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“Mom please, I really need to go. Can you let me in?!” Nancy exclaimed while knocking hard on the bathroom door. Her bladder was on the verge of release a flood of pee into her diaper. Nancy heard a muffled scoff from inside the bathroom.

“You can’t hold it for a few more minutes, Nancy? Seriously? How old are you again? It sure as hell isn’t like a 27-year old.” Her mother retorted back from the bathroom. Nancy knew that response was coming, but it still stung. She winced at that last part. 

A 27-year old shouldn’t be begging their mother to open the bathroom door before they have an accident and pee their pants. For Nancy though, it became her reality a lot faster than she would care to admit. 

Nancy understood why her mother made her wear diapers when her bed wetting issues started months back. But she never really got why she had to wear them during the day too. Whenever she’d ask her mother would say, “If you can’t keep your bed dry, then you can’t be trusted keep your pants dry either.” Nancy didn’t understand that because she didn’t have a history of daytime accidents. Her bladder control was just like any other woman her age.

That is, until she started using them on her own.

It was like holding a heavy ball. Why carry that weight, when you can let it drop to the ground? It wasn’t anything devious at first. Nancy was in the middle of a movie and just didn’t want to get up. The diaper was already taped around her waist. Little did she know, that was her first of many wet diapers to come.

Nancy reasoned that If her mother was going to keep her in diapers all day every day, then she might as well use them. After that, the flood gates let loose. Her mother scolded her nearly every day for the first few weeks. But as her daytime wetting became more common, her mother simply didn’t have the energy to fight about it every single day.

Using her diapers all day came at a price though. Slowly, Nancy’s bladder muscles began to weaken. Constantly letting go when you feel the slightest pressure can seriously degrade your potty training over time. Her bladder shrunk to the point where even one glass of milk had her bladder practically bursting. That is, if she even had the energy to hold it in long enough to get that full. 

Nancy had become quite the pants wetter after a few months of continued use, and she knew it. So did her mother. She sat her down one night after a 5 diaper change day, and told her that if she kept using her diapers like this, she’d revoke all her adult privileges, and make her daytime diaper permanent regardless of if she stopped her bed wetting.

Her mother put a potty chart in her room. One full week of wet diapers and she was done. Keeping her diapers dry was so much harder than Nancy remembered it being. She was currently on day 7. One more accident, and she was staring at the end of her continence. 

“MOM. PLEASE! I NEED TO GO NOW!” Nancy said, feeling her body was seconds away from flooding her waiting diaper. She felt her whole body shaking with the need to pee. All she had was a glass of orange juice that morning.

“You’re an adult, Nancy. Hold it. Stop acting like the baby you have been for months now! I’m tired of it!” Her mother yelled back through the door. Nancy didn’t have a response to that. Her eyes opened wide with fear.

She felt the padding around her grow warm before she even knew what was happening. Her bladder couldn’t hold it any longer. There was no use in trying anymore at that point. Nancy stopped holding anything back. The trickle grew into a heavy stream of pee into her diaper. 

Nancy’s hands left the door and fell onto the corner of the wall. She felt herself sinking down. Not just physically onto her knees, but also into a life of diapers forever.

“Mom I… I.. pee…… peed…” She whispered feebly to herself as she sunk to the bottom. She felt so little in that moment. Littler than any moment in her entire life. She’d grow accustom to that deep feeling for a very long time.




fantastic! love the idea of diaper use turned to mental regression