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I've had this idea floating around in my head for about 4 months now. I just completed the outline of the whole story. It's a break from all the meta crazy deep mental regression I do. This is a lighter, more realistic story focused on the diaper development of characters, rather than their mental decline. I hope you guys can relate to it and like it :)

“What?” you said, suddenly snapping out of your daydreaming. Sadie looked at you from across the desk with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and shook her head playfully at you. 

“You’re still able to come over, right?” Sadie said, looking softly at you. 

“Oh, yes! Yes, I’ll be coming over. I’ll meet you at your house right after this, right?” You said with a twinge of nervousness in your voice. You smiled at the end to ease the tension. Sadie nodded back.

“Yeah that’s great, I’m excited! We can make homemade pizza again, god it was so good. And of course, we must play Smash again, I’ve got a new main. Oh! And we can…” Sadie kept going as you stared into her eyes. You got lost in her words, as you felt your daydreaming return. 

Sadie was your closest Highschool friend. You were both 18, and graduation was less than a few days away. You grew up in school together from Kindergarten to your current senior year. You’d always been close, but for whatever reason, senior year your friendship really took off. Friday afternoons had slowly become your weekly ritual of hanging out at Sadie’s house. It was never a dull moment, you two did anything and everything you wanted. 

*RIIIING* The bell sounded off, taking you out of your own thoughts again. 

“And don’t forget! Even though it’s the last day of school, your papers are due!” The teacher yelled out to the checked-out seniors. The class quickly shuffled out of the room and into the hallways. You and Sadie left the room together.

“I just have to grab something from my locker and talk to Mr Robinson really quick. You can just head to my house now if you want. No one should be home; you can just let yourself in. You’re practically family at this point anyways.” Sadie said. You nodded in response.

“Alright, I’ll head over there now then. See you in a bit!” You said, she smiled and spun around. She quickly was lost in the sea of people exiting the school. 

Almost every senior drove their own car to school at this point. Your 99’ VW had served you well this year. It had gotten you through even the worst snowstorms. The sight of it warmed your heart as you walked into the parking lot. The college you were going to next semester allowed freshman to have cars. It was a serious perk for sure.

You threw your backpack into the back of the car and got into the driver’s seat. The door creaked as you shut it. The engine always sounded super loud once you turned it over. Mostly because of the cracked muffler. There wasn’t much you could do though, in fact, you almost liked it. Your right hand threw it in drive, and off you went.

Your mind wandered quickly to Sadie. Her words replayed in your brain, “My parents shouldn’t be home, you can just let yourself in.” You’d never been alone with Sadie before. Your mind started to build your normal fantasies and dream scenarios. 

“Hey, you, why don’t you come into the bed?” Sadie would say devilishly under the blankets. You’d feel the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up.

“Don’t mind if I do.” You said, getting close to the bed side. Your clothes fell to the floor with a quick drop, except of course, one critical piece around your waist.

“My, what a THICK diaper you have on. Why don’t you get it in this bed so I can check if you had an ACCIDENT Mr…” Sadie said, teasing you with her words. 

Quickly you got underneath the blankets. Your hands coupled her warm, full breasts instantly. Your lips met, and instantly you locked into an intense make-out. One of your hands started wondering down toward her hips. Hoping you’d find exactly what you were looking for. You kissed her harder the moment you felt it.

Her wet diaper squished as you squeezed it in your hand.

“Someone had their own accident…” You whispered, she chuckled and just shrugged. You felt yourself dribbling into your own diaper just to catch up.

“I didn’t even know I had to go potty… Daddy.. Can you change me?” She said, on her hands suddenly pressed up against your hard-diapered cock. It felt warm around your fresh wetting accident.

*BEEP* You heard from behind you. Your eyes blinked out of the fantasy. You were idling in front of a stop sign. Your eyes looked into the rear-view. One of your history teachers looked quite annoyed.

“Sorry!” You yelled out from the window before moving along. You shook your head as you felt embarrassment bubble up. “Come on, not while you’re driving.” You thought to yourself. You couldn’t help it sometimes though. Sadie was your crush, and you had a diaper fetish. How were you not supposed to daydream about the two of you in diapers?

The rest of the ride went by un-eventful. Her house was only 8 minutes away from the school. A few songs passed on the radio and you were there. You slowly rolled up the long driveway to her secluded house. It was off the beaten road for sure. But it was still beautiful.

There weren’t any cars in the driveway, just like Sadie had predicted. You killed the engine and swung the door open. It closed with a *CLUNK* behind you.

Sadie’s house always had that distinct smell. You could pick out her home aroma easily. You breathed it in as you kicked off your shoes. Her living room and kitchen were connected, with a small computer room to the side. You walked slowly around the large open home, drinking in the quietness. All you could hear was the “Tick Tock” of a clock somewhere in the distance.

Your feet brought you to Sadie’s room. You’d been in it a million times, but something felt strange about opening that door this time. You’d never been in her room alone before. She’d always been there. It felt odd as you wrapped your hands around the knob. You slowly twisted it, hearing the movements within the door. Slowly you pushed it open. 

Her punk rock wall papers always greeted you first when you walked in. You felt a smile grow on your face. You felt at peace here. You always had. Sadie’s room just felt like home to you. Your gaze caught the window, you watched the trees rustle in the wind. 

You stood there for a few moments. You could hear how quiet it was. No one was around, not a single eye to watch you. You felt your mind returning to the thoughts you had while you were driving. 

You’d always thought about doing it. You never had the balls to while anyone was home. If Sadie had caught you then she’d probably get upset. But you were alone now. And what was the harm in just… looking around?

Your temptation got the better of you a few moments later. Your feet quickly took you over to her dresser. You opened the top drawer to see what was inside. A mess of bras and panties were scattered around. You felt excitement trickle through you. Your free hand slowly glided over the soft undergarments. 

You closed the drawer a moment later and opened the next. This one had neat rows of tops. You didn’t really know what to expect from looking through Sadie’s clothes, but you did have a reason in the back of your mind. 

You decided to walk away from her dresser. You put a finger to your lips as you paced around her room. Your mind was quieter than you expected in this moment. You took a few more steps before stopping in front of her closet.

You could feel your heart beating now. If there were any spot in the house, this is where they’d be. Your hands were sweaty around the knob. You turned this one fast, and quickly opened the closet. Dresses, tops, pants, and various items hung in the closet. You pushed them to the side to get a good look at the ground. You found yourself falling to your knees to get a better feel.

Your hands dug through the pile of clothes on the ground. You were hoping, praying to feel it. Feel that plastic crinkling of a package. One that you’d hoped for practically your entire life that Sadie had tucked away in her room. You kept searching for what felt like hours. Until. You felt it.

“*GASP*” You let out once you felt it. You knew it. You knew instantly what it had to be. You clutched down on it quickly, the plastic feeling of a diaper case. Instinctively you hoisted it out of the pile. Your face beamed; there you saw…

A plastic bag of old clothes.

Your face went dark. You could feel your heart tumble down the mountain it had just quickly climbed up. You let the clothes bag fall. You took in a deep breath.

“What was I thinking? Why would she have a fucking diaper fetish like me?” You thought. You let yourself stay there in that moment. With a sigh you let your head slump to the side and closed your eyes.

Your mind was quiet again. The silence in the house was broken by the gentle wind outside. With another long sigh you opened your eyes, which happened to be angled at an excellent view below her bed. 

And that’s when you saw them. A half-used pack of printed AB/DL Adult Diapers.


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