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Her “Special Pants” as Stacy would call them. They didn’t look like much to the average person. The thin, soft babyish patterns on them appeared like a childish pair of PJs to most. But these pants held a secret in them. When Stacy’s mother first bought them for her at a “Strange Tag Sale” she didn’t think much about them. 

“Mom what do I look like? Five years old to your or something?” She questioned her mother while holding up the pants. Her mother let out a chuckle and shrugged.

“I know, but you can never have enough PJ bottoms! I think they look kind of cute.” She reasoned to Stacy. Stacy nodded and simply accepted the strange gift. She placed it in her PJ drawer and forgot about it. The pants never crossed her mind, until one day, she went fishing for pants on laundry day.

“There’s gotta be something in… here… Oh! Yeah these pants. Mom got these for me like 4 months ago… They still look kinda weird and childish… but eh… what the hell? Gotta wear them at least once so I don’t make her feel bad…” Stacy resigned to herself. She yanked the pants out of the drawer. Her hands felt the silky material. It seemed like they’d be pretty comfortable. “Alright, get these on and then…” That’s the last thought Stacy had before she pulled the pants up toward waist. The moment they snapped into place, the world stopped.

It started with her head. Everything slowed down, her head suddenly felt lighter. Like all the ideas and thoughts and worries running around in her head just wen silent. All that was playing through her mind was happy, silly, bubbly thoughts of what fun thing she should do next. A vacant look washed over her eyes, and a dull smile appeard. Her IQ had drop to that of a 4 year old in an instant. All her reasoning, emotional control, and potty training had fallen to the correct age she was mentally. 

“Wass… woahh” Her mouth lazily smacked together. It was like she was drunk, but also blissfully high at the same time. She felt herself giggling at her new mentally reduced state. Between her 15th giggle, and the first line of drool, that’s when she finally looked down back at the pants. A pull-up. She was wearing a pull-up. And from the looks of it, it was heavily used. Stacy didn’t know when the pull-up had gotten wet, whether it had happened while she was standing there giggling like a ditsy baby, or sometime way before she put on the pants. She wasn’t sure, but her initial response surprised her.

“MOMMY! PUWW-UP NEED CHANGIE!” She yelled from the top of her lungs. She cupped her mouth the second she said the words. “Me nots suppose to get changes from mommy, me big girl.” Stacy thought, taking a few steps back in shock. The weight of what was happening finally hit her. “Pants no good, make me dummier.” She thought, before her mother swung the door wide open. The sudden commotion derailed any train of thought she had. It was like her adult line of reasoning went up in smoke. A smile came back to her face.

“Mama, me need new puww-up.” She said, looking up at her mother with pride. Stacy’s mom sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Stacy, you can’t just treat these like diapers. You need to actually TRY and make it to the potty on time. Are you just going without trying? Hm?” Her mother said in a stern tone. Stacy felt a colossal amount of embarrassment flutter through her body. She blushed and looked away. Her mother shook her head and scooped Stacy up. “Sweetie, we talked about you getting out of these. If you feel like you’re not ready, then we can go back, but I really want you to try you best in these. Don’t you want to be like all the other kids in your class? You’re the only one still in pull-ups.” 

Stacy felt even more embarrassment welt up inside her. She knew logically that she shouldn’t be in this situation, but her mother’s words, they were like law in her head. She took her mother’s authority super seriously now. She just shook her head no and dug her hands into her face. She felt her mother drop her onto the changing table next to the wall. 

“It’s okay, Stacy. We’ll get you to the potty in no time! You just have to concentrate on when you feel like going pee pee, okay? You can do that right?” Stacy’s mother said. Stacy, feeling smaller than ever in her life, just nodded and felt her mother grab the sides of her pants. With a tug, she pulled them off. The world paused and snapped again.


The event had hit Stacy deep. She was freaked out, but not for the reason you’d expect. It wasn’t because she was transported to a second childhood, a time where she had practically zero potty training, and a life of zoned out days watching cartoons while filling her pull-ups. She wasn’t scared of the pants for turning her into a baby again. She was scared of how much she wanted to go back.

The feeling of a snug pull-up wrapped firmly around her waist. Telling her “It’s okay if you tinkle, that’s why you’re still in pull-ups!” How light and fun her mind felt. The feeling had been incredible. No responsibility, no assignments or projects. The only thing she kind of hard to worry about was making it to the potty on time. And even then. In the back of her mind, the idea of not trying to make it out of diapers in that second life…. It was alluring.

She hated herself at first. What grown women wants to go back to diapers? Who would transport themselves back to the moment they started potty training, and totally sabotage themselves? The thoughts slowly poured from the back of her head, to the forefront of her daily mind. She couldn’t even go to the grocery store without “Accidentally” walking by the diaper aisle. She would always walk down the rows of packages. She’d take the biggest breaths possible the entire time. The smell of the padding, the plastic from the toys. It was just so alluring. 

She came to the crossroads one night. She had the pants in one hand, and a lighter in the other. “This is it. This is the only way to get rid of them.” She whispered to herself. Her eyes gazed at the thin silky pants. The babyish print stared back at her. Her mind went quiet for a moment. The decision struck her in that moment. She had to decide. An adult life to live forever. All she had to do was light the pants on fire and move on with her life. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A few second passed in silence. She opened her eyes; she had a content look on her face. She was at peace. 

She slid the pants up around her waist. Her smile grew ear to ear as she felt the pull-up expand around her crotch. The world blinked for a moment, and she found herself in the bathroom.



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