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“Hm?” Hermione mumbled around her pacifier. A strange feeling suddenly started pouring out around her crotch. She instantly shot her gaze down to the thickly padded diaper around her waist. A familiar warm feeling was spilling down the center and front of her diaper. Hermione, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, simply shrugged and went back to playing with her dolls on the floor.

“Everything all right? Pumpkin?” Hermione’s mother said softly from the doorway. Hermione’s head swivled to answer.

“Yepp! Me jush pwayin’” Hermione said around her pacifier. She beamed the happiest smile to her mother in response. 

“Don’t need a change or anything?” Her mother said, taking a step into the room to get a closer look at Hermione’s diaper. She clearly had made serious use of her diaper. It was heavily discolored and squishing onto the floor. Hermione, without a moment of hesitation, simply shrugged.

“I don’ kno!” Hermione said, genuinely unsure of how she’d even know when she needed a change. Her mother smiled at Hermione’s childish answer. She took a step back toward the hallway.

“You definitely need a change there, little one. I’ll be back in a minute to clean you up.” She said, turning away from the room and starting down the hall. Hermione turned back around to her toys and continued to play.

“Me gonna get my diapie changed!” Hermione exclaimed happily to her toys as she turned around. Except, instead of seeing her dolls on the ground, she was suddenly staring up at the wooden frame above her bed.

“*GASP*” Hermione gasped, as she got herself up onto her elbows. Cold sweat dripped down her back. She scanned the room frantically to see if anyone had heard her say that last part of her dream. Her eyes looked to see if anyone was in the dorm room. Her heart sank once she locked eyes with Angelina Johnson in the doorway of the room.

“Everything… okay…. Hermione?” Angelina said with an uneasy look. Hermione felt her cheeks flush red.

“Yeah. Haha.. Sorry. Just, uh, a really weird dream.” She said, giving a weak reassuring smile to Angelina. Angelina slowly nodded and turned back toward the exit. She left the room with a clearly bewildered look on her face. Hermione, reading the weirded-out look on Angelina’s face, fell back onto her bed. 

“Ugh, these bloody dreams!” Hermione said, instinctively feeling around her bed for any wetness. She didn’t feel anything. That was only the first test though, she knew the real moment of truth was about to come. 

Slowly, Hermione drifted her right hand toward the center of her waist. Her hands glided across the cotton feel of the pull-up around her waist. Her fingers got to the crotch. She took a squeeze to see how she did that night.


“*Sigh* That’s three nights in a row now. It looks like I’ll be wearing these for a while until I stop wetting the damn bed.” Hermione thought to herself. She yanked her hand away from the cool wet pull-up and grabbed the wand from her nightstand. With a flick, the pull-up vanished from her waist, and into the discrete never-ending bag in her nightstand. 

After a deeply childish night, it always helped to have some normalcy. Hermione began her morning routine by making her bed, and then immediately showering. She always felt grossed out about her body when stale pee had been lingering in her pull-up for that long. After cleaning herself up from another wet night, she changed into her house garb and gathered her things for Transfigurations. 

“Normal day. No diapers. No pacifiers. Just a normal witch’s day in Hogwarts.” Hermione repeated the mantra a couple times to herself as she slipped out the common room door, and into the ever-changing staircases. 

It always helped Hermione to focus on classes after another night of babyish dreams. Transfigurations had been one her favorite classes this year. So, she was excited to put her nose to the grindstone, and keep her growing diaper fetish at bay while she learned.

Hermione entered the classroom with nearly everyone already there. She took her normal seat in the second row, directly in the middle. It was the best seat angled toward the black board. She started grabbing her books and quills out of her bag. That’s when she heard tapping at the front of her desk.

“Hey, how’d things go this morning?” Ginny said plainly. Hermione looked up from her book with an annoyed look. She placed her things on the desk and leaned in closer to Ginny.

“Could you maybe be a little quieter?” Hermione said, her voice near a whisper. She leaned back into her chair and gave an annoyed look. “I think you know.” Hermione said, folding her arms for affect. Ginny gave back a sly smile.

“Hey, chin up Granger. Sounds like we’re in the same boat. It’s been 4 days in a row now for me.” Ginny said almost as if she was proud of that last fact. Hermione rolled her eyes.

“You know, you could at least act as if you want to fix this.” Hermione said, her frustration running clear through her words. Ginny took the backhanded insult in stride.

“We’ll figure this out, Hermione. Until then though, I’m not going to stress about it. You’re too smart not to figure this out.” Ginny said, earnestly trying to boost Hermione’s confidence. It marginally helped Hermione feel better. Ginny continued with, “I still think we should talk to Luna again about this. She has a better understanding of this than we do.” 

“She isn’t going to help. She showed me her…” Hermione said, leaning in toward Ginny again to whisper, “.. pull-ups…” she leaned back and continued in her normal voice, “last time. She seems to think we should just accept it and move on.” Hermione said. Ginny nodded, before she could respond Professor Mcgonagall cleared her throat at the front of the classroom.

“Alright, class. Let’s begin out lesson today on…” She said, as she started drawing and writing notes on the board. Hermione started feverously taking notes while following along to the lesson. The rest of the class followed.

The lessons helped Hermione take her mind off her diaper fetish dilemma. Constantly thinking about a way out normally just lead her in circles. It was important for her to take a break, and just focus on being a senior Witch in Hogwarts. 

The class had been going on for nearly 2 hours at this point. Hermione felt her eyes wandering away from the black board, and toward various parts of the room. Her eyes found their way to the front of the room again. She scanned the people in the front to get a look at their wardrobe options for the day. She scanned until she got to Ginny.

“OH MY GOD!” Hermione screamed in her mind. Her eyes flew open with shock the second her eyes locked onto Ginny’s lower body. She didn’t believe it at first. She never thought in a million years that Ginny would be so reckless about their diaper secrets. 

Riding up from Ginny’s waist band was unmistakably the band of a light purple pull-up. 

“WHY!? Why would she wear one of those out in public like this?! She’s actually wearing a pull-up right now in class. God, how could she be stupid?! She’s going to get us caught!” Hermione thought, feeling her frustration with Ginny grow. 

“That’s our time, class. Make sure you complete the homework assignment BEFORE midnight tonight!” Professor Mcgonagall said, as the class started putting away their belongings. Hermione kept laser focused on Ginny’s every movement while she gathered her supplies. The pull-up was hidden from view by Ginny’s overhanging sweater the moment she got out of her chair.

“Um. Ginny.” Hermione said shortly, she stared daggers at the girl. “Can I speak to you?” Hermione said quickly. Ginny looked confused at Hermione’s angry looking demeanor. No one else seemed to pick up on the tense conversation though and went about their normal business. 

“Yeah sure, Hermione.” Ginny said, grabbing her bag and slumping it over her shoulder. Hermione made sure to walk behind the girl to reduce the visibility of her pampered behind. They walked out of the classroom and immediately down toward a vacant hallway. Once the two were alone, Hermione quickly unloaded on Ginny.

“What are you THINKING?! Wearing a pull-up out in public like this? It’s not okay! What if you were seen by someone?! What would you say to them?!” Hermione said, clearly upset about this whole predicament. Ginny did her best to assuage Hermione’s anger.

“Hey, relax Hermione. No one is going to notice a thing. So what you saw me wearing in class? Do you think people are actually looking for a girl wearing pull-ups?” Ginny said in her defense. Hermione wasn’t buying it.

“Maybe not, but I know plenty of boys who would love to get a good look at your ass. If one of them saw you were wearing pull-ups, it would be the talk of the whole school!” Hermione said, doing her best to show Ginny the weight of this situation. Ginny shrugged.

“You’re worrying too much Hermione. Look I’ll do a better job of concealing them next time.” Ginny said, as if she was trying to strike a deal with Hermione. Hermione continued to press. 

“Why are you even wearing them? I thought we agreed we wouldn’t indulge in…” Hermione said, trailing off at the end to make sure no one else was around. After a quick look she whispered, “… In our diaper fetish.” Ginny sighed and looked away for a moment. Her gaze found Hermione again and continued.

“I like wearing them. Okay. They’re comfortable, and not to mention convenient.” Ginny said, placing a hand on her hip for extra effect. Hermione recoiled at the last part of Ginny’s sentence.

“Convenient… You…. You didn’t…. In class?!” Hermione said dumbfounded. Ginny’s cheeks quickly flashed red.

“You’d be surprised how much class time you miss going to the bathroom!” Ginny said. Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes. She grabbed Ginny’s arm and started pulling down the hall.

“Come on. We’re going back to the common room to get changed out of your WET pull-up, because you don’t want to keep your pants dry for some reason.” Hermione said with strong conviction. She’d never admit it, but she felt a pang of jealousy bolt through her chest. A growing part of her being wished she was the one in pull-ups.

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t knock it till’ you try it, Hermione.” Ginny said. Hermione shot a fierce look back before rolling her eyes.

“Oh, shut it, come on.” Hermione said. The sound of their footsteps echoed through the empty, fire lit hall.

“Are you done in there yet?” Hermione yelled out behind her. She simultaneous flipped to the next page in the Spellbook. 

“You guys have much better bathroom’s than we do. I love the flooring.” Ginny said, as she walked out of the bathroom and into Hermione’s common room. Hermione shook her head.

“Yeah, yeah. Are you wearing another pull-up? Or did you decide to be a big girl and wear regular underwear?” Hermione said.

Ginny winked and said, “I’m good. I’m wearing my regular underwear.” She shifted her hips to the side, simply to relish the padded feeling of her ‘regular’ underwear.

“Alright well, let’s keep looking for some spells in here to try and fix us. We haven’t had the chance to look at this together” Hermione said while she scanned the lines of spells. 

“Oh! I actually did find some spells the other day that I think you might like.” Ginny said, she rushed over toward Hermione’s side. She grabbed her wand out of her pocket and flicked in the air.

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A loud “Pop” echoed through the common room. A moment later, a light green pacifier appeared on Hermione’s nightstand. Ginny quickly snatched it brought up to eye level with the two. Hermione’s face grew a deep shade of red. She quickly scanned the room to double check it was empty again.

“Ginny! No, that’s not going to help us! Put that thing away. That’s not what we’re trying figure out from this book…” Hermione said, her eyes lingering on the soother. Ginny could tell Hermione was fighting her deep desires.

“Looks pretty cute, huh? You could use it if you want…” Ginny said, extending it toward Hermione. Hermione looked longingly at the pacifier for a split second. She even bit the bottom of her lip. The sexual tension lingered for a moment before Hermione turned away.

“No. Ginny, I… I don’t want to use it.” Hermione said, looking back toward the book. Ginny smirked and took a step closer to Hermione.

“I got another one too.” Ginny said, taking out her wand yet again. She waved it in the air and cast another one of the book’s spells.


A shimmering crinkle-like sound snapped from the tip of Ginny’s wand. A split second later, a white disposable diaper appeared on Hermione’s bed. The diaper was much thicker than a normal diaper you’d get at a drug store. It looked like three diapers packed into one.

For the second time that day, Hermione’s eyes lit up in shock. She gasped, before lunging for the diaper on her bed.

“Ginny!” Hermione yelped. She quickly grabbed the diaper from her bed. She flung open her dresser drawer and threw the garment into her never-ending bag. She snapped back up at Ginny. “Stop this! We aren’t here to play. We’re trying to figure out how to fix this!” Hermione said.

Ginny took in a deep breath before she started walking toward Hermione’s bed side. She plopped down onto the cushion and looked back at Hermione.

“You don’t have to worry so much about this, you know.” Ginny said. 

“And why do you say that?” Hermione said while she picked backup the Spellbook.

“Because even if we don’t find a spell that fixes us, I don’t think it’s that bad of a thing to live with.” Ginny said, trying to sound persuasive. Hermione shook her head while her eyes stayed locked on the book. Hermione didn’t respond. 

The room grew quiet for a few minutes. The sound of the wind blew across the windows. The floors creaked in response. 

“Hermione, there’s no one else here except us.” Ginny said, breaking the silence. “You don’t have to worry so much. We share this diaper fetish now. We can have a little fun with it here and there.” Ginny said, trying her best to sound reassuring to Hermione. 

“Ginny, no. We can’t indulge this!” Hermione said sharply, she snapped the book shut. “It’s not right. We aren’t supposed to have this fetish. I don’t want it. I want to feel normal again.” Hermione said, while turning away from Ginny. Ginny placed a hand on Hermione’s shoulder.

“Why do you feel so much guilt? What’s wrong with having a diaper fetish?” Ginny said empathetically. Hermione didn’t respond at first. She took a few moments before turning back around. 

“I… I don’t know.” Hermione said. Suddenly, an unexpected voice drifted from the doorway of the common room.

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.” The voice said. Luna appeared suddenly in the entrance of the dorm room. Hermione and Ginny shot utterly confused faces at the girl.

“Luna? How.. how did you get in here? You’re not even a Gryffindor. You’re not supposed to have the password.” Hermione said quizzically. Luna smiled softly.

“Oh, I have quite a lot of friends that are paintings. If you listen to them, they love to tell you things.” Luna said softly. Hermione and Ginny looked strangely at each other after that response. They both shrugged simultaneously.

Ginny took the moment to look at her watch.

“Oh shoot, I have Dark Arts in 15 minutes! We’ll figure the rest of this out later, Hermione. I have to go.” Ginny said, as she started gathering her things.

“I hope.” Hermione said, as Ginny started making her way toward the exit. Ginny looked back before she left.

“It’ll be fine, Hermione.” Ginny said. She looked toward Luna, who nodded, then back toward Hermione. “See you guys.” Ginny said. Her steps down the stairs became quieter and quieter.

“Well.” Luna said, “It seems you’re struggling with your new diaper fetish. I did too.” Luna said, while taking a few steps toward the center of the room. Hermione looked uneasy.

“You two make it sound as though this is something I just have to accept. That this is always just going to be a part of me.” Hermione said, closing the Spellbook and placing it on the nightstand. 

“I’m not sure if there are any spells in there that will get rid of your new fetish. I gave up not long after I cast the fetish spell.” Luna said. Hermione’s aura quickly became more welcoming.

“You mean, you didn’t actually look through all the spells to fix this?!” Hermione said, her voice filled with excitement for the first time all day. 

“Haha, yes. There may very well be something that can change us all back.” Luna said, she started looking around the walls of the room. “But if I’m being perfectly honest, I wouldn’t change myself back even if I could.” Luna said matter-of-factly. Hermione was thrown off guard at that response.

“Really? Why?” Hermione said, leaning in a little closer. Luna smiled, then clutched the hem of her skit. She pulled it up and revealed the slightly used adult diaper around her waist. 

“I like wearing diapers. They make me feel safe.” Luna said, her diaper fully in Hermione’s view. 

Hermione stared at Luna’s crotch. Her eyes were like dinner plates. She wanted to look away, but part of her, just this once, wanted to let her eyes linger on the diaper.

“You can touch it, if you’d like.” Luna said warmly. The words were pure fuel on Hermione’s growing sexual desires. She was starting to lose the battle of her diapered restraint. 

“I… I…” Hermione said, unsure of what to do next. She had no clue what rabbit hole she’d crawl down if she touched that diaper. The intellectual part of her knew she should just leave the room. Get out of there and live to fight another day.

But a deeper part of her. A side that had been itching to be let out all day. Wanted nothing more than to feel Luna’s diaper. Really, that side wanted Hermione to be in her own thick, slightly used diaper.

Hermione didn’t even realize she had taken a few steps toward Luna. The diaper was practically hypnotizing her at this point. Luna could tell she was almost at the tipping point. She took a step forward. Her and Hermione were practically a foot apart at this point. Luna leaned in toward Hermione’s eyes.

“I know you want to touch it. Go on. Hermione. Touch my diaper.” Luna said, letting her stance fall back into place.

Hermione’s mind was screaming. Each side, her rational and sexual, fighting for control. She didn’t want to admit it, but this was the hottest sexual experience of her entire life. 

Hermione wasn’t sure when it started, but she slowly tightened the muscles in her arm and started moving her hand forward. The second her hand started gaining momentum, she quickly moved to cup the bottom of Luna’s diaper before her mind had second thoughts. 

“Oh…” Hermione said involuntarily, her fingers pressed up against the bottom of Luna’s diaper. She could feel the warm wet accident in Luna’s diaper still cooling.

It was like fireworks in her mind.

Hermione felt high feeling the bottom of Luna’s diaper. This was simply the greatest experience she had ever had in her entire life. It felt like a million tons was sliding off her shoulder. It felt wonderful. It felt amazing. But, above all, it felt right.

“Do you want, your own diaper?” Luna said, looking up toward Hermione. Hermione’s eyes shot up from the diaper and locked with Luna’s. Her face looked scared. As if she didn’t have the strength to make that kind of move yet.

At first, Hermione’s head didn’t move. After a few seconds it began to move down at a glacial pace. Hermione’s head, as if it had a growing weight on top, moved down faster. She stopped after a few inches, then raised her head back up. Her head slowly nodded down again, then up. Then suddenly, Hermione slowly nodded up and down into a cautious “Yes”

Luna smiled. She pulled the wand tucked into her waistband. 


The same thick diaper from before appeared and fastened itself tightly around Hermione’s waist. That wasn’t the only change though. Lightning quick, Hermione’s entire outfit melted away, and into one much more childish. A onesie with cute pictures of wands and brooms snapped into place. It perfectly hugged her diaper. A pacifier also popped quickly into Hermione’s mouth.

“Wuna!” Hermione exclaimed, feeling fear and anxiety rush back in. Luna though stepped forward and lovingly comforted Hermione.

“Shhh. This is your time now. This is your time, to enjoy your diapers.” Luna said. Hermione didn’t see it, but Luna quietly placed the tip of her wand onto the front of Hermione’s diaper. “Have fun, little one.” Luna said, before a white flash escaped the tip of her wand.

“Huhh..?” Hermione said, suddenly the front of her diaper started to feel warm. She could feel that physically something was running out from her crotch, but she strangely couldn’t recall what that feeling was, or even what it meant. She took a few stumbling steps backwards, before falling butt first onto her bed.

“This spell is my favorite. The effects will wear off in a bit. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure no one comes in.” Luna said happily. She smiled down at the regressing Hermione, before turning back toward the door. Within a few steps, she was gone from the dorm room.

Hermione didn’t really care though. She was totally engulfed in the warm mushy feeling still growing wet and heavy in her diaper. 

“He…Hehe….Ahehehe….Taheheh” Hermione giggled uncontrollably, letting her little emotions bubble up and take control of herself. She squealed in delight, relishing entirely in the warmth that was her soaked diaper. 

Her mind felt fuzzy now. All the thoughts and cares she had before felt so distant. Her regular brain was sort of still there, but it felt so far away. Like a jar of cookies placed way too high for someone as little as her. Words and thoughts felt so difficult to hold onto. All she could really think about was what was right in front of her.

As if on cue, a couple of dolls grew into existence right next to Hermoine.

“Oooo! Twoys!” Hermione squealed, feeling her brain getting lighter and sillier by the second. A note next to the toys read, “Almost forgot, another favorite spell of mine.” But to Hermione it looked like: “

ሌላ ተወዳጅ ማለት ይቻላል ረሳሁ”

Hermione threw the silly scribbles to the side and started playing with the fun dolls. She tried setting the scene to the dolls, but found her mouth was getting harder and harder to control.

“Youws gwanna bwe dra drooww woomaa…. Anaa naa ahah! Bwuooo!” She babbled, letting herself sink deeper into her new fun little world. 

Her ever growing distant adult brain. Miles and miles away. Knew that searching the Spellbook for a cure could wait for a little bit.
