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“So stupid, Taylor. So, god damn stupid. Why did you fucking wear this?” She thought, before turning the corner into her classroom. She had two minutes to spare

“Hey, over here!” Brooke sounded off from the front of the room. Taylor’s eyes locked with Brooke’s. She made a quick scan of the girl’s outfit. She had the most obvious diaper bulge. “Wanna sit next to me today?” She said, patting the seat next to her. 

Very rarely did adults sit with the ABDL-ers. Doing so was practically social suicide. Taylor looked at Brooke for a few more moments, then back to her friends in the back. They were looking at her strangely, as if they were in total disbelief Taylor would even consider sitting next to her. 

Taylor looked back to Brooke who was still smiling ear to ear. Taylor felt her emotions come back to her. The ones she had when traveling around Brooke’s nursery. “That’s the time class, let’s get these presentations going!” The teacher suddenly said. Taylor’s eyes grew scared in that moment. She made the split decision and sat down next to Brooke and the rest of the ABDL-ers. 

The two sat there while one by one groups presented. Taylor zooned out the whole time. She was lost in the feeling of the pull-up around her waist. She was only knocked back to earth with a sudden jab in her side. Brooke handed her a note written in crayon, “Meet me in the hal aftr clas, I wanna show u somthin.” Taylor read it and looked back up to Brooke with a nod. 

The presentations took way longer than anyone was expecting. Luckily for Taylor and Brooke, the didn’t end up needing to present. They got grouped in with everyone else for next class. “Don’t forget to send me your papers before Friday!” The professor said to the class as they began shuffling out of the room. Brooke and Taylor walked out together.

“Hey, Tay!” Taylor heard from behind her, it was her friend Melanie. Taylor stopped and spun around in the hallway.

“Hey, Mel.” Taylor said with a simple tone, she tired her best not to move too much. If Melanie and the gang caught any glimpse of her pull-up, she’d die.

“You gonna come to the dinning hall with us? We need your advice on Derrick. You wouldn’t BELIEVE the message he sent to Abbey.” She said, pointing to the girl next to her. Taylor smiled meekly at the group. She turned her head to the side and looked at Brooke next to her. She knew what she wanted.

“Yeah I’ll catch up in a sec, Brooke and I here just need to talk about something real quick.” Taylor said. Melanie seemed suspicious but took it at face value. She nodded and said, “Okay, see you there.”

Taylor and Brooke giggled at each other as they made their way down the hall. “I can’t believe you actually wore it!” Brooke said, poking Taylor’s pull-up. She slapped her friend’s hand away. 

“Hey come on! I don’t want everyone to know my secret. And how did you know?!” Taylor said, unable to stop herself from smiling. Brooke laughed and said, “I’ve seen PLENTY of people in Pull-ups!” Brooke said, as she led them down the hallway. They chatted some more about which pull-ups Taylor should try next before stopping at a door. Brooke had a devious smile on her face.

“I hope you like it…” Was all Brooke said, as she placed a hand on the knob. Taylor looked suspiciously at Brooke, but decided to follow along. When she opened the door, her jaw fell to the floor. 



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