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Everyone. It happened.

I don’t normally post more than one diaper update a month (Mostly because the progress moves slowly, and there’s really no reason to bombard you guys with the same information each week), but I HAD to over what transpired yesterday.

Before I jump into the big news, I wanted to review really quick how I got to this point for those who joined this diaper journey of ours kinda late. I started wearing diapers on and off in November. It became close to 24/7 in December. The only time I’d wear big kind underwear was when I went to work. The moment I got home, I strapped myself into a diaper. That put a dent into my potty training being diapered that much. I was in diapers far more often than I wasn’t, and I’d gotten pretty used to them. So many close calls at work where I’d feel the pressure and I’d let go instinctually, only to hit the brakes at the very last second. There were of course 1-2 times I’d be too late and dribble a little bit into my underwear. It’s what happens when you become a diaper wearer like me.

When Covid hit, my god did that serve a put a serious blow to my potty training. Since early March, I have worn regular underwear literally zero times. It’s just been diapers since then. And everyone, I am so proud to announce to the patrons on this page, everything we’ve been working toward together… IT. HAPPENED!!!!

I had my first day time accident yesterday 😊

It was so unceremonious. I had this vision in my head that I’d be walking around my house and suddenly stop as my bladder defied me and pushed everything out, while I just stood their powerless. But, no. In the end it played out much differently. I was sitting in my office chair (I have a whole room in my house for my office set up), and was minding my own business, typing away. I was on my third diaper of the day, and it was around 3 PM. 

I shifted to my side to grab a paper to reference something. I barely noticed it at first. My crotch just felt warm. It was a very familiar warmth though. I frozen in place. I literally couldn’t believe it at first.

I was fucking wet, and I had ZERO clue when it happened. I had an accident. In my diaper.

I instantly got out of my chair and started examining it. It wasn’t anything huge, it was a very normal amount of wetting for myself, but I WAS SHOCKED! I honestly couldn’t stop myself from feeling all giddy afterwards. Guys, I’ve been waiting for this for months. MONTHS! I did a little fist pump into the air. My first real, genuine, accident everyone. A massive milestone in my un-potty training 😊

I haven’t had an accident like that since, but I’m hoping it’ll continue!! This has been a such a long and arduous journey. So many times I’ve felt like throwing in the towel and accepting the fact I was too potty trained to break it. But, that’s not true everyone! You CAN lose your potty training if you try hard enough. It’s taken enough water to fill like 80 olympic sized swimming pools, mountains of diapers, and a whole lot of determination. But I’m getting there guys. I really am. And I love it so much more than I thought I was going to. I’ve been into diapers ever since I was young. It’s honestly amazing to have them become a part of me now.

I’d still consider myself potty trained. Like if I was really trying to focus on it, I’m like 85% sure I’d catch before it was too late. But, that’s not to say I’d have SERIOUS trouble making it. I like to think I have the potty training of a toddler who JUST got into big girl pants. I’ll make it most of the time, but I genuinely have to be on top of it, and if I’m not focusing, I’m going to wet my pants.

We’ve got a whole summer of COVID at home plans though to keep chipping away at my potty training, everyone. If I keep this rate up, I’m sure I’ll at least need constant daytime padding by August/September (I kinda already do tbh). 

Let’s keep taking these steps backwards together 😊

Thank you guys, hope you enjoyed this quick update,


Also just wanted to remind everyone to expect three more posts by the end of the month. One more caption series, and two more stories :)


Nathan Johnson

Awww yay! I'm so proud of you :D


Certainly sounds like the beginning of the end for your potty training. You make it so tempting to join along especially during quarantine!




That's great!!