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Taylor took off her clothes the minute she got through the door. She practically tore her panties off. Her hands were shaking with excitement as she snatched a pull-up from the pile. She hoisted the training panties up her legs and let them snap into place.


“Oh my god…” Taylor said out loud to herself, she instantly looked down at herself. There she was, wearing only a pull-up and a top. Just like Brooke was practically the entire time she was over at her house playing. She couldn’t stop herself from feeling the pull-up with her hands. She speed walked over to her full-body mirror to get a better view.

“I could get used to these.” She thought, getting a look at her pampered ass. The feeling of finally being in this pull-up was everything to her. When she first saw Brooke’s room, her new emotions hit her like a volcano. Now? It was like the big bang. Something new inside Taylor was forming. The emotions she had toward these diapers was unlike anything she’d felt her whole life. Brooke had awoken a deep desire in Taylor’s life today. One that was powerful, life changing, and not going away anytime soon.

She toyed with herself all night in bed about whether she should wear one to school. She’d never dream of it before, but ever since Brooke mentioned it, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. The idea was like an electric fire in her brain. She drifted peacefully to sleep that night unlike ever before. She felt safe and calm, entirely because of the thick diaper she had taped around her waist right before getting into bed.


“Oof! Sorry!” Taylor yelled out as her body collided with another. She’d turn the corner pretty fast, she was almost late to her class.

“Ouch… Hey, come on, watch where you’re going!” The random professor yelled back, straightening her clothes. Taylor had never seen her before.

“I’m sorry, it’s just I’m.. I’m just really in a hurry.” Taylor said, fixing her collar. The teacher didn’t seem impressed with that excuse.

“Young lady, at this establishment you should be- Oh.” She said, suddenly stopping mid-sentence. Her face became softer and more understanding. “Were you trying to make it to the potty, little one? Do you need help knowing where it is?” The teacher said, leaning slightly to get at eye level with Taylor. Her eyes went wide with shock.

“WHAT?! No! I don’t need help! I can make it to the potty totally fine!” She yelled, looking down at her waist. Her waistband screamed back at her. It was obvious to anyone who saw it. The collision knocked her shirt and pants loose just enough to let a layer of her pull-up ride above her pants. “*GASP*” Taylor said, before looking back up at the teacher. Her fight or flight kicked in at that moment. She quickly walked past the teacher and continued down the hall.



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