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Hello everyone!

Welcome to yet another diaper update! I thought this update I'd talk more about a typical day for me right now in terms of diapers. I've sprinkled some unpotty training updates in there :)

Instead of checking my phone the moment I wake up, the first thing I check is my diaper. About 6 nights out of 7 I'm wet (And if I'm not, I always pee automatically the moment I wake up anyways.) And around 1-2 of those nights I have at most a super vague memory of waking up. Normally those nights though I truly had a bed wetting accident :)

Normally I have nothing to do for the first few hours of the day. So I typically hang around in my wet diaper. I wear the thickest diapers I have to bed (And normally I throw a booster in there), so I'll normally wet at least one or two more times before actually getting out of bed. 

I don't always change right away, it depends how wet I am. If I'm soaked I'll 100% change right there, but if I'm like half way there, I'll normally stay in it. Diapers are expensive, dammit!

My first diaper of the day is always my longest one. I haven't started drinking my water yet, and all the liquid I'm taking in normally throughout the day just hasn't hit me yet. So I'm normally in that first diaper for about 2-4 hours before I actually need a change. I drink a lot of water (Not just so I wet more, but also because it's healthy for you!). I start feeling the need to go kinda bad about 10-15 minutes after drinking a single glass of water. Now I let go the second I feel any pressure. It's super automatic for me now. I don't even think about heading to the bathroom anymore. The bathroom is my diaper. It's a fact of life for me. The only time I go into the bathroom is to shower or use the sink. My toilet has legit become a table. I'll put random stuff on there to keep the sink neat and clean.

The second diaper comes sometime around noon, or slightly after. The second diaper normally goes quick. I'm probably only in that for 1-2 hours. That's also around the time I make my first mess as well, so it's another reason it comes off quick. A lot of people have asked me what I do after I mess, so here it is: When I mess I push as little as possible. I read online that letting your body do the work is the best way to get unpotty trained with your bowels. I'm SUPER comfortable messing. From the time I feel the need to go, to the moment it's in my diaper, it's probably around 30-45 seconds. The moment I need to go, I just let go. Even if I was in a public situation for some reason and I felt the need to mess. At most I have 5ish minutes before I'm messing myself. For wetting it's even worse, I have 10-20 seconds before I'm wetting myself uncontrollably. 

Third diaper is always the best, I know the day is starting to come to an end, and it's typically around 3-4 in the afternoon. It depends on the day at that point. Way back when I started this the max I'd ever use is two day time diapers in a day, to which point I slowly worked my way into three diapers a day. I'm now slowly working into 4 day time diapers a day. I'd say on average I go through 4 day time diapers 3-4 times a week. 

If I'm drinking though, all bets are off. I love drinking wine and/or beer, so it all goes right into my diapie. I've gone through NINE day time diapers before, not even counting my night time diaper. But like I said before, a typical day is 3-4 day time diapers, then one more for nighttime. 

Around 9 pm I tape myself into my night diaper and get ready from bed. I chug 2 glasses of water every night before I sleep. Anything more and I'm wetting before I fall asleep. Which don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it. But I want that to happen while I'm sleeping. I wake up in the morning and do it all again :)

So yeah that's a very normal day for me right now. Unpotty training is a grind. Don't let anyone else tell you different. It's not going to magically happen overnight. I'm working against literal decades of mental training. I feel like I've made serious progress, and your support literally funds my diaper purchases to keep walking down this path. 

Thank you for reading! I'll probably post one more time at the end of the month to keep you updated. My goals by the end of May are:

2-3 bed wetting nights a week

Consistent 4 day time diapers

Hopefully my first, full fledged, didn't know it was happening, day time wetting accident. (It's coming guys, it's only a matter of time!!!)

Love you all,





Happy to hear your diaper dependency training is going well. Wish more women would do this.