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Taylor let out a heavy sigh. Her fingers rubbed the temples near her forehead. She opened her eyes to see the sight of a red door in front of her. 

“Welp. Here goes nothing, I guess.” She murmured before gripping the doorknob and turning it open. She’d been dreading this moment for the past week. She’d never thought she’d have to work with someone like Brooke, but unfortunately, her class thought it was important for adults to work with “The diaper kids.” As they called them at her college.

In Taylor’s world, it was normal for students to choose the AB/DL track in college. In fact, just like a trade school, most students who chose to be lifetime ABDL-ers would start their babyish teachings in high school. Instead of classes algebra or history, they would learn about different finger-painting techniques or the best ways to slurp loudly from a bottle.

Some classes at Taylor’s college would force these students to have the same classes. It was a way to “Integrate them into the society” as the professors would say. Taylor thought it was a joke. They always asked the dumbest questions, distracted the class with audible *Pops* from their pacifiers. And frankly, the room always smelt like a used diaper by the end of class. Taylor wasn’t a fan of them by any means. You can imagine then she was less then thrilled when she was randomly assigned Brooke as a partner for a major project.

“Hey there!” Brooke boomed with a jolly tone. She was sitting crisscross on the floor playing with some toys. Brooke made her way to her feet and walked up next to Taylor. She was wearing a light green sports top with a sheep on it in the right corner, and a simple pair of PJ pants. Taylor got that classic smell of diaper from Brooke once she got close. Taylor looked less than enthusiastic to be there to say the least…

“Hey, Brooke. Ready to get started? It’s a simple book report. All we have to do is-“ Taylor was cut off by Brooke’s sudden burst of noise.

“OH! I CAN DRAW THE PICTURES!” She yelled, instantly spinning around and running to her coloring books. She grabbed a book and some crayons and held them out toward Taylor for approval. “Does that sound fair?!” She said, tilting her head to the side in a quizzical look. Taylor’s face dropped.

“Yeah. Sure, Brooke. That’s fine.” She muttered, resining herself to the fact she’d have to write this whole paper. Brooke squealed with joy and instantly started going to town on her coloring book. Taylor just shook her head and joined her on the floor. She unzipped her backpack and pulled out her laptop. She booted it up, and quickly started typing away.

The two sat in silence while they worked. Every few minutes Taylor would catch a look at Brooke and see her working on another drawing. Each one wasn’t in the lines, and the color schemes made zero sense. Still, Brooke seemed very content to just draw and hum away at her book. Taylor rolled her eyes and look back at her screen. They exchanged very few words, basically maintaining their silence, until Brooke suddenly jumped up.

“I GOTTA….” She yelled, trailing off before a dumb smile grew on her face. “Ahh…” She said, as she moved her legs further apart. Her eyes just stared straight ahead. Taylor knew exactly what was going on.

“Are you… using your… diaper or something?” She said, looking up at the girl peeing her pants. Brooke’s demeanor quickly became angrier.

“They are not DIAPERS. Okay? They’re Pull-ups!” Brooke said, quickly moving to face Taylor. As if to further her point, she dropped her PJs right in front of Brooke. She lifted her green top up slightly and pointed at her now sodden pull-up. “See, I’m a bigger girl then most of the girls in our class!” She said, looking at Taylor with a matter-of-fact look. 

Taylor just stared at the girl’s pull-up. She’d never actually seen one on an ABDL-er before. Sure, she’d seen the waistband of a diaper or pull-up peek up from time to time. But never like this, and definitely not this close up. She didn’t really know what to expect, seeing a wet pull-up on a grown woman. She felt something strange inside her grow. A feel she’d never expect to awaken inside her from staring at that girl’s pull-up. She quickly squashed that emotion and pushed it down.



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