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Thank you, everyone, who decided to support me this month. I'm not exaggerating when I say this, the only reason I'm able to fund my diapered life is because of this patreon. Cases aren't cheap! And I've been going through a lot of them lately. It's also so wonderful to get support from my writing. I spend a long time thinking about story arches, every word and sentence is building to something greater. Thank you so so much!

I did this last month without telling anyone, but I randomly put a comment on an old post that said, "If you're reading this, you've just won a free caption commission!" Only one person found it, and we're still working on the details of their commission now. BUT I'd love to give more people the opportunity, so I commented on another random post with the phrase: June 2020 Caption Scavenger hunt :). The first person to find it and tell me what post I commented on will win a free caption commission written by yours truly. Get lookin'!

Thank you all so much,




The Lie part 1