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Her bladder felt like it was about to burst. She reoriented herself and looked down at the toilet in front of her. She literally laughed out loud at the thought of using it.

“Like hecky I’m eva’ sittin’ on you!” She said, before squatting. She pushed with all her might. This was her choice. This is what she wanted. She let out a devious, childish giggle. She knew that a grown adult shouldn’t be messing their pull-up right next to the potty. But she didn’t care. She didn’t want to be and adult, and she sure as hell didn’t want to be potty trained. “Ahh…” She sighed in relief as the pressure let go and lumped into the seat of her pants. She basked in the moment. The final straw in her potty training. The plan finally came together the moment she heard her mother walk in.

“OH MY GOD!” Stacy heard from the door. She swirled around to face her mother. She played the part as well as she could.

“Oopsie, Momma…” Stacy said, looking away all bashful. It took every ounce of strength she had to hold back a smile. She’d never been happier in her entire life then this exact moment. She waited for the magic words.

“*Sigh*” her mother exhaled, looking away exasperated. The moment hung in place for a few seconds. Stacy could feel the hair standing up on the back of her neck. “Well. Yup. This was a mistake.” 


“Okay Kiddo, you’re going back into diapers for a bit. You’re still messing in your pull-ups. You’re nowhere near ready. Maybe in a few months, okay?” Her mother said. 

“YEAAHHH!” Stacy said, she immediately felt an explosion of joy and happiness like never before. She let her emotions do the talking. She jumped and threw her mother into a full-on hug. Her mother rolled her eyes and patted her back.

“Knew you weren’t trying…” She muttered under her breath. Stacy didn’t even hear it. She was too preoccupied with the glorious feeling of pee drops now spilling out the sides of her leaky pull-up.


Stacy never tried getting out of diapers again. Her life became a steady stream of diapers, cartoons, baby blocks, and drolly pacifiers. Her mind tumbled faster than she would have cared to admit. There was no mental stimulation for someone her “age”. All she had to do was play around and make messes all day. 

She really felt her mental capacity had been slipping after a few years. Sometimes she’d just stare at the TV for hours and hours. When she’d finally come to, practically the entire day had whizzed by. It didn’t matter to her. Night and day were all the same now. Her mother didn’t even bring her to the changing table anymore. She would change her constantly full diapers right there. She had no warning, no signal from her bladder, or any way of knowing if she was wet or messy. Her diapers were just a constant state of full. While girls her physical age were getting action down there. The only sensation Stacy was accustomed to was a full diaper around her waist. All the light bulbs in her mind grew dimmer and dimmer as she filled her head with rattle shakes and Teletubbies. 

She felt lucidity come for a moment one day. The digital clock in her room was the first thing she looked at. She remembered distantly that it had the date on it. She wasn’t sure to be honest. The markings on the clock made absolutely no sense to her anymore. It was just random scribbles. She felt her pacifier drop from her mouth, it landed in a pool of droll. Her attention faded after only a few seconds. Her brain suddenly shifted gears to a sensation around her waist. Her diaper felt warm. She wasn’t sure where exactly, the sensation blended into a feeling between her crotch and bum. She immediately stopped paying attention. It was like noticing you were breathing. She did, however, take note of the pants she had on. Her special pants.

She had a flash of her life before. One that she felt more grown-up than she did now. One where life seemed different. But to be honest with herself, she couldn’t really remember any of it. Her mental capacity to build memories like that just wasn’t there anymore. She felt her hands pushing down. Like maybe she wanted that old life. Something deep in her felt like that might be a good idea.

She stopped halfway down her diaper. That’s when she had the final moment of lucidity. She knew what could have been if she had kept pulling her pants down. But they were already snapped back into place before she even gave it an ounce more of thought (Which was a lot for her.)

The pants dissolved as Stacy crawled back to her cartoons. It didn’t matter if she had them or not anymore. She wasn’t going to take them off ever anyways. 



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