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Paisley felt everything in that moment. She felt the hair on the back of her neck and arms stand straight up. Her excitement grew hotter as the dark spot around her crotch did the same. The warmth from her accident was all her body could physically focus on in that moment. Strange and curious emotions/thoughts bubbled up into Paisley’s head. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the fact she was wetting herself that confused Paisley. It was how alive and exciting it made her feel.

She basked in her accident for another moment. Drinking in the sweet emotions and euphoria she felt from freely letting loose into her pants. It felt amazing. The naughty feeling of purposely having an accident, it gave Paisley a new feeling she’d never had before. It was devious what she was doing. How naughty she was for not making it to the potty when she was supposed to. Her grandmother was keeping an eye on her accidents. Someone was actively questioning her potty training, and Paisley wasn’t helping her case. The fact she was basically telling the world she couldn’t be trusted to keep her pants dry; it excited her in more ways than one… 

And that’s when the world came back to her.

“Oh Shit!” Paisley said as she felt liquid pool around her bum. She was leaking into the couch. Her arms instantly shot her out of the couch. Her blissful face turned into a mix of anxiety and fear. “Fuck, why did I do that?” She wondered; her eyes scanned the damage. “Damnit there’s a wet spot.” Paisley looked at the small spot on the couch. It wasn’t large, maybe only a few inches in diameter, but it was obvious what had happened. 

Her shorts weren’t much better either. There was a clear dark spot located near her crotch. A few wet streaks even spilled down the sides of her legs. She looked the part of a little kid who had just had an unprotected accident.

Paisley made her way over to the kitchen quickly. “Just have to clean it up. It’s alright, Grandma won’t even know a thing. I can dry it up.” She thought quickly as she began rummaging through cabinets to find some towels. 

The forefront of her mind was focused on finding a towel. But in the back of her mind, she knew she looked like a little kid trying to hide their accident from their parents. It took her a couple more seconds to find a dish towel in the bottom drawer.

She took a step toward the couch but stopped instantly when something caught her eye. A glass cup stared at her next to the tap. An idea hatched instantly in her mind. She grabbed it and filled it with water from the sink. “Some security in case she walks in…” Paisley thought to herself before making he way back to the couch.

Paisley made it back to the scene of the accident. She placed the cup on the table next to the furniture. She went to work patting the couch with her towel. She did an… alright job. The spot was faded a bit, but it was still obvious who walked by. Paisley was getting frustrated at her lack of results. “I just HAD to wet myself. God, what is wrong with you, Paisley? Why did you do that? If Grandma sees this shit she’s going to-“Her train of thought was cut off by a voice from behind her.

“What are you doing over there, Paisley?” Ruth’s voice sounded from across the living room. Paisley spun around and froze in fear. She looked like a deer in headlights.

“I… Uh…” She stammered, doing her best to talk her way out of this situation. She acted on instinct in that moment. Her hand grabbed the half-filed cup off the table. Her shocked face changed into an uneasy smile. “N-nothing, Grammy! I just… spilled some water on the couch! It’s okay, no need to worry about it. I’m being a big kid- er, adult and taking care of it!” Paisley squeaked out. “Shit. What innocent person says they’re a ‘big kid’ and taking care of it?!” She questioned to herself.

Ruth looked quizzically at Paisley. She mulled over Paisley’s defense. She took a few steps closer to the girl. Her gaze evaluated the spot on the couch for a few moments. Her eyes moved toward Paisley’s crotch, then back toward the couch. The silence was deafening to Paisley. 

“Did you really spill your water, Paisley?” Ruth asked, her face looking a little frustrated. Paisley’s heart dropped.

“Fuck.” She thought to herself.

“I um… well… I mean I didn’t…” Paisley continued, trying to think her way out of this situation in real time. Ruth spoke up again.

“If you spilled, then it either means that you’re not ready for open cups, and I need to pour your juice into a sippy cup.” Ruth said sternly to Paisley. She looked down at the floor to avoid eye contact.

“But, if you had an accident, and leaked through your pull-up, then that’s another issue all together.” Ruth said, folding her arms and looking down at her granddaughter. Paisley kept her gaze down at the carpet. “So, which is it, Paisley?”

It dawned on Paisley in that moment the situation she was in. Here she was, a grown woman, being questioned by an “adult” if she had just had an accident, or simply ‘spilled water on herself.’ She felt a mixture of emotions in that moment. Embarrassment, shame, sadness. But mixed in, was excitement. She truly didn’t know how to respond. Thankfully, Ruth did for her.

“Come on, little one. Let’s get you cleaned up.” She said, grabbing Paisley by the hand. She started leading her toward the bathroom. “Let’s get you changed and into a fresh pull-up.” Ruth said once they go to the door.

Paisley’s eyes lit up like dinner plates. “FRESH PULL-UP?!” She thought, the hairs stood up on her neck again. This whole situation was killing her in the most confusing ways. She felt the adult side of her push some confidence back into her.

“Grandma, I don’t think I need to wear those. I haven’t needed pull-ups for a long time. I’m an adult.” She said plainly as they walked into the bathroom. Ruth smiled at the response while she rummaged through a cabinet above the toilet. 

“Yeah, yeah. Your pants are telling me otherwise.” She said with a little laugh. “There’s nothing wrong with having to wear pull-ups at your age, Paisley. A lot of kids have trouble getting a hang of it. You don’t have to hide your accidents from me. Grammy will always take care of you.” Ruth said, pulling out a pull-up from the cabinet. Paisley turned a bright shade of crimson.

Her eyes locked onto the padded garment instantly. Her brain lit up all over. All the confusing feelings and thoughts rushed back into her head. It was like the thing was hypnotizing her. 

“I want to trust you, Paisley. Can you promise Grammy that you’ll be honest with me?” She said, handing Paisley the pull-up. Paisley stood there for a moment, just staring at the training panties. She got a whiff of the padded smell, it brought back memories of babysitting. Her spine shivered at the sent. It registered then at that moment that Ruth had asked a question.

“Yes… sorry. Yes, of course you can, Grammy. I promise I won’t lie to you anymore.” She said, realizing in that second, she sunk any defense she had from before with that “anymore” line at the end. Ruth let out a short chuckle. 

“Alright well, I think you’re big enough to put this pull-up on yourself. Why don’t you do that for Grammy, I’ll be right outside the door waiting for you, okay?” Ruth said, Paisley nodded and snatched the pull-up from her hand. Ruth patted Paisley on the head and exited the bathroom. She closed the door behind her.

It didn’t feel like Paisley expected in her hands. Sure, she knew it was going to feel soft and a little crinkly to the touch. But there was one sensation she didn’t expect on her fingertips as she ran her hand over the pretty designs. 


Her face grew back to happy and giddy. Those exciting feelings filled her head again. It felt just like it did when she had her first accident. Very carefully, she opened the pull-up, and inspected the inside. Without really thinking about it, she dug her nose into the padding. She inhaled and let the feelings wash over her.

“Ahh…” She said, a wave of relaxation hit her. She lifted her head and looked toward the mirror. She had a silly looking smile on her face. She giggled at the look and straightened her face out. She placed the pull-up on the counter and started taking off her shorts.

“I’m going back to pull-ups.” She thought, as she snaked off the wet shorts. “I am 26 years old, and I’m going back into pull-ups.” Her mind raced as her panties dropped. And this time it wasn’t for some guy. It was to encase her waist into panties designed for kids who had trouble with potty training. It dawned on her at that moment that she was voluntarily becoming one of those kids again.

The smile grew at the same rate it took to hoist the pull-up toward her waist. The same electric feeling zipped through her thighs and crotch. When she let the waist snap into place. It was Nirvana. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling at the reflection in the mirror if she tired. 

Her padded bum looked perfect in the pull-up. She spun around and got a good look from each side. The purple color with gold stars beamed back at her. It was as if they said to her, “It’s okay if you don’t make it, we’ll take care of you!”

“All done?” Ruth’s muffled voice said from behind the door. Paisley nodded her head.

“Yeah, all good Grammy.” Paisley said, still smiling. 

“Good, let’s try your best to keep those dry, okay Paisley? You don’t want to go back into diapers, do you?” Ruth said.

Paisley genuinely wasn’t sure if the burst of excitement came from the fact, she had just given her pull-up an exploratory squeeze, or from her Grandmother’s statement. 


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