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( Another fun little animation I made the other day. Patreon is weird about picture sizes, so the main image looks a little grainy. It's supposed to be smaller than that, so I suggest clicking on it to get better quality.)


The world fades away once you start looking into the spirals. Simply, nothing matters shortly after staring into that swirling screen. Boring grown up decisions and thoughts, they all just melt away. It was almost too easy for Jenna’s mind became blank, and ready to learn.

She’d been building herself up to this tape. It was well regarded as the most effective hypnosis to destroy your potty training. A few seconds in, and your eyes would gloss over instantly. Your brain fills with the most lovely, bubbly warmth. 

That’s exactly what happened to Jenna. The world felt warm suddenly. Like the air around her was set to the perfect temperature. Her eyes couldn’t look away even if she wanted to. The yellow spirals were instantly too pretty to look at.

She started peeing her diaper before she could even register what was going on. The spirals took care of her nasty potty training so quickly. She helplessly gushed warm pee into her diaper as the spirals grew brighter.

“Mmm…” She gurgled, feeling an immense amount of love bubbling up from her chest. Not only was she losing her potty training, but she was falling in love with her diapers. She didn’t want to wear big kid clothes anymore. She wanted diapers. She wanted thick, full, wet, diapers. She couldn’t stop this ocean of love for diapers growing in her body if she tried.

The hypnosis dismantled every piece of potty-training Jenna had. The program rewired her to have no clue what to do once her bladder started feeling any pressure. If she did try digging around in that empty mind though, she’d find only one simple phrase left floating  around endlessly in her regressed brain.

“Wet Yourself”



Ryno Sensei

The eye animation scares me


love the idea of falling in love with diapers; as a comfort object, as a convenience, slowly regressing her mind with their softness, their safeness, their pretty colors, patterns, prints. I would love to see more of girls falling in love with diapers, being so thankful for them as they relieve them of thought and control and make them look cute and sexy too.


I think you could fix the animation of this by masking a layer of a perfect hypnosis spiral (either a gif or a jpeg) directly over the center of her eye. This kind of composition works well with 2D animation but is hard to pull off on a photo. Maybe use an ABDreams image of one of their modesl hypnotized or another one with the model's eyes staring straight straight into the camera. it might be hard to find but The original photo looks more like a selfie.