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Tl;dr: I have updated the tiers. I'll keep posting on the current tiers ($1 and $5) until May 1st, 2020. After that, you will have to upgrade to the new tiers to continue receiving content. Below has a ton of details if you have any questions on this transition.

Howdy, everyone!

In March I talked about how this month was a "Test Run" to see how bumping up my work load (And subsequently raising prices) would go. I think it's safe to say it's been a success so far. We have the most patrons we've ever had now (We cracked 200!!!!), high levels of engagement, and frankly I'm liking the level of quality the content is at.

With that in mind, I have officially changed the tiers for next month. HOWEVER. There is a huge asterisk to this. 

Patron doesn't allow me to simply increase the amount of money each tier costs. I have to literally make a new one, then let everyone know they have to subscribe to the new tier to get the content. Here is the step by step process to do that.

Go to "Manage my memberships" by hitting your icon in the top right corner

When you see your membership to Maggie Caps, select "Edit" (I'm using my membership to PPP as an example)

In the summary section, select "Edit"

If you've done everything correct, you should see this page:

You can subscribe to the $8 now if you'd like. If you've given me a $5 pledge this month already, it will only charge you $3. If you want to wait until the start of next month, that's fine too.

Right now, everyone is on the $5 "Legacy All Access"  or $1 "Support level." I will continue to post stories/audios for that level like I promised earlier until May 1st, 2020. After that, if you want access to all my work, you will have to sign up for the new tier.

Now, I know people's first priority in life isn't signing up for my new tiers. Some people might not read this and get the information in time until after they've already been charged for May. If you are charged $5 for May, and don't want to pay the additional $3 to join the new All Access tier, I will post captions only for the $5 "Legacy All Access" until May 31st, 2020. After that time, I will remove the $5 and $1 tiers completely. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message me. It's a little confusing, but I think we can get through this transition time.

I just wanted to speak to those who will not be moving up to the $8 and likely unsubscribe. I completely understand. I'm not going to guilt you and write some sob story like some sites do. Everyone has lives and economic responsibilities that aren't my page. Please be well, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for even giving me a cent. I hope you enjoyed my work. I made it for this community because I believe in it, and care about it a lot more than I realize sometimes. I do what I do for this community of people. We don't know each other, but we all share a secret that we've told very few, if at all. If there's one message I want you (and really all of us) to take away from my work, it's this: 

It's okay to be an AB/DL. There is nothing wrong with it. We are all over 18 year old adults consenting to age/diaper play. It's our kink. Own it. It's who we are, and there will never be any shame in that.  

Lastly, to quote the Killers:

"We hope you enjoyed your stay, it's good to have you with us, even if it's just for the day. Outside the sun is shinning, seems like heaven ain't far away."

Thank you.




Any work must be paid, including what we all do on Patreon, so everything you wrote about is understandable, but of course not everyone has the means now to support the creators, and this should also be clear. Good luck to you!


I think the change is already affecting what content is available to existing subscribers. I now get a "By raising your pledge, you'll instantly unlock access to 353 exclusive posts" and I can't see old posts like chapters 1 & 2 of Paisley's Little Break.


Hi! I just joined the $8 tier but the first caption I am able to see is the one in January. Is there a way to see the more recent ones? Thanks, love your work!