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“Ang… we…. Ugh- we.. really shouldn’t mess with this stuff. Come on… I think we’re seriously messing with shit we shouldn’t here!” You pleaded with your girlfriend. It was the first coherent sentence you formed in the past 20 minutes. Your head was finally coming down from the most magical high you’ve ever had from an orgasm. It rocketed you straight into heaven. Your entire body was still tingling from the aftereffects. The large load was settling into your heavily used diaper. 

“Yeahhh but, this is so much fun!” She said back to you. Her face was slightly droopy. Like the haze of her own orgasm was still sending aftershocks of pleasure through her body. She scanned the floor before quickly grabbing a long paper card. She placed her finger to the side of it and scrolled to the top.

“It says here we’ve only cum twice, which means we’re at the mental ability of someone in high school. So like, we’re totally-otally finez!” Angelina said, flipping the card over and pointing to the side. Your eyes went wide once you looked at it.

“No Ang. God you stupid idiot! This says we have the mental smartness of someone ABOUT to go into high school!” You said, throwing your hands up in shock and anger. You scoffed and cross your arms.

“This was such not a good idea to buy these diapers. Why did you HAVE to get the ones that make us dummer with each orgasm?” You pleaded, pointing toward both of your soiled diapers. Angelina simply shrugged and shot you an unalarmed look.

“Listen, we are still smarty pants! And besides, has this not been tons of fun? The box said we’d cum harder each time. I for one am lovin’ it like I’m at McDonalds!” She said, playfully punching you in the arm.

You knew that was a stupid joke, but for some reason, you couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling at it. Your previous high intellect sense of humor now seemed to think just about anything was funny now. Angelina caught on and started giggling with you.

“See! You need to lightin’ up over there Mr. I’m A Smart Kid. Let’s just relax and have some fun.” She said to you in a light tone. You still had your doubts though. You wore your emotions on your face rather well, and Angelina could tell.

“Just one more, for me? Please? Pretty-wetty please?” She said, putting on her classic puppy dog face. You did your best to resist, but you felt yourself cracking like you normally do when she made that face. 

“Ang, I just don’t want to become stupid from this. It’s tons of fun, but I’m worried that- Ooh..” You said, trailing off at the end. Angelina had cut right past your words and placed her hand right on your diapered cock. Before you could even fight back, she was already rubbing up and down. It only took a few pumps for you to change your mind. That same magical ecstasy you felt before returned tenfold this time. 

“Mmm.. Yeah, someone gonna get nice dumb for me, aren’t you?” Angelina said, as she started to rub her own diaper. She instantly let out a hot low moan in pleasure. You found yourself nodding to Angelina’s sexually charged words. Your rational mind was draining away while your boner brain took over. You wanted it bad now, and these special diapers were more than happy to give it to you.

“I’m gonna be dummy with chu’, Baby. Me gonna get weaaally dum with chu’.” Angelina exclaimed in a dead sexual heat. She let go of your diaper to focus completely on her own. Like lightning you placed both of your hands on your diaper. Each rub sent you higher into the sky. You felt yourself getting very close. You did your best to articulate that.

“Me…. Gownaa…..I’mawaa…” You uttered, doing your best to form coherent words. Angelina shot you a sexually charged smile. You could tell by her bottom-lip bit face that she was about to cum too. 

“Soo…Duwmb….” Angelina muttered before she felt herself rocket to the moon. Her eyes and mouth shot open, and her tongue flopped right out of her mouth. “UHH!!!” She screamed as a vacant glaze came over her eyes. A dumb drooly smile followed suit.

The sight alone made you erupt. You felt your body glide higher as your dick felt like every orgasm you’d ever had in your life wrapped up into one. 

“MMMmm… MAMA!” You screamed, feeling your balls drain into your diaper. Your brain’s intelligence slipped away instantly like sand flowing out of hourglass. Each second you could feel higher level thoughts draining out of your head. 

Angelina flopped right onto the floor next to you. Her mind was nowhere near earth right now. She was lost in another world of pure sexual pleasure. She floated through space, taking all the feelings in. Just like you, her brain was draining all her adult thoughts away. Her intelligence drained out like an outdoor spigot left completely open.

Little by little, babyish thoughts and feelings began creeping in from the sides to replace those silly adult ones. Any worries or reservations she had about these diapers in the past had vanished. All her brain wanted to do now was rub and rub until she physically couldn’t figure how to anymore. She wanted more. She wanted her whole brain to be filled with simple thoughts of rattles and squishy diapers.

Your brain started to think the same. Your tried to resist it at first, but it was simply too powerful. The mere image of a diaper in your mind sent shivers down your spine. In a massive flood, babyish thoughts and tendencies began taking over your mind. It felt so warm, so wonderful, and simply so right. 

Greeting someone with a simple “Hello” was erased and replaced with immediately craving a pacifier. Using a fork to eat was changed to clumsily grabbing handfuls of food. And of course, needing any kind of assistance dissolved into letting out loud howls while tears poured down your face.

Potty training took the biggest hit. The connections in your brain rewired perfectly to confuse you the moment you felt any need to use the potty. Your bladder pinging your brain to warn you was rewired to thoughts of Teletubbies and pretty colors. This way if you felt any urge, you’d instantly zone out and automatically flood yourself. Your bowl control deviously dissolved into the strong need to bounce up and down and babble. 

It’d felt like a few minutes, but in reality, it’d been almost an hour since you two came simultaneously together in your mind-bending diapers. Angelina began uttering some words to you. You barely cared but decided to lazily look over in her direction.

“Was… Diapie gwettin…” Angelina tried speaking, but her tongue felt so strange now. Something was happening in her diaper. She didn’t understand what, but a mass felt like it was developing around her bum. She had absolutely zero knowledge of what it was, how much was in there, or how to even stop it. With every second that past, her diaper felt fuller and heavier. 

“Iwaba duwmama…” She babbled, before she lifted her butt off the ground, and let it fall back to the hard floor. The mess in her diaper spread with an aduidble *Squish*

“Teheh!” She giggled, you found yourself following suit and laughing with her. In the farthest, deepest, darkest reaches of your mind. You knew that something was vaguely weird about this. Perhaps it was the type of diaper you had on today? Or maybe the fact you didn’t have enough drool on your chin? But whatever that thought was, it felt so much better to not think about it and let your brain float again in babyish ecstasy. 

“*GASP*!” Angelina quickly gasped and pointed at you, before dissolving into another fit of wet giggles. The sudden exclamation caused a snot bubble to pop in her nostril. She was lazily pointing at you. 

“Wuh?” You babbled, looking down toward yourself. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary. Leaky diaper, no clothes, your hand rubbing that special spot. You couldn’t understand what was wrong. 

Quickly though, your train of thought derailed as the delicious mind-numbing pleasure waves boomed from your diaper. Any resistance you had to cumming was reduced to rubble at this point. As quickly as you started mindlessly masturbating, your orgasm came within a few rubs at this point. Your mind felt like it had just raced up Mount Everest and kept going up into space.

Angelina was right behind you. She was blankly staring at the ceiling, letting her hands do all the work around her diaper. Her lips lazily moved while she uttered pure babble. Her brain launched straight into the nebula of deep baby bliss.

Your vision went blurry at that point. Your consciousness took a backseat, while you laid there on your back like a rugrat. The final peaks of pleasure sent you into the furthest depths of the pink fluffy babyish universe. A place you’d live forever now.



Never seen you do any requests but it doesn't hurt to ask. Request: Wife/Girlfriend upset by Thier S/O tricks them in putting on a mind draining diaper that drains them of their knowledge as well as be additive so that the Woman gets to take care of them.


I need oven mitts to handle this story, it’s too hot.