me out here in public.

Look at your feet! You’re moving them so far apart. Did you even notice? I bet someone is getting ready to use those diapers huh? What do you think it’s gonna be? A poopy? Are you gonna flood it for me like a good boy? You can’t even tell what you’re about to do, because you’ve already went, little boy! Yeah! You didn’t even notice the fact you have been dumping load after load into your pampers the entire time we’ve been walking. 

You haven’t noticed that you’re not potty trained anymore, haven’t you? Think really hard for me, Baby. When was the last time you even used the bathroom like a big boy? Nothing but cobwebs and blank memories up there now. It’s super hazy to even remember WHAT the potty is, let alone how to use it. Oh, but don’t worry there little one. You’re not supposed to know about any of that big kid stuff anyways. Using the bathroom like a grown up is way out of the league for you now. Your diapers are going to know if you’ve gone potty way before you will from now on. 

Come on, I know the world is getting even more colorful, but we have to get you home and changed into a fresh diaper before you get too baby brained out here, and you forget how to walk. I know we only made it two blocks down the road before your diaper started to leak too, but what was I honestly supposed to expect from a little pants wetter like you? You can’t even keep your eyes focused on anything for more than a few seconds. You’re really losing it up there, huh? It’s okay baby, take my hand, you certainly need it. Let Mommy guide you, just like she will for the rest of your life now. 




I, LOVE THIS. Every little thing about this one is pure perfection Maggie.


Really enjoyable little story. You should do another hypnosis file!