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Completely edited the original clean diaper on the last two. Hope you guys like it! :)


“What’s the name of the game again?” Maddy said to her friend Lexi over her headset. 

“Mental! It’s the number one downloaded game on the dark web right now. I’m honestly too chicken to play it, but I’ve heard it actually messes with people’s heads.” Lexi said, the sound of clicking from her remote sounded distantly in the headset. Maddy, not being one to back down from a challenge, grew a curious eyebrow. 

“So, it actually turns people into Astrophysicists if you win?” Maddy said, she could feel her fingers getting the itch to play the game already. Not only did she love riding the wave of a new game on the market, but the idea of a game changing the user’s psyche just seemed too alluring. 

“Yeah, but if you start to lose, it can drain your IQ. I’ve heard it turns people into ditsy bimbos if you’re not careful.” Lexi said cautiously. 

“You KNOW I have to try it now.” Maddy said, while she mowed down some noobs in Modern Warfare. 

“I know you’re head strong about challenges like this, Maddy. But I’m serious. This game can have… lasting effects on people…” Lexi said with a worried tone toward the end. Maddy picked up on her quieting voice. She let the silence between them linger for a few seconds before speaking up.

“Lexi… Did you?” Maddy said, trying not to point out the obvious. Silence fell upon the conversation for a few more moments. The sound of a wet “Pop” sounded through Maddy’s headset.

“Uhh…I gotsta go.” Lexi said suddenly. Her sudden mood change, and word choice, oddly struck Maddy. 

“XxLexiiiXx Has Left the Voice Chat” flashed across the screen. Maddy hit the home button on her controller. She sat the for moment and contemplated her next move. Should she actually download the game? It was apparently free this week on the online marketplace. What would the harm be in playing it? It probably was just some trippy game that disoriented you. Games can’t change your reality.

Maddy was already downloading the game before she could build a defense. She felt the deepest need to conquer this game. It had almost an alluring effect on her. Within a few minutes the game finished downloading, and Maddy hit play.


“They really like to hammer home this ‘You might become dumb from this game’ thing. Doesn’t matter though, I’ll be getting to the top of the leader board in no time.” Maddy said confidently. She was one of the top gamers in her state. She’d won multiple cash prize contests before. 

The game started instantly. There was no menu or introduction. Suddenly, Maddy’s avatar was jumping across platforms. “Whoa!” She said, surprised at how fast paced the game was. She was off balance at first, but quickly picked up the simple task of jumping through platforms while dodging projectiles. 

“Is this all it is? A platform jumper like this? Come on. Why not throw something complex at me like the S-matrix results that extend to all bosonic string theories, both closed, open, oriented, and unoriented of course.” Maddy thought to herself. Her brain felt like it was growing. She could see the formulas and integrals that explained the deepest depths of the natural world forming in her mind with each jump.

“This is unequivocally a game designed for an audacious zealot of prodigal visuals as myself.” Maddy thought, feeling the words spill out from her growing mind. The game seemed so easy now to the intellectual giant Maddy had become. The platforms zoomed through with ease. Nothing could stop her until-


”Oh.” Maddy uttered, watching as her avatar fell to it’s death. She had barely mistimed a jump, causing her character to miss the next platform. “I… I didn’t think that would happen.” Maddy thought, feeling her brain compress back to the way it felt before she started playing. She tried thinking about the integrals her brain had easily formed a few moments ago, but they seemed way too advanced to her now.

“Ugh, well. Might as well try again.” Maddy thought, jumping right back into the game. She started getting through the level, but her frustration from failing was causing her to rush the controls. 

“FUCK!” Maddy yelled, watching as her character fell to it’s doom yet again. This time she only made it a few platforms before failing the level. The character fell through the stage, and into a new level. This one was much brighter and colorful. “This dumb game is like, not that hard, but, ughhh it’s making me soooo like, Mad!” Maddy said, feeling her anger spill out of her chest and through her mouth. Normally she took pride in her emotional restraint, but this game was unlocking a hidden anger.

She hit start on the controller and started the level again. She could tell the platforms were a little easier this level. They were closer together, and larger to land on. It was like some turned the intensity of the game way down. 

Maddy progressed through the level easily at first. She felt herself climbing back to the being she was before she started playing this game. She felt a sigh of relief wash over her. “Alright, Maddy. Just get back to the first level, and turn this crazy thing off. I’m not trying to-“ Another mistimed jumped caused her to hit one of the slow moving projectiles. Her avatar dissipated instantly, as the stage changed yet again. 

Maddy felt her heart drop. She knew something was going on in her head now. It felt like someone had turned a faucet on in her brain. She felt complex thoughts and emotions draining out of her. No matter how hard she tried, she suddenly could recall things like how to ride a bike, boil a pot of Mac & Cheese, and she was a little hazy on how to get her clothes on.

She felt her eyes beginning to water. “This game is really poopy. Me not gonna play dis if it’s gonna be really stupid head!” Maddy thought, looking down at her hand instinctively for comfort. She didn’t understand why at first, but quickly realized she desperately wanted to place her thumb in her mouth. She hesitated at first, knowing it was childish, but couldn’t resist the urge for very long. She popped her thumb in and started slurping on it. 

“Mmm, mush bewtder” Maddy said around her thumb. Her eye’s quickly lit up. Her mind suddenly processed what that white garment around her waist was. She shot her gaze down and confirmed her suspicions. A white diaper with colorful prints stared back at her.

“Whadeva’” Maddy said instantly, looking back up toward the game. Her Mommy was in charge of worrying about what she wore anyways. She hit play on the game and started playing. She was in control of a caterpillar munching a leaf. Her objective was to make sure she didn’t eat any bugs by accident!

To anyone else walking by they’d know instantly this was a game was designed for little kids playing their first video games. That didn’t mean it was incredibly hard to Maddy though. It felt like the caterpillar was moving way too fast for her brain to process it’s trajectory. She quickly at a ladybug by accident.

“Ugh, POOPYY!!” Maddy said, uttering the dirtiest word she could think of. Her diaper seemed to take the consequence of this mistake. The front of her diaper started to puddle with warmth. At first Maddy was vaguely aware of the fact she was going, and if she wanted, she could have stopped it, but after eating the second bug, she suddenly had no idea what was going on. She barely understood what was going on in her diaper in the first place. 


“Me no pwayin’ dis no’ mo!” Maddy said out loud behind her pacifier. She needed to take a break from the game.

“Maybe I get bawk to knowin’ bout’ da potty in a widdle biwt.” Maddy said, trying to think about the potty right after that sentence. It seemed like a large mountain that she frankly would never be able to climb. 

Deep down though, Maddy knew that none of this was right. A very distant part of her knew she wasn’t a diaper ridden baby that was a long shot to potty training. She was a regular adult woman. Yet, the game had done major damage to her intelligence and cognitive thinking. She knew it was the key to getting out of these icky diapers. 

Maddy tried her best to calm down and get ready to make another run at the game. She crawled aimlessly around the carpet a few more minutes before turning back to her Xbox.

Or… at least that’s what it used to be. Instead of TV and gamming console, all that was left was a piece of wood with different shapes cut into it. Maddy’s mouth exploded with drool out of excitement. “I KNOW DIS GAWME! ME GONNA WIN!” She squealed, crawling quickly over to the game.

The three shapes were neatly laid out next to the wooden board. There was a star shape, a square, and a circle. Maddy picked the shape she was most familiar with and grabbed the circle. With a clumsy hand she picked up the wooden board. She had the most confident smile of all time behind her pacifier.

“Awight! I jus’ gonna put dis one in… da…” Maddy looked at the wooden board in her hand. It suddenly looked completely foreign to her. Maddy was completely lost at what to do next. She hadn’t learn any of these shapes yet! Her eyes squinted hard at the inserts. Her brain was working harder than it ever had in her life to try and solve this puzzle. Maddy lazily looked over at the circle in her hand, then back at the board. She had no clue which hole to put it into.

With a nervous shrug, she decided to randomly guess. She shoved the circle into an insert. No luck. It simply banged against the wooden board. She felt her vision get hazier after guessing wrong. Bubbles of anger started floating up into her heavily regressed brain. Her frustration boiled over. Maddy took the block in her hand and started smashing it randomly onto the board.

“ERM! GOW! IN! DA! BRUW!! BWWUU! DRUUBBA!!! WUNGGAAAA!” Maddy yelled, feeling her vision and brain growing hazier and blurrier with each smash. She finally took the circled and pushed it as hard as she could onto the board. Her mind started draining faster than ever. Memories and knowledge flew out of her at a rapid pace, as Maddy pressed down onto the erase button in her mind. Even if she wanted to, Maddy had no idea that she had instinctively gotten onto her knees to push out sloppy mess into her diaper.

The mess flopped out of her with ease as she pushed the circle hard into the board. There was zero resistance from her. Her mind was completely blank. Not a single shred of knowledge. Maddy’s eyes became glossed over and distant. She tried her best to keep her balance, but her scrambled vision and mind caused her to drop the toys onto the ground. They tumbled to her side, as Maddy fell onto her mess. 

Maddy felt anger inside her, but she didn’t know why. Quickly though, the pretty ceiling lights grabbed an iron hold onto her attention. She felt her arms and legs lift up, as she helplessly squirmed to touch it. Her incoherent gurgles barely aided in her feeble attempt to touch the growing light. An endeavor she’d work on for a very, very long time…



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