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“Oh um, okay. Sorry.” Taylor said, quickly looking away from the pull-up and going back to her work. Brooke stuck her lip up in the air and nodded triumphantly. She didn’t even bother grabbing her pants and pulling them backup, she plopped back onto the floor and started playing with her toys again. The coloring book was getting boring anyways. Taylor, her cheeks now a little red, started stealing more glances at Brooke’s activities. And no matter how hard she tried; she couldn’t help but look at her wet pull-up each time.

“What?” Brooke said after about 15 minutes of silence. Taylor’s eyes went wide, her head snapped back to her computer. She’d been staring at Brooke’s pull-up for a full minute. “Am I leaking?!” Brooke said, pawing instantly at the ground.

“No.. No.” Taylor said, fully aware of the status of that pull-up. She shook her head for added affect. “You’re totally fine. Let’s just get this project done.” She said, trying her best to focus. Brooke had a sly smile on her face. She quietly went back to her toys for a few more minutes. She smiled and cleared her throat.

“Hey you wanna see my room?” Brooke said, suddenly jumping to her feet. Her wet pull-up bounced in response. She extended an arm toward Taylor to help her up. 

“Oh I don’t… no we don’t have to…” Taylor trailed off. 

“Come on! It’ll be fun!” Brooke said, grabbing Taylor’s arm and yanking her up from the floor. She quickly led her down the hall and into her nursery. Taylor’s face was filled with shock when she got the first sight. 

She’d never seen a room like it. An adult-sized crib, the mountain of diapers and pull-ups, toys were everywhere, there was even a mobile spinning softly. Taylor took it all in. And try as she might to keep it down, those feelings from before, erupted like a volcano. 

“This is… awesome, Brooke.” Taylor whispered. She couldn’t believe she said those words, and she was in shock that she meant them. Brooke smiled at the warm response.

“Aw thanks, I thought you’d like it!” She said, she showed her around in detail. Giving her the grand tour of all her toys and their back stories, where her favorite place to have an accident was, and of course, the stuffed animal she just HAD to sleep with every night. Taylor listened intently, even laughing and playing make-believe for a few minutes with one of her toys. 

“Hey this is great and all, but it’s getting kinda late.” Taylor said, getting a look at her watch. Brooke frowned but understood. 

“Okay, no problem.” She said, looking away kind of sad. The two stood there for a few moments, before Brooke suddenly said, “Hey by the way, you were looking at my pull-ups a lot today. Do you need any to take home?” She said, already walking over to the pile.

“Oh no!” Taylor said, quickly turning that down, but Brooke was already making a small pile for her. 

“It’s no worries at all! The school gives me a TON anyways. Here!” She said, shoving a mix of pull-ups, diapers, and boosters into Taylor’s face. The smell almost overwhelmed Taylor. They smelled sweet, almost inviting. She grabbed the pile of diapers out of Brooke’s hands faster than she would have expected. Brooke just smiled back. “You can even wear them to class tomorrow during our presentation! You know, just in case!” Brooke said. Taylor blushed hard at that. The idea of wearing a diaper was insane, let alone actually in public?! It was all starting to be too much for Taylor. She thanked Brooke for having her and quickly gathered her things. She left soon after. The pile of diapers and all.



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