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“Come on in! Come on in!” Molly said to Melissa. She gestured Melissa into the mansion with a quick hand motion. Melissa flashed a happy smile at her lifelong friend. Her large ass swayed with each step into the house. She had been waiting the whole day to head over to Molly’s house. It had been a while since she’d seen each other.

If Melissa was being honest with herself, she really did look up to Molly. The two had graduated college together. Melissa went on to have a mildly successful life. She worked at a well-known consulting firm and was the definition of upper-middle class. Molly on the other hand, well, she had become a multi-millionaire after graduating. Melissa had always been a little jealous, but overall, she admired and looked up to Molly. She was doing very well for herself on the stock market. How could she hate on that?

“Keep calm, Melissa. Keep calm. I know this place looks like something out of playboy magazine. But keep your cool.” Melissa said to herself as she stepped into the house. Molly closed the door behind Melissa. 

“Thank you so much for having me over, Molly. How long has it been? A year or two? It’s been at least that, that last time I saw you was that new years party! Jeez we were so drunk there and we… uhm.. you know.. aha…” Melissa said, trailing off at the end there. Molly was giving her an uneasy smile the entire time. She let out a short laugh and nodded her head. 

“Aha…Yeah, it’s definitely been a while!” Molly said. The two stared at each other for a moment. You could cut the tension with a knife. The sound of a radio played off in the distance. It was the only thing that broke the silence. Molly grabbed the remote off a side table and flipped on the TV.

“How about some TV? Hm?” Molly said. Melissa nodded with her own uneasy smile.

Molly’s mansion was huge to say the least. The whole building was three stories. The third floor was where the bedrooms were, the second was the tennis and volleyball court, and the bottom floor was the kitchen, living room, study, etc. 

Melissa took a seat on the cashmere couch in the center of the living room. Melissa scanned the incredible room for a few moments. She didn’t’ even realize things were quiet until Molly broke the silence.

“So, how’s work been for ya?”  Molly said to Melissa. It sounded like she just trying to make conversation to Melissa. Molly headed to the bar in the living room to fix a drink for the two of them. She started pulling various liquors of the shelf. She seemed more engrossed in her mixology than Melissa to tell the truth. Melissa took notice.

Melissa felt like she had to impress Molly in that moment. She had to say something to put them on the same playing field. Even if it was a lie, she had to say something.

“Oh, it’s going good! I sold some stock the other day, made a quick $500,000 off the sale.” Melissa said, trying to make it sound not like a huge deal. She looked away, trying her best to sell the accusation. Molly instantly stopped shaking one of the drinks. She slowly put the shaker down, and gently turned toward Melissa. She seemed frazzled at Melissa’s comment. Molly took in a breath to collect herself.

“500,000, huh?” Molly said. She had a manic eye. She breathed in though and collected herself. Her demeanor quickly changed back to her normal arrogant self. She smirked and let the silence hang. Melissa was trying to look uninterested, but she was on the edge of her seat waiting to hear what Molly had to say.  Molly swiveled around and looked Melissa right in the eyes.

“I made 1,000,000 off of Tesla today.” Molly said with a fierce look. She let the statement linger between the two for a few seconds before turning back to mixing drinks. Melissa felt embarrassment explode in her chest. 

“How could you be so stupid to flex like think?” Melissa thought to herself. She looked out the window, her gaze caught three birds tying to peck at one of Molly’s bird feeders at the same time. She brought her hand to her forehead to hide her embarrassed face.  She tried to comeback from Molly’s response.

“That’s cool.” Melissa said calmly. Molly was already shaking the drinks and barely heard her. The sound of ice crashing into the mixer filled the room. It’s like Molly practically said, ‘Yeah, I don’t care what you have to say.”

Melissa wasn’t done yet though. She still had one last statement she wanted to make to Molly. One statement to really stick it to her. As she prepared to say her final flex, she noticed the radio next to Molly playing one of her favorite songs.

She stayed silent for a moment. Melissa let Molly pour the drinks while she acted calm. She cleared her mind for a quick second. She was confident she could lay the knockout blow on Molly over who was clearly the most adult and economically stable. She took a deep breath and let her confidence build.

“You know.” Melissa said, her tone was soft enough for Melissa’s ears to perk up.

“Hm?” Molly said, as she stirred the drinks for a moment to get them just right. Melissa held back a grin and continued.

“I made 5 million off a trade with Tesla stock today.” Melissa said, looking right into Molly’s eyes as she spun around with the drinks in her hands. Molly’s eyes lit up instantly.

Her shocked look quickly melted back into her confident self. She let out a confident snort.

“Oh yeah? Okay. Sure.” Molly said, her mind whirled at Melissa’s statement. “I made 3 million of Telsa today, there’s NO way she made that much more than me. What the fuck is she trying to pull here?” Molly thought to herself. Her hands were shaking. You could hear the ice cubes clinking in the glass. Melissa crossed her arms.

“Yeah, 5 Mil. Wasn’t that hard honestly.” Melissa said confidently. Molly’s eyes stared daggers at Molly. After a few seconds her gaze softened, but it was obviously forced. She couldn’t stop herself.

“There’s no way you made 5 Million. My broker told me I made the most of any one in the country today from Telsa stock. He said I played it perfectly. That I was smarter than ANYONE on the market today. You think I’m really going to believe your bullshit 5 million?” Molly said fiercely to Melissa. It was then Molly noticed Melissa’s strange look.

“Oh fuck….” Melissa said to the TV. Her mind felt fear and panic bubble up. All she could focus on was the red arrow pointing down with practically all the stock she had in the market. All the tens of thousands she had in the market, it was going down. 

Molly smirked at the TV. “Idiot didn’t diversify her assets.” She thought to herself. She took a long drink and looked out the window. “I got the best of her.” She thought, taking another look at the TV.

And that’s when it her.

“DOW DOWN 10,000 POINTS” flashed across the scene. It locked Molly’s gaze instantly. She found her vision instantly locked into the screen.

“Oh… FUCK..” She thought as the news anchors talked about the economic downturn. She didn’t even think as the glass in her hands fell to the ground. “Uh…erm… fu…ck…” Molly muttered to herself as she lifted to a free hand to her forehead. The other grabbed a bottle of pills out of her pocket, she popped them instantly right in front of Melissa. A calming feeling spread around her body like it normally did every time she took her “safety pills” as she called them.

The two girls were glued to the screen.

“We’re so fucked.” Melissa said in shock. Molly wanted to say something, but she didn’t want Melissa to think they were on the same level. She thought keeping her cool in this situation was enough to show how smart she was with stocks.

“Let’s um. Listen to something else.” Molly said, turning to her husband’s radio. She needed anything to distract herself from this moment. Melissa took note of the music, she simply nodded.

“Yeah… sure…” Melissa said, watching her life savings dissolve away.

“Fuck!” Molly said, smacking the radio in anger. The machine whirled. A purple glow began glowing from the infinity symbol in the center of the device. 

“Wha…” Molly said, before the world dissolved into shades of purple and pink.


“Come into da pway pen!” Molly said to Melissa. Melissa happily crawled into the pen with glee. Her thickly diapered hips swayed with each lift of her leg. She had been waiting the whole day for Molly to let her into the pen. She was just so cool and fun to play with. She was a whole month older than her, and she always looked up to Molly because of that. She did her best to contain her excitement by holding back a huge smile.

“Be cool, be cool. Dis is weay big.” Melissa thought to herself once Molly closed the door to the pen.

“Fank you fo’ wettin’ me in da pen! Yous so cool, and awesomes, and… and…” Melissa wanted to keep going, but she didn’t want to seem overbearing. She just looked away and stopped talking. Molly giggled and just nodded her head. The sound of little kids running around and playing filled their silence. It was an impressive pen, but an even bigger daycare. 

The whole building was three stories. The third floor was for those about to graduate out of pull-ups and life away from the daycare, second was for the in-betweeners, and the bottom floor (The one Molly and Melissa were on) were for those just starting out in daycare. The ones that needed extra attention. It had all the supplies needed, stacks upon stacks of diapers, changing tables, TVs showing cartoons on repeat. It was impressive to say the least.

Melissa took a seat on her padded bum once she crawled into the center of the pen. Molly was the first one to break the silence. “So, how’s da potty been for ya?” Molly said to Melissa in a nonchalant tone. Molly absentmindedly started playing with some toys in front of her. She seemed vaguely interested in what Melissa had to say, but it was obvious her focus was on the toys.

Melissa felt like she had to impress Molly. Someone as big and smart as her. She had to act like the coolest kid in the room. 

“Oh, I only had wike 2 accidents ta day.” Melissa said kind of smug. She looked away with a shit eating grin on her face. She twirled her hair a little bit as if to say, “Yeah that’s right, only 2 accidents.” Molly instantly dropped her toys and looked at Melissa in shock. Her mouth was open in shock. She collected herself after a moment then went back to her toys.

“Only 2, huh?” Molly said, her demeanor quickly changed back to her confident self. She smirked and let the moment hang for a few seconds. Melissa was practically on the edge of her seat waiting to hear what Molly had to say. Molly inhaled quickly through her nose. She looked up at locked eyes with Melissa.

“I’ve only had one accident today.” She said with just the right amount of sass. Melissa blushed and looked instantly away from Molly. Her gaze caught three girls trying fill their diapers at the same time. She brought a hand up to her cheek to hide her obvious embarrassment. 

“Das coowl.” Melissa said quietly. Molly went back to playing with her dolls with the most annoying, confident grin ever. She obviously felt like she bested Melissa in that exchange. But, unknowingly to Molly, Melissa had one more ace up her sleeve. Melissa noticed the sound of the radio playing soft babyish music to the left of her in the pen.

She played coy for a moment. Melissa let Molly play with her toys for a few minutes while she made make-believe with the city carpet below. She did a quick shake of her diaper to see if she had wet or messed since entering the playpen. She was a little damp, probably from the fear and excitement of talking to Molly this much. She took a deep breath and let confidence return to her. 

“Yous knows.” Melissa said. She had a soft tone at first. Melissa wasn’t paying attention enough to hear her.

“Hm?” Molly said, not even looking up from her dolls. Melissa just grinned and continued.

“I hawven’ts even mewssed my diapie ywet towdays.” Melissa said, looking up at Molly as she did so. Molly stopped playing with her dolls but didn’t look up at Melissa. She snorted.

“Yeahw… Owaty… Suwre.” Molly said. “I’wve alwready mewsseyd wlike twree twimes twodays, tdhere’s nos ways shew hasdn’t ewven mewssed wonce.” She thought. Her hands started moving the toys again. Melissa crossed her arms.

“It twue. Dis diaper has onwly been pee-peed.” She said confidently. Molly’s head snapped up, she quickly sounded off.

“dere is no way yous diwdn’t messy ywet to’day, I’ve mwessed wike, uh.. ones time alwready to’day. Mws. Maggie says dat I was a good giwrl for only mwessing one too. Yous weally tink dat I’m gonnas bewieve yous only wessed onces? Molly said sternly to Melissa. And that’s when she noticed something strange about Melissa. She wasn’t paying attention. She had dumb, ditzy look at the TV. 

“Tehehe, favowite… catowoon…” Melissa muttered as she stared blankly at the TV. She felt her mind draining into nothing. All she could focus on was the pretty pictures telling her everything was fine and normal. She felt herself get to her knees. Melissa started grunting for some reason, but she wasn’t really paying attention. The bottom of diaper started discoloring to a deep shade of yellow.

Molly’s smirked returned. “She’s such a baby.” She thought to herself. She looked at the TV herself to see what Melissa was so interested in.

And that’s when it hit her.

The colorful movements of the TV. It was just so enticing. She found her vision instantly locked onto the screen.

“Soow… pwetty…” She thought as she saw cartoon characters jump up and down. She didn’t even think in that moment as her hips lifted her bum up. “Hern… ermm….mmm…” Molly muttered to herself as she began pushing a warm soft mush into the back of her waiting diaper. For the fourth time that day, she filled the back of her diaper thoroughly. Her diaper warmed around her crotch like it normally did every time she messed. 

The two girls stared the TV for a few more minutes. Melissa even clapped along and sang to the songs. Molly wanted to, but she felt so close to Melissa status-wise when they were both in messy diapers. She felt like just staring at the screen blankly and not playing along was enough to show how cool and mature she was. That’s when her brilliant plan hatched.

“Wets lwisten two a diwffwent llwubye.” Molly said to Melissa. Melissa nodded in response while she subconsciously gyrated the mess around her bum. She always loved playing in it.

“Hgn!” Molly said as she smacked the radio next to them. The machine whirled. A purple glow began glowing from the infinity symbol in the center of the device. 

“Wha…” Molly said, before the world dissolved into shades of purple and pink.


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