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“What?” Anna said to Alyssa. Alyssa was looking at her like she had 7 heads for some reason. 

“What do you mean, ‘what?’ don’t mess with me like that.” Alyssa said, crossing her arms. She was clearly upset over Anna’s lack of response. 

“Hah, Alyssa I literally don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just chilling here on your couch.” Anna said, she was correct there. The two were simply hanging out in Alyssa’s living room. The news anchor on the TV droned on in the background.  Alyssa threw her hands up in frustration.

“You’re telling me you really don’t know what I’m talking about?” Alyssa said, looking directly into Anna’s eyes. She had a slight tone of desperation in her voice. 

“I really don’t.” Anna said, starting to sound irritated herself. She retorted with, “Do you?”

Alyssa’s finger snapped up in an instant, ready to pounce at the easy question. Her confidence practically beamed out her face. 

But within in a second, it all came crashing down. 

“I.. I don’t…” Alyssa said, tripping over her words. She looked completely befuddled. “It was something about, asking if, the music we were listening to actually… did… something…” She thought, finding her train of thought easily derailing. 

“See, you’re not such a smarty pants over there, now are you?” Anna said, sticking out her tongue for extra emphasis. That clearly demonstrated her superiority. Alyssa rolled her eyes and felt an emotional response suddenly come upon herself. 

“Yeah well, if you’re such a big kid, then why don’t you count up to 5?” Alyssa said matter-of-factly. Anna scoffed and shook her head. She steadied herself and cleared her throat.

“I am a big kid, and I don’t need to count up to ff…ffff….fii..fivv.. fivv-ah to prove to you how much big kid stuff I know.” She said, starting daggers at her friend. “Buht, if you reaaaally gotta know, I’ll show ya. Wone… T-troo…. Fweee…” She said, finding herself suddenly increadibly lost in her head. She felt she knew the phrase that came after the previous number, she was just thinking on, but was it the one after that? Or was she confusing it with a number she added when she was on the number before then? She suddenly really wasn’t sure what part she was at, or really what the last number even looked like. She tried drawing the number she was just on, but everything looked so squiggly and rather complex now in her brain. She sat there for a few seconds, waving her hands around the air seemingly aimlessly.

Anna’s hands waved around the air for a few more minutes. She loved the motions and pretty colors her mind was drawing up. She found herself giggling and gurgling to the fun pictures. Alyssa was on the case though for another mystery that just popped.

“Aw-na” Alyssa said, popping her thumb out of her mouth to talk clearer. She felt anxiety wash up once she did, but she knew it’d make articulating words easier. “Why diapie.. go all…” She said, looking down at the blue diaper taped firmly around her waist. “Isah…I goow peedee in dii-diada….” She said, giggling to herself at the warm accident growing around her crotch. She didn’t understand why it was happening, but frankly no part of her cared. She clumsily got to her feet to jump up and down in her new warm wet squishy diaper. 

The white headphones over her ears slipped off once she got off the chair. The sounds from it were nothing but white noise at this point. Some distant mantras were still whispered at very low volumes, but Alyssa didn’t near to hear them anymore. She found them buzzing and bouncing around in her skull.

“Me a BA-BA!” Alyssa said, screaming suddenly and looking distantly at Anna. She clasped her drool covered hands around Anna’s and hoisted her up.

The two stumbled around to gain their balance for a few moments but were miraculously able to steady themselves for a few minutes. Alyssa grabbed the ring of her pacifier and giggled into the room the entire time. Her brain was swimming in a swirl of babyish images. Diapers, bottles, pacifiers, and big stuffy bears bounced around in her vision. 

Anna gurgled incomprehensible babble while she stood wide, her pink pacifier firmly bobbing in her mouth. A weight suddenly felt like it was moving out from her lower half, and into her diaper. She just stared off into the distance, just like Alyssa had when she wet her diaper. Something in her mind repeated while she wet, “Wet baby, Wet diapies, happies diapies, happy baby, wet babeeee…” It swirled and gunked up the cogs in her mind. Quickly nothing made sense, she couldn’t comprehend or understand even the most basic human thoughts.

The girls’ squishy butts found the floor shortly after that. People with brains containing zero gross motor skills often had butts that do that….



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