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The crisp wind blew continuously over Ava’s and Chloe’s faces. Their gaze took in the postcard worthy view of all the trees and other mountains. 

“This is something else. I can’t believe how beautiful it is up here.” Ava said sounding like the vista had a profound impact on her. Chloe looked at Ava and nodded emphatically in response. 

“I know, thank you for dragging me out here! I’ve been stuck in the office for God knows how long now. I needed this hike more than I realized.” Chloe said thankfully to Ava. Ava smiled back at her friend.

“The mountains speak for themselves. This is definitely some soul food.” Ava said, before spinning back around toward her backpack. “Ready to go? We should start making our way back if we want to make it to the brewery before it gets too crowded.” Ava said, Chloe nodded and started gathering her own hiking bag. 

The two got one last look of the view before turning around. Their descent down the moderately rated mountain began. It hadn’t taken them too long to get up the mountain, so they figured it’d be a quick journey back to the parking lot. 

“Hey so, did you hear back from the dealership about that offer? What did they end up giving you for a rate?” Chloe said to Ava. She normally loved talking about shopping, but this time, her face seemed almost annoyed.

“Ugh, it’s been a whole thing with them. I don’t know, they keep coming at me with all these numbers and offers all the time and… it’s just hard sometimes to keep track of it all, you know? Like, why can’t they just give me a really easy, color coded flow chart or something? Why does it have to be all these numbers with so many dates? It’s so exhausting to even think about right now.” Ava said.

Chloe, who normally prided herself in financial advice, oddly felt the same way. Thinking about the whole car buying process seemed almost too big and boring to think about now. She still felt the need to reassure her friend Ava though.

“Yeah, stuff like that I just want to ask my parents to take care of. They have way more experience in it than I do. Plus, they can talk to the adults there and figure it out for me.” Chloe said, Ava’s face brightened. She eagerly agreed with her.

“I TOTALLY agree with you. I wasn’t going to tell you, but my parents still take care of a lot of stuff for me. Like paying my rent, phone bill, utilities, insurance, food, gas, and whatever fun things I want to buy at the store.” Ava said. She felt a little strange about that whole exchange. Almost as if it wasn’t true, but the more she thought of it, the more comfortable she felt with the fact her parents took care of all her responsibilities. 

“Um, but haven’t you been out of college and working full time for like, 6 years now?” Chloe said, feeling a little confused herself about her own financial situation. Her financial budgeting started feeling very foreign in her mind. It was as if someone else normally took care of that for her…

“What? Your Mom and Dad don’t buy you things at the store sometimes?” Ava said with a snort at the end. Chloe smiled in response and nodded her head. Of course, her parents bought her things at the store. Not all the time though, especially if its candy. 

“Hey, water break?” Ava said, breaking the conversational train. Chloe stopped in her tracks right on the trail and started undoing her straps.

“Yes, but don’t drink too much though. My mom was telling me the other day that part of the reason I go to the bathroom so much is because I drink all the time.” Chloe said as her hands grasped the water bottle. She hesitantly started taking sips. 

“No way, my dad told me the same thing! I didn’t know you went pee all the time like me!” Ava said, feeling joy burst through her chest that someone shared the same small bladder troubles that she did. Chloe felt her cheeks grow red with embarrassment. 

“Yeah, don’t tell anyone though… I’m trying to keep it secret.” Chloe said, feeling fear grow inside her that Ava would tell all her friends that she had potty issues. Ava shot a reassuring look at the distressed Chloe. Ava extended her pinkie out toward Chloe.

“Pinkie promise, your secret is safe with me.” Ava said, Chloe smiled and hooked her own Pinkie around Ava’s. She felt an enormous wave of relaxation wash over her. Chloe knew that pinkie promises were basically unbreakable. 

“How much further we got?” Ava asked Chloe. Chloe turned to her bag and unzipped the top pocket. Her hands clutched the neatly folded map and yanked it out. She unraveled the paper and started looking for their location.

The whole map looked way more confusing than it normally did to Chloe. The contours of the mountains made absolutely no sense to her anymore. Even worse, she couldn’t tell where the red trail lines started and ended. And of course, she couldn’t read the mile numbers next to the trails. They were way too small for Chloe. She was used to big easy to read numbers. Normally they corresponded to a fun stuffed animal on a number line, which really helped Chloe understand it a lot better. That wasn’t the case with this boring, poorly designed map though. 

Chloe, feeling pressure to answer Ava, simply guessed at how far the two had gotten. She puffed out her chest to make it seem like she was confident in her assessment.

“Yupp, says here right on the map that we are really starting to get there! We are about a sort of the way through with not that far to go.” Chloe said with the most confident smile of her entire life. Ava, taking the response at face value, nodded enthusiastically.

“Ooo, okay! We are making really good time then.” Ava said, before shoving her water bottle back in her bag. Chloe did the same with the unfolded map and her water bottle. The two threw their bags back on their back and started making their way down the trail again.

“So, what were we talking about before?” Chloe said, genuinely unsure of any conversation the two had in the past 15 minutes. Ava placed a wondering finger on her lips.

“Hmmm…” She said out loud, her brain strained to think of anything. Her whole thought process felt fluid and hard to follow now. That is, until she abruptly arrived at an answer that seemed right.

“Oh! We were talking about how my Mommy bought me a new car to play with!” Ava said, happy that she was smart enough to remember a detail that fine.

“Ohhh yeah! So how fast does it go?! Do your other toys like playing with it?” Chloe said, she felt herself practically at the edge of her seat. New toys were always so much fun to play with and talk about.

“The toys LOVE my new car. I put Mr. Bunny in the driver seat all the time and make them zoom around the floor! Mommy gets mad if I leave him on the floor, so I have a special garage where I put them when they’re done driving around.” Ava said, recalling all the fun times she had with Mr. Bunny and her car while watching cartoons. She felt her toe stub a root. She made quick mental note to do better than to lazily shuffle her feet down this mountain. 

“Oh, I have a special place for my toys too! My mommy has this big toy box full all my stuffies. Whenever I wanna play I just open up the lid and grab them!” Chloe said enthusiastically. She loved bragging about all the toys her Mommy and Daddy had gotten for her.

Ava felt herself grow green with envy. Immense jealousy started growing throughout her body. She wanted to have a lot of toys that she could play with too. She had to one up Chloe somehow. 

“Yeah, well. My Mommy lets me play with toys at nighttime.” Ava said, trying hard not to sound too into that last part. She looked away as if she was uninterested for extra effect. Chloe’s jaw shot wide open.

“Woooow, that’s crazy. Normally my Mommy makes me do stupid stuff like brush me teeth or take shower.” Chloe said. 

“Yeah, I don’t have to do that. I can just play with my toys all the time.” Ava said, blatantly lying to her best friend. Of course, her Mommy made her do all the boring things at night like using the potty and clean up her toys. But she wanted to impress Chloe really bad for whatever reason.

The two hit a lull in the conversation after that. Ava could feel her friend doubted the end of that last conversation. She quickly thought of something to change the subject in her friend’s mind.

“Water Break?” Ava said. Chloe, lost in her own daydream, needed a second to come back to Earth.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Chloe said.

“Potty Break?” Ava said, simply restating what she said before.

“Oh yeah! I’m good, I don’t need the potty.” Chloe said, stopping in the middle of the trail. She shimmied her waist and pulled her shorts down to her knees. Chloe had a light purple pull-up strapped around her waist. “If I have to go potty, I have my pull-up here just in case.” Chloe said confidently. It felt good knowing that even if she had an accident, her pull-up was there to take of it.

Ava smiled, knowing her friend was in the same boat as her. She grabbed the waistband of her shorts and pulled them down to show a peak of her underwear. Sure enough, Chloe saw the hem of a blue pull-up.

“My Mommy said I need to wear pull-ups for just in case too!” Ava said enthusiastically. It felt reassuring knowing her best friend was at the same level of potty training as her. Not that bad, but not that good at holding it. Chloe grabbed her shorts and yanked them back up around her waist. 

“I don’t always go potty in my pants. My chart hasn’t been that great the past few days, but I’m getting there! My Daddy said I could probably start wearing big girl underwear soon if I keep being good.” Chloe said hopefully. Ava nodded and reassured her friend she’d make it.

Another lull took the conversation as the two felt their daydreaming return. It was almost too easy for them to slip into their own make-believe worlds. After a few solid minutes of silence, Ava struck up the conversation again.

“Wait what were we… chatting about again?” Ava said, trying to get two brains to work on this problem. Chloe wracked her brain to figure it out but could only muster up a few sentences. Her memory felt spotty right now. 

“Uh… Something about, nighttime? … I think?” Chloe said, doing her best to conjure up any nuggets of the previous conversation. Ava couldn’t recall what they were talking about from that information alone. However, the mention of Nighttime did bring up images of her recent bedtime struggles…

“Hey…” Ava said, feeling herself get incredibly nervous over what she was about to ask Chloe. She mustered up all the courage she could, and said, “Does… your Mommy make you wear diapers at night?” 

Chloe’s eyes went wide the second Ava’s words hit her ears. She felt her mouth grow dry, as if someone shoved cotton in between her teeth and tongue. Her demeanor quickly changed, she became incredibly reserved and looked away from Ava.

The moment hung between them for a few seconds. The tension was thick. Chloe finally found the words to choke up.

“I um…” She said, unsure if she’d tell the truth until it finally spilled out of her, “… Yeah. Yeah, my Mommy makes me wear diapers to bed. Do you too?” Chloe said, practically hanging on every shred of hope that Ava was at the same level as her. Her worries didn’t last long.

“Yes, that’s why I’m asking. I’ve been wetting my bed so much lately and, I… I just don’t know how to stop it… My Mommy said it’ll stop once I get older, but why can’t I be older now!!” Ava said, stomping her feet onto the ground while they walked. Chloe threw a reassuring arm around her friend. She quickly took the comforting roll.

“Hey, it’s okay, Ava. Like I said, I go potty at night all the time too.” She said, giving her friend a little squeeze. Her words seemed to help a little, but Ava was still clearly upset.

“It’s not just that. I pee peed in my pull-up da other day. It happen so quick. I was watchin’ tv and playing with stuffs when it just happened all so fast. I couldn’t stop it. Mommy said if I keeps doing that, she gonna put me back in diapies. I don’t wanna wear diapers during the day, again!!” Ava said, spilling all her emotions out in that moment. Chloe knew a drastic point had to be made.

“Ava.” Chloe said, as she walked in front of the sulking girl. She extended a handout to her chest and stopped her. With a deep breath, she took her friends hand and placed it on her groin. Ava clearly felt the bulk of a thick adult diaper around her friend’s yoga pants. 

“*GASP* You wear diapers?!?” Ava said, completely shocked her friend kept this big of a secret from her. Chloe nodded her head with a loving smile.

“I do. Mommy put me backs in dem a couple days ago. I poopied in da yard when I was havin’ a tea party wit my fwiends. I didn’t wanna get up.” Chloe said, letting Ava’s hands fall back to their sides.

“Wow… I didn’ kwnow…” Ava said, feeling her friends words wash over her. It made Ava feel so much better about wearing diapers during the day too. She looked down at her waist. Her skin tight shorts did nothing to hide the obvious adult diaper around her own waist. She smiled knowing she wasn’t that different from everyone else her age. 

The two started walking down the trail again, the conversation shifted to much lighter topics. Normal topics like how many diapers they typically go through a day, what their favorite cartoon characters were, and of course, their struggles in learning how to read. 

The two were getting close to the end of the trail. The grade of the terrain had become completely flat. They could hear the sound of distant cars from the road in between the trees.

“Ada, I weawwy wike ydou. Yous goowd fwiend. Mamma swed Isa bee…” Chloe said to Ava, trying her best to keep a coherent string of words together. Her mind was having a lot of trouble keeping the topic of the sentence in the forefront of her mind though. She started getting completely lost after the first few words in the third sentence. Other random thoughts and feelings would butt and derail her train of thought.

Part of it didn’t matter though, because she started feeling an incredibly funny feeling behind her. Something wet and mushy suddenly felt like it plopped into the back of her diaper. Her insides seemed to make a grumbling noise. She stopped walking and started staring into space.

Ava saw her friend was starting to bend down onto her knees. She let out a few grunts while her face grew red. Ava smiled knowing she had a friend who liked doing the same positions as her when they played make believe in the woods. Ava felt herself involuntarily make a push into her diaper. 

“Poopieee!” Chloe suddenly exclaimed, before jumping back onto the balls of her feet. Ava giggled and squealed, while the front of her diaper started growing warm in response. 

“Idada pee pee in dadaa…” Ava said, spewing the exact gurgle that was floating aimlessly through her mind. Pee started spilling out the sides of her full diaper, and down the sides of her legs.

“Girls!” A voice yelled out from some direction in front of them. The girls, with their hazy vacant looks, lazily looked over at the sound. 

“You two know you’re not allowed to play this close to the trees! Come here. That’s enough outside time for you two. Come along!” The caretaker said jubilantly. The worker was wearing the Daycare’s normal light blue and pink uniform, with her name tag written in what seemed like scribbles to Ava and Chloe. The caretake effortlessly scooped the two girls up and started walking from the edge of the daycare’s lawn, and toward the outside patio. 

“They crawl off to the trees again?” Another daycare worker asked as she carried the drool covered girls in. 

“Yeah, they crawled over to their favorite spot to mess their diapers, again.” She said dryly to her co-worker. She turned her attention to the droopy eyed girls in her arms, “They filled their diapers up! Didn’t they!? Didn’t they!?” She said in baby-talk, as if to tease the girls. Ava and Chloe simply giggled incomprehensively to the motherly looking women. 

“That’s enough prunes and juice for those girls for snack time. Make a note on their charts for tomorrow.” The other worker said. 

“Doesn’t matter, they’ll fill these things no matter what we put in them.” She said, the two workers laughed and nodded. Knowing it’d be the same full diapers for these two. Just like it had been day after day, after day, after day… after day…



good story. I would wonder what kind of practices were used to make Chloe and Ava such little babies? Perhaps the Daycare and the workers have techniques for regressing girls into nothing more than fuzzy headed, diaper filling, silly little sweethearts ? Maybe their mommies and daddies enrolled them in such a prestigious academy ? Perhaps something in their food and water turned their minds to mush, or maybe some bright and happy colors on screens paired with warm and pulsing, droning tones in their ears?