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Picture Property of Lil Baby Fae


She placed the gun to her head and put your hand around the grip. She led your index finger toward the trigger.

“Pull it.” She says, looking you right in the eyes. Her blue eyes pierce through the dark purplish haze in the room. She bites her lower lip and looks hesitantly away.

You knew you shouldn’t. This wasn’t a game anymore. If you pulled the trigger. Everything would change. Her mind would melt into a horny, babyish bliss. The guy who sold it to you said it would at least. 

“I don’t know… this is such a big decision. You’d be like that forever.” You said to your girlfriend. She let out a soft moan at that last part.

“But that’s all the fun, isn’t it? Making me a dummy wummy?” She said, baby talking to you in the end. “Come on. Just do it. Make me your dumb little baby slut.” She whispered. Her free hand grabbed the gun and pushed it harder into her forehead. Your dick flexed for a moment. You could feel the rush of sexual desire. Your dick had control of your mind for that a split second. And that’s all it took to squeeze your finger. 


“Oh fuck you actually- you actually did it!” She said, jumping up from the ground. The white flash disoriented both of you. You stumbled to regain your balance. Your girlfriend did the same.

“Oh hecky decky no nos… I think you… You did something to me braiinnnn” She said, getting a hold of herself as well. Her legs spread out so she could catch her balance. “Uh… Ohh….*Giggles*” Your girlfriend said, grabbing her head and shaking it. “I think you’re made me stoooopid! Hehe” She said, before falling into a fit of giggles. Her clothes quickly melted into a sweatshirt and diaper. A pacifier appeared around her lips. She seemed to gain a moment lucidity after that.

“Oh nos, dis weawwy nowt gweat! Me supose’ da be biwg! Me biwg giwl! Me…” She said, trailing off, a vacant look appearing on her face. “Me… gowin poddy in my diapiee.” She murmured around her pacifier; her mind was obviously lost in a pink baby haze right now. She stood there vacant for a few moments. A free hand started feeling the warmth of her diaper. She let out a little giggle, and her mouth grew into a dumb smile. “Me poddy in diapiee. Me widda baby dada…” She said, looking up from her vacant gaze and into your eyes. “You dada, and me siwwy now!” She said, suddenly shifting her weight back onto the balls of her feat. She began sticking out her diaper.

“Me donna, donna mawke poo….poooopiieeess for you dada!” She said, looking back at you. “You….*grunt* pway wit… *grunt* me aftah…. Ahhhhhh..” She sighed as the load settled into her diaper. Her eyes found yours again and smiled, “Tehehe, wets pway!”

What else were you to do? Of course you obliged your now permanent dumb baby slut girlfriend. 



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