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The moment happened so suddenly, yet so unexpectedly at the same time. That’s what shocked Melissa the most. There was no warning beforehand. There wasn’t a sign when she woke up this morning that said, “Hey, just so you know, you’re going to have your first genuine accident in your pull-ups today.” The warmth just started flowing into her pull-up.

She stopped in her tracks, and instantly shot her head down. She could barely register the fact she was piddling helplessly into her pull-up, or rather, her diaper at this point. She was completely helpless in that moment. No matter how hard she wanted to stop the flow, her brain simply couldn’t get her muscles to clench. It was as if someone else was in control of her in that moment. 

Her left hand trembled before gripping the top of the seam. 

“Oh.. I… I’m… ermm…” She stuttered, fumbling around her words. There wasn’t any room in her brain to form full sentences. She felt too feeble. Too weak. Her pull-up showed in that moment that she didn’t have the strength to keep her pants dry like every other adult in this world. That meant she certainly didn’t have the strength to form words. She was performing one the of the most babyish acts in this world. Perhaps she was completely wrong in her mental assessment of herself?

She may have been an adult before, but in that moment, something changed in her head. The greatest pillar of maturity we build at a young age is our potty training. The sight of it crumbling down made Melissa’s brain look at herself differently. Moments ago, she was a 20 something year old women. But now, she was clearly just a little kid who couldn’t control her bladder. 

She felt the pacifier in her right hand find it’s way into her mouth. If she was too little to keep herself from having accidents, she certainly wasn’t old enough to control her emotions. She needed a pacifier to keep her sadness from bubbling up and spill out her eyes. The bulb was welcomed greedily into her mouth. She started sucking on it the moment it locked in behind her teeth. She didn’t just suck because she wanted to. She needed it now.

Melissa’s life would never be the same. What started out as a fun experiment with diapers and pull-ups had turned into a fundamental change in herself image. One that told her it was okay to be in pull-ups. And if that was the case, then that meant it’s also okay to be kinda dumb. If you’re peeing pull-ups, then you probably also like baby shows. You need to suck on things to stop yourself from crying. You probably can’t walk around all that well on your feet and forming full sentences like a big kid just wasn’t expected of you anymore.

Melissa’s knees felt warm on the carpet. She shot he head downward to look at her crotch. The wet weight of her pull-up caused it to sag notably to the ground. That sight only solidified her entire mind-reset. Melissa looked back up, eyes just a little less light to them, and started waddling toward the TV. 

She felt the slightest bit of residual pressure in her bladder as she crawled. If she wanted to, she could have had a chance at stopping it. 

She didn’t even try.

A baby like her isn’t expected to have dry diapers, let alone pull-ups. That was someone else’s problem to take care of. The pee spilled down the sides of her full pull-up. She didn’t care as it dribbled down onto the floor.

That was someone else’s problem. Not baby Melissa’s. And when her Mommy came home from work a few hours later, she found her daughter in a puddle of pee, happily singing along to the bright cartoons on the TV. All but sealing her fate into her new self-image.  




I so wish I was her Mommy. Coming home to see that my little girl is ready for the next step in her journey. In intentionally messing. Although looks like I'm Also going to need to get a sitter as well.