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“Oh…” Carly mumbled to herself around her light green pacifier. She felt a very strange feeling in her body, one that seemed very new. It was something she’d never really felt before, almost like a tingling. An alert almost. That something needed to happen soon. It was curious how much attention it grabbed from her at first. Within a few second though, it seemed to pass. Almost as if her brain wasn’t sure what to make of the odd request, so why not just ignore it?

That seemed logical. In fact, the more Carly thought of it, the more it made sense to never question that kind of feeling again. Her Mommy had told her, just like she did every night in her headphones, that alarming feelings like that are of no concern to her. Those are feelings explicitly meant for the underwear around her waist to deal with. 

She became even more confused. The idea that her underwear oversaw some feeling in her body, other than her own conscious adult mind, it just didn’t sit right with Carly. She was a recent college graduate out of Yale. She should be hyper aware of every situation she was in, right?

She kept searching in her brain for answers. She thought incredibly hard about what was happening. She could feel herself making serious headway in her mind. The answer was right there in front of her. She was chewing down extra hard on her pacifier to concentrate. She chased the idea like a rabbit through the forest. It was almost there, on the tip of her tongue. But then suddenly, the idea hopped right, and into some bushes.

Carly searched around for the idea. It seemed important a few moments ago. As she searched though, she started noticing how lost she was. She tried retracing her mental steps. What was she thinking about again? Where was she going with this? It all seemed fuzzy. She kept looking around in her brain for answers, but everything just felt so slow and foreign now. Why was she even thinking? What was she trying to remember? Why was she even in this mindset?

It all seemed so confusing now. Thinking was hard. And holding onto a train of thought? Frankly that wasn’t Carly’s expertise anymore. She found herself melting back into her reality. She was playing with a rabbit on the floor. And that’s when she connected the dots.

“Oohh! Das why me tinkin’ bout’ buhn-nees!” She squealed while clapping her drool covered hands together. She let her brain take her right back into the forest with her favorite bunny. The two played hide and seek between the trees. All the while, Carly could feel something around her body getting tight. Her bum felt warmer as she subconsciously knelt on all fours to “Hide better.” Carly barely registered her feeble grunts as she started pushing out a large mess into the seat of her pull-ups. 

“My, my. Someone certainly isn’t trying to get into big girl underwear anytime soon, hm?” A voice echoed in the forest. It shook Carly out of her daydream and back to the bright, colorful reality of her babyhood.

“Hrm?” Carly said, trying to blink back into this world. But her head was having trouble focusing on the large breasted women in front of her. Everything just felt so fluid and loose in her brain. There was no steering it. Her intelligence sails were completely at the mercy of her brain’s now ever-changing winds. And the fog around the water made any foresight or past thought impossible to see.

“Look at you! You’ve made a mess in your pull-ups! You’re clearly not ready for big girl panties. Looks like our little college grad is going right back into diapers!” Her mommy said. Carly simply gurgled and nodded her head. Mommy was saying something really happy and nice, so Carly should obviously agree. She subconsciously pawed at her Mommy’s breasts.

“We can feed you in a minute, baby. We need to get you all cleaned up though!” The women said, placing her down on a changing table. She stopped for a moment and put a finger on her lips. “You seem really out of it today; those tapes must really be working.” She mumbled; Carly’s eyes indicated she was slipping back into another world. 

“Well I could change you now.” Mommy said, a devilish grin growing on her face. She walked over to the iPod charging next to the nightstand. She unplugged it and flicked it open. “Or… we could listen to some more lessons about how fun it is to stay in dirty diapers…” 

Caryl’s eyes lit up like the sun. The phrase “Lessons” rang clearly in her brain. Everything focused to her Mommy holding out the headphones.

“Mhfm, Mhfm… mm.. Gimmie… Gimmie Mommy!” Carly said, grabbing at the air for the headphones. She wanted the sounds. The sweet, baby-fying words to further unplug her already heavily regressed mind. She was already in deep. Going any further would all but obliterate her lucidity. Her Mommy couldn’t be happier about that. She placed the earphones over her head.

“Here you go, Baby. Enjoy! See you on the other side!” Mommy said, placing Carly in her crib. Her messy pull-up was already growing wet and warm, a standard indication she was in trance. The forest dissolved in her mind. Her thoughts drained away to fuzzy bright happy colors of yellow and pink. Her cognitive thinking flew right out of her brain, and into her last pull-up. 

Her mind became independent of Carly shortly after. Carly had no say in her now melted, completely regressed mind. She was simply a passenger, in an ever-changing spectacle of baby cartoons, toys, diaper changes, but most of all, mind-numbing babyish gibberish.



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