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  *For the longest time I had always loved when authors crossed our diaper fetish into the Harry Potter universe. I knew at some point I'd write my own. But like many of us, we fucking love Harry Potter, and if it's gonna be a diaper cross-over, then it better be good. I spent literally months toying with this story. I wrote outline after outline, ending after ending, and I hated all of them. After about 3 months of refining, I have a story I'm finally excited with. I'm projecting around 7 chapters right now to tell this story, so strap in everyone. It's gonna be a MAGICAL (Get it?) ride on this one :)*

Chapter 1

“You got it?!” Ginny said to Hermione enthusiastically. With an ecstatic smile, Hermione nodded her head and held the book up.

“Yes!” Hermione exclaimed, before finally handing the book to Ginny. With eyes the size of the moon, Ginny instantly flipped it open and started quickly flipping through the pages.

“Hermione this is amazing, I-I can’t believe you actually convinced her! I thought she was never going to budge…” Ginny said before reading a few lines of text. She slowly shook her head, then looked back up at Hermione. “She told us she’d never give up her mother’s book! What did you do? Tell her you’d subscribe to The Quibbler for life?” Ginny said with a sly smile and a wink. Hermione exhaled through her nose and smirked.

“No, no. I was simply honest with her. I told her you and I have been trying to study new spells together, and what we’ve been learning in class just hasn’t been enough!” Hermione said to the still wide-eyed Ginny. 

Hermione originally had an entire speech concocted to try and convince Luna to give up her mother’s experimental spell book. She knew it’d be a hard sell, given the fact Luna’s mother literally died over making up new spells. The book was the last thing Luna had of her mother at this point. Hermione expected a long-winded fight.

As it turned out though, Luna was rather sympathetic to Hermione. She understood better than anyone Hogwarts had become a much different place. Ever since Umbridge turned the whole school on its head, classes were practically a joke. Defense against the Dark Arts was a shell of its former self. No one had learned a single spell in months. 

“Be careful with it. I etched out the spells that were dangerous.” Luna had said after handing over the book. “… Oh, and don’t use the spell on Page 394, I had to spend three weeks constantly clipping my toenails after that one…” Luna said, before looking unpleasantly at her feet. She shook her head, then gave Hermione her trademark warm smile before skipping off.

Hermione had been practically dumbfounded in that moment but decided to take her victory and not argue with it. She made her way back to the Gryffindor common room instantly to tell Ginny the good news.

On the way back she pondered how things would play out between her and Ginny. If she was being honest with herself, she had been caught off guard initially when Ginny asked her to teach her new spells. It made sense given the state of things, but they simply had never had the closest friendship. After a constructive conversation though, the two figured out a way for this partnership to work. Ginny brought up the fact Luna’s book could teach the two of them brand new spells. Hermione always found the greatest joy from new knowledge, and Ginny simply loved learning new spells. It made sense for the two to form an illegal “Study Group” together. Hermione just hoped they could get the same education through each other as they would through traditional school.

Ginny closed the book and flipped it over to examine the back.

“Do you think we could start tonight?” Ginny said, looking back toward Hermione. She shrugged with an uneasy look.

“I better make sure that this thing is completely safe before we start learning together…” Hermione said, before gently taking the book back from Ginny. 

“What do you mean? We’re practically the same age, and I’m only one year behind you. You and the guys have gone on crazy adventures the past how many years? If you could cast dangerous spells then, that means I’m ready now!” Ginny said with an annoyed tone. Hermione considered the point for a second. She wasn’t being unreadable…

“I don’t know, Ginny. I do think you’re ready, it’s just…” Hermione said, trailing off. She examined the book for a few seconds before responding. “We don’t know what’s even in here. I know I’m not your teacher; but in a weird way, I feel responsible for you.” She said, looking apologetic. Ginny replied with a disappointed look. Her face struck an emotional chord in Hermione.

“Tell you what.” Hermione said, “How about I’ll test some spells tonight to see if they’re safe. If there’s any finicky ones I’m sure, I’ll be able to handle it.” She said, clutching the book and bringing it toward her chest. “Any safe ones and we’ll work on them together tomorrow?” Hermione said, doing her best to sound fair. 

Ginny chewed on the words for a few moments. She looked guarded at first, before her demeanor softened. Her body language opened.

“Alright, that’s fair.” She said with an agreeing nod. “But don’t wimp out on me, Granger! I can hold my own. I’m a lot stronger than you think.” She said confidently. Ginny started gathering her things from off the ground a moment later. She shoved some papers and books into her bag before shouldering it onto her back.

“Tomorrow, 2 p.m. I know you’re free then!” Ginny said, as she started walking toward the common room exit. “We’ll meet at the Owlery!” She said, before slipping off into the exit. Hermione pursed her lips and nodded.

“She is one motivated girl.” Hermione thought, before gathering her own belongings and headed up to the dorm rooms.


Snoring women and sounds of steady crickets filled the women’s dorm room. Hermione was the only one up. She carefully opened her bedside drawer and pulled out the book. She did the best she could to be quiet so as not to wake anyone. 


Hermione whispered; the tip of her wand cracked to life with a small ball of white light. She quickly got underneath her blanket. The illuminated wand gave just enough light for Hermione to see the front of the leather-bound book on her knees. She took a deep breath in and out before opening it.

“Just be smart here.” She reasoned, before flipping to the first page. “Be cautious and be smart. Hasn’t failed me yet…” She thought with a slight smile.

A table of contents stared back at Hermione. Although, a better description might be a scribbled mess of words and lines. At some points there were page numbers indicating specific spells, but that was about where the helpfulness of the index stopped. Hermione did her best to read through the grocery lists, strange water stains, and random doodles to find any kind of guidance. 

It didn’t take long for her to give up and simply flip the book open to a random page. “Hmm…” A zoned in Hermione said. She looked closely at a single spell scribbled onto the page. 

Vere Flos: Use only in a pinch when you need a gift for an anniversary or birthday party!” The note said. Hermione squinted at the words. Her eyes became ridged and her face grew confused. 

“For a birthday party? The hell does that even mean?” She said, she tried looking further along the page for any more information, but all she could find was other spells with similar simple descriptions. “This woman is all over the place. I see where Luna gets it…” Hermione thought. She pondered for a few moments about using the spell. “It seems harmless enough though.” She reasoned, looking at a notepad below her. She neatly wrote “Vere Flos:” before turning back to her wand.

“God, I hope I don’t regret this.” She said, before taking a breath in. 

Vere Flos

A green stem began slowly growing out of the tip of Hermione’s wand. The top of the stem grew quickly into the head of a flower. A few seconds later, and a beautifully vibrant bouquet of flowers popped out from the wand. 

“Haha, how cute!” Hermione said, using her wands light to get a closer look at the flowers. They were a complex array of purples and reds. They smelled incredible. They reminded Hermione of the kind her family used to grow in their garden. It brought a smile to her face.

“Flower spell, alright that’s definitely one we can use.” Hermione said, turning back to the notepad. She carefully wrote out a much more accurate description compared to Luna’s mothers.

For the next 20 minutes Hermione sifted through consecutive pages of spells. Each one was as harmless as the last; mostly due to the fact Hermione only picked the ones that seemed safe. She didn’t dare use one that didn’t have a description. Most though did simple things like turn an object a different color, turn small items into food, all easy spells that could have specific uses. She wrote each of them down into her notebook.

She was starting to feel the exhaustion hit her after the 7th spell. The clock next to her read 2:45 A.M. Way past her normal early bedtime. She resigned herself to one more spell for the night before calling it.

“Alright let’s see….” She muttered, flipping the book to the next page.

“Calming Spells” Read at the top of the page in loopy text. 

“Hm, let’s see what these ones do.” Hermione thought, looking at the first spell below the header. 

Infan cerebrum: Brings a light joyous pleasure to the user” The description read. Hermione cocked her head slightly to the side. The description seemed a little strange, but not outlandish. There were spells they learned even at a young age that altered the body. Some would warm the user’s body temperature or focus their mind on a task. 

“A light joyous pleasure. What does that mean? Like a warm hug?” Hermione reasoned, before writing down the spell’s name in the book. “I’ll try it, if it’s only meant to be a positive spell. It shouldn’t do any harm. Most of these are gimmicky spells anyways.” Hermione muttered to herself, “Last one though before bed.”

She steadied her grip, and took a deep breath in. 

Infan cerebrum” 

Hermione’s eyes went wide with fear. Her hands quickly shot up and held her face. She knew instantly that something wasn’t right. 

“Ugh!” She groaned in discomfort, she closed her eyes to try and steady herself.

The pain felt like a splitting headache in her brain. Even worse though, it felt like the pain moved and slithered throughout her mind. As if sections she’d never felt work at the same time together were suddenly one. 

“No! Urgh what’s going on!” She whispered sharply to herself. She took in deep breaths, just doing her best to stay conscious.

The pain started to soften after a few minutes as it traveled through her mind. The motions in her mind started to feel warmer, and she started to feel a sensation she never dreamed would come from this spell. Sexual arousal. 

Something felt different though. The normal images and fantasies Hermione would play out in her head weren’t coming to her. Instead, an image Hermione had never associated with pleasure before suddenly burst into her mind. 

“*GASP*!” Hermione loudly gasped into the quiet room. She quickly clasped her hand over her mouth. She heard a short stir in the bed next to her, but no one woke up from her revelation. 

“Oh my god, No. No. NO!” Hermione whispered loudly to herself, she closed her eyes and tried shaking the thoughts out of my head. She succeeded for a moment. Only of course for the images to come flooding back.

“Diapers?!” Hermione thought, as the thought of a taping an adult diaper around her waist flooded her mind. It sent a wave of intense arousal through her body. The pleasure was stronger than any fantasy she’d ever played out in her life.

“Is that what this spell just did to me?! I-?!” Hermione thought, too afraid to finish that sentence. She tried pushing the thoughts away, only for them to return. “…I.. Like diapers?!” She thought, as the image of herself in a diaper came roaring back. This time though she indulged it for just a split second.

It felt good. Too good in fact. The thought of waddling around in a thick diaper sent waves of pleasure through her entire body. It was intense. Hermione felt herself loosen up, while she basked in the fantasy for a few seconds. 

“Urgh no!” She thought, before clamping down on her mind. She shook the fantasies in her brain away. “Meditate, Hermione. Meditate.” She said, taking in some deep breaths. For years she’d always found meditation to calm her often stressed mind. It calmed her and allowed her to think more clearly.

It worked. She felt her mind grow calm. The new intrusive thoughts were able to stay at bay for a few moments. Hermione centered herself and tried playing out her normal sexual fantasies.

She envisioned in her mind that she was laying completely naked on a bed. A strong man was at the base of the bed staring down at her.

“Get over here, Girl.” He said, climbing into the bed with her. Hermione bit her bottom lip as the fantasy played out. It was normal. Sure, it was vanilla, but it’s what she’s always been into. She felt herself relax knowing the strange sexual thoughts from before may have finally left her.

“Oh, Hermione!” A woman suddenly exclaimed as she burst into the sex scene. She was her mother, clad in a classic motherly looking apron and gown.

“How’s is the little play date going?! Are you two having fun?!” She exclaimed, walking up toward the bed. Hermione looked over at the man, the whole scene had changed. Instead of a bed, she was in a crib. The man was wearing nothing except a shirt and large puffy diaper. Hermione looked down and saw herself in the same attire. 

Sexual pleasure a hundred times stronger than before started pulsating through her body. She couldn’t stop herself from playing out the fantasy in her mind.

“Do you need a diaper change? Hm? You two both look like you need changes.” Her mother said, sticking a hand in Hermione’s diaper. 

“Mommy I don’t need a change, I’m potty trained!” Hermione said, finding herself going along with it.

“Ha! That’s rich. Maybe in a few years’ sweetie. Right now, that diaper is telling me you’re almost soaked through!” Her mother said. Hermione looked down again, and sure enough, her diaper was practically leaking. 

It was all too much for Hermione in that moment. She felt her eyes roll up, and her toes curl. With a burst unlike ever before, Hermione came harder than she ever had in her life. 

“MMMmmmm…” She moaned softly, as she came back to reality. She had no idea she had been masturbating to the fantasy this entire time. She floated in the high for only a split second, before a mountain of shame hit her. 

“Fuck.” She thought, pulling her head from the covers. She stared up at the dark ceiling. Her thoughts cleared. The intense sexual feeling she had before finally sated.

“I…” She whispered, yet again she didn’t want to finish the sentence. “…I think I have a diaper fetish now.” She thought, before breathing in the heaviest sigh of her life. 


Nathan Johnson

Dang! You strike gold again with good stuff!


I love it!! Absolutely please continue this one!

