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“*Sniff* Huh-What?” Hannah sniffled, she suddenly bolted up to a sitting position on her bed. Her hair was a hot mess from how hard she was sleeping. Her drowsy eyes looked around the room, blinking in the afternoon light. The weight in her eyelids slowly lifted with each blink. Her right hand came to her forehead. Her eyes closed. She began rubbing her temples; an audible “Ahh…” escaped from her lips. She breathed in sharply through her nose and steadied herself. “Damn I didn’t even realize I had fallen asleep.” Hannah thought to herself. She moved her hand away from her forehead and shot her eyes toward her phone. A split second later the classic *Click* sound of a lock screen snapped. Her eyes scanned the endless posts on Facebook about COVID-19.

“Feels so strange being home right now. I never would have though my semester would have ended like this! But sadly, that’s just how…” The words from one of her friend’s post faded away as Hannah’s feed kept scrolling. She questioned if she should make her own post about being home from school. The idea lingered for a moment. Her brow furrowed, before her head shook it away. “Nah, best not. I don’t want anyone to know I’m here. Even with social distancing and all that shit.” She reasoned, continuing to scroll through the feed. 

Without much thought she grabbed the blankets covering her body and lightly threw them to the side. Her gaze was still focused on her phone as she began walking up toward the TV hung in the corner. Her free hand felt around the sides of the TV for the buttons. Her index finger found the button and pressed it. Her TV buzzed as it turned on. It had been a consistent stream of Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ the past few days. It was her mother’s idea to limit the amount of contact the two of them had with one another. It’s not like either of them went out anyways. But still, the two would rather be safe than sorry. So, Hannah rarely left her room. If she did, it was to use the bathroom, or grab some food from the kitchen.

“Lay down on my back, Vibrate…” soft music from her speaker suddenly began playing from across the room. The song choice definitely enhanced the chill vibes the room was giving off. Hannah, still standing next to the TV, looked out her window. She felt her shoulders slack from the sight. A golden sunbeam leapt from her window to the floor. She breathed in slowly. Her lungs held in the air for a few moments, then exhaled. “Damn, you know I could get used to this for a few weeks.” She thought, basking in the moment. Her eyes glanced at her bowl on the bedside table. She gave a small smile at the thought of all the stoned nights she was about to embark on. 

“Damn I must look beautiful in this light.” She thought to herself, her smile growing a little wider. Her head swiveled to the full-length body mirror to her left. Her gaze took in the cute light pink crop top she had on. And if she was being honest, her hair didn’t look that bad. It was that cute kind of messy. These thoughts ran through her brain almost instantly. But just as quickly as she took in the top half of her body, her gaze looked down to the bottom half.

“What in THE?!” Hannah thought instantly, her face contorting into pure confusion. She took a few reactionary steps back from the mirror. “What…. Am I wearing?... Holy shit what is that?” Hannah thought, doing her best to make sense of the image she was looking at. She slowly stepped closer to the mirror, her face tense and dumbfounded. She stopped and looked down at her groin to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. 

“Am I fucking wearing a-“ Hannah muttered to herself, her sentence was suddenly cut off as her door swung open from the side and bludgeoned her from the right. “-Ow! Mom HEY! UH… NAKED IN HERE!!” Hannah said, practically yelling the first thing that came into her head. She jumped to the side to avoid further damage. She saw her mother already walk in through the doorway though, there was no use in hiding the garment wrapped around her waist. She shot her arms to cover her underwear as best she could. “PLEASE GET OUT!” She boomed. Her mother shot an apologetic look at her

“Oops! Sorry Hannah! I didn’t know you were there. My bad!” Her mother said, coming fully into the room and closing the door to ajar. “I know, I know, I should have knocked! It’s my bad. I’m still getting used to whole “personal privacy” thing for you. I’ve just been so used to hovering around you 24/7!” Her mother, June, said to the girl doing a poor job of covering herself with just her arms. Her mother mother’s demeanor changed. She went from her jolly self, to oddly suspicions. June shot a strange look at her. “Why are you doing that?” She said, pointing toward Hannah.

“Doing what?! Mom you walked in on me half naked, and I’m… I don’t know how… I’m wearing this-“

“Pull-up? Why are you trying to cover your pull-up?” Her mother said, taking a step toward her. Hannah could feel her mother suddenly towering over her. Hannah shook her head in confusion.

“Mom wha- what?... What are you talking about?! ‘My pull-up’ what are you saying?!” Hannah said, taking backsteps back away from her. She was completely and utterly confused. 

Her mother took a slow step to follow her. “Why are you hiding your pull-up? Hm? Did you have another accident while you slept?” She said, her eyes squinted in suspicion. 

That last part pushed Hannah over the edge. She stopped in her tracks and shot out an open palm to her mom telling her to stop. “Okay hold on here! Stop right there mom.” Hannah said in a stern tone. She steadied her stance and squared up to her mother. “What in the hell are you talking about?! Pull-ups, accidents while I sleep?! Mom are you going insane or something?” Hannah said in a worried tone. Her mother’s face melted from suspicion, to genuine concern. Her mother paused before quickly placing her hand on Hannah’s forehead.

“Oh my goodness Honey, are you okay? Are you coming down with Corona? Do you have a fever? You’re acting so weird.” June said, holding Hannah’s head to get a good feel for her temperature. Hannah quickly shook her head and pushed her mom away. 

“Mom I’m fine! Why is this not weird to YOU?! I haven’t worn pull-ups since I was a kid!” She said, crossing her arms subconsciously. 

“Honey… I thought we had… you know… agreed upon this?” June said, looking at her daughter as if she was trying to reason with her. It was not the vibe Hannah was expecting. 

“Agreed upon? Mom I didn’t agree to this! I just fell asleep for a nap-“ Hannah was cut off again by her mother.

“And I’m proud of you for putting on a pull-up before doing so!” June said with a smile. Practically the last phrase and face Hannah expected from her mother. Hannah just shook her head dumbfounded.

“See right there, you’re acting like this is okay! Like this is normal! Why?! I don’t wear these things!!” Hannah said, practically hysterical. Her mother retreated from her soft aura and took on a sterner tone. 

“Listen Hannah, I’m sorry but I don’t know what to tell you. We both agreed that if you could keep your bed dry for a week then we’d go back to big girl panties. If you’re going to be rude and make a fuss about all of this, then we might have to think about extending that timeline then hm? Do you want that?” June said directly to Hannah. It melted some of her daughter’s defenses. Her body language sunk in on itself for some reason. Her mother stared at her for what felt like 10 minutes. Hannah looked down to the floor, slowly shaking her head ‘no’ to break the tension.

“Now let me ask you again, why are you hiding your pull-up? Did you wet it?” She said, Hannah quickly regained her confidence. 

“No! Mom of course not!” She shot back. Her mother quickly walked up to the girl and padded the crotch of her pull-up. She shook her head and took a couple steps away from her daughter.

“Oh yeah? Come on Hannah, you’re practically soaked! Now why would you lie to me about that?” Her mother said, throwing her arms up into the air. 

Hannah had a grave look on her face. Her eyes instantly shot down to the padded garment around her waist. Her hand quickly squeezed the bottom of her pull-up. Sure enough, it was warm and squishy. Her jaw practically fell to the floor. 

“Mom I’m sorry I… I didn’t..”

“You didn’t know? Jesus, Hannah. You either didn’t know, or were trying to hide it on purpose. In broad day light. I don’t even know which one is worse. It’s like you’re going backwards. When did this happen? Did this happen while you took your nap, or when you were awake?” Her mother said. She was clearly exasperated by Hannah’s meek response. Hannah just looked back down at the floor and away from her mother.

“I don’t….” She said, trailing off, feeling some tears starting to form. The weight of the situation seemed to hit her. Her mother melted at the sight of her daughter’s face growing red from embarrassment. She relaxed and swooped in to hug Hannah.

“Oh Hannah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get upset there. This has been tough on… *Sigh* that doesn’t matter. Listen you don’t have to answer that. It’s okay. Accidents just…. happen sometimes right? Don’t worry, we’ll just get you back into a pull-up and then we don’t have to worry, okay? You don’t have to worry about the potty for the rest of the night.” Her mother said, breaking the hug and walking toward Hannah’s drawers. She gripped the handle and pulled the top one open. 

Hannah expected that drawer to be full of her various underwear. Her everyday panties, period panties, thongs. But instead what looked back, were stacks of neatly organized pull-ups. Her eyes lit up on shock. Hannah’s right hand shot to her mouth. Her mother noticed.

“No Hannah it’s… no I don’t think. I’m sorry” June said, rummaging through the drawer.  Her mother continued, “If you want to try to use the potty you can. But if you don’t want to either, it’s no pressure tonight. I’m sorry if I’ve been hard on you about this.” She took a pull-up out the pile and threw it onto the bed.

Hannah felt like she was going through shock right now. “What the fuck. What the actual fuck is going on. My mom is treating me like I’m fucking 4. She wants me to change from the WET pull-up I have on, to a new one? My fucking god what is this.” She thought. She didn’t want to argue anymore. All she wanted to do was get out of this situation. Without another word she slinked over to the bed. Her mother guided her down. June helped her daughter wiggle out of the wet pull-up, and into a dry one. Hannah felt like jumping out of the window. She just looked at the wall the entire time. She couldn’t bare to look into her mother’s eyes. 

“We’ll get through this, Hannah. You’re not going to be in pull-ups forever.” June said. She grabbed a pair of PJ pants from the top of her daughter’s dresser and handed them to Hannah. “Here put these on. You don’t have to have your pull-ups out for the world to see.” June said, Hannah blushed even harder. 

“I trust you to tell me when you’re wet.” June said, taking Hannah’s hand and lifting her up to her feet. “Why don’t you come downstairs and get some food in you, hm? We don’t have to talk about this anymore.” June said softly. Hannah, still looking away silently, shook her head. The two walked out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen.

Hannah’s mom tried making small talk the whole-time during dinner. It wasn’t anything too out of the ordinary. They mostly talked about the outbreak, and the world’s response. Then general around the town gossip. The only strange comment she made was when she said, “I just hope your school opens up again soon. I’m sure your teacher is so eager to get your kiddies back in the classroom!” Hannah was going to respond to that but decided to just let it go. She finished her dinner quickly after that to get back to her room. She walked up and placed her dirty plate in the sink. She instantly turned to begin walking toward her room.

“Hey.” Her mother said, reaching out from the table to get her daughter’s attention before leaving for the night.

“What.” Hannah said, folding her arms and again not looking her mother in the eyes. 

“Make sure you keep your pull-up on before you head to bed. Please? For me?” June said. Hannah rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, sure… whatever yeah I’ll keep the thing on.” Hannah said, lightly throwing her hands in the air and spinning back around to leave. “It’s only like 7 anyways, it’s not like I’m going to bed right now.” She said, walking away. She just heard her mother snort in response. Hannah didn’t understand why but chalked it up to just another crazy thing her mother was saying today. 

“She must be losing her marbles. This is just insanity.” Hannah mumbled while her legs bounded up the stairs. She could feel the soft crinkle of her pull-up respond to her movements. It made her shiver with embarrassment. 

She quickly walked into her room and closed the door behind her. She locked the door with a soft “Click”. She instantly grabbed her phone off her side table and jumped into bed. 

“Fuck this is just. What the fuck happened today.” She wondered, flicking open her phone. The clock in the corner read: “7:14 PM”. She opened Facebook and started scrolling again. 

“I just, I just don’t understand it. I didn’t go to bed with a diaper on. No, that sure as hell didn’t happen. Who put one on me when I fell asleep? Did she?” Hannah wondered. She positioned herself under her blankets to warm up. 

“It feels so weird. Like a little pillow around my vagina.” She thought, crunching her legs together. She stopped after a few tries. 

“I should.. I should just…” She trailed for a moment, before taking in a long inhale. “…ahh…. I should just take it off.” She thought, ending the thought faster than she expected. She found her mind getting slower while she kept scrolling. “…Yeah maybe I should…” She thought, but for some reason, she just didn’t really feel like moving. 

She didn’t think much for a few minutes after that. She caught her head from falling a few times. Her thumb scrolling began slowing down. A few second after that, all at once, her breathing became steady and her eyes closed.


“*Sniff* I’m good!” Hannah sniffled, she suddenly bolted up to a sitting position on her bed. Her eyelids blinked faster this time to lose the blurriness in her eyes. The morning light from her window came into focus. “Oh, fuck did I fall asleep?” She thought, picking up her phone. She hit the lock button. Sure enough it read “8:04 AM”. She looked quizzically at her phone. “Shit, normally I don’t do that. And at 7 fucking PM at that.” She thought. Suddenly though, the situation that transpired yesterday hit her. She flung the blankets practically of the bed.

She frowned. Her thighs flexed, confirming the pull-up around her waist. 

“At least its dry…” ran through the background of her mind. She shook her head at that strange thought.

“*Sigh* Well, at least I get to take it off now… thank you to my crazy mom!” She said sarcastically. She got out of the bed and stretched her arms to the ceiling. Her pull-up peaked up over her PJ pants from stretch. Even after she returned to normal, it had shifted slightly upward, so the thinnest line of waist band was visible. Her stomach rumbled fiercely a split second later.

“I could eat first…” She thought, feeling her stomach with her right hand. “It wouldn’t hurt, I’ll just take it off after.” She reasoned. Hannah opened the door unlocked door and traveled downstairs. 

June was sitting at the table, reading the news from her tablet. 

“Oh, hey good morning, surprised to see you up this early.” June said, she caught a brief look at Hannah then looked back at her tablet. A split second later she did a double take and looked at her daughter’s bum. She analyzed it for a second. Hannah sat down though, keeping her from getting a better look at her daughter’s PJ pants. She shot a look and gazed back down at her tablet. 

“Did you sleep okay?” June said with a slight tone of worry. Hannah nodded her head and grabbed a banana from the bowl in the center of the table.

“Oh, I slept great.” Hannah said sarcastically. She peeled the banana and took a bite, looking her mother in the eyes afterwards. June gave a strange look back to Hannah.

“Oh okay then… well good.” June said, she was caught of guard by her daughter’s sassiness this morning. “Was she always this bitchy when she first wakes up…?” June thought for a moment.

Hannah felt residual embarrassment from yesterday’s incident bubble up inside of her. That embarrassment quickly flipped over into anger for some reason. She felt like she had to clear the air after everything that happened.

“I just want to point out I’m dry.” Hannah said matter-of-factly. She looked at her banana and took another bite. Her mother looked up from her tablet.

“I’m sorry?” June said, placing her tablet on the table. Hannah looked up from her banana. She spoke in between chews.

“My pull-up. It’s dry.” She said, looking back up to her mother. June recoiled in shock.

“You’re pull- what? Hannah What?” Her mother sat back in her chair and looked flabbergasted at her daughter. “Hannah, you haven’t worn pull-ups for 22 years. What on earth are you talking about?” June said, completely caught-of-guard from the entire. Hannah felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

“I…” She said, trailing off. That’s when she squeezed her thighs again. She felt… nothing. She wasn’t wearing a pull-up. Her head shot down. There was no bulk from the pull-up around her waist. But she did feel something else. She suddenly became aware of a dampness around her bottom. “Fuck!” She thought, looking back up at her mother. She looked confused as ever.

“Does this have to do with the fact your PJs are wet or something?” June said. That one sent shivers down Hannah’s neck. “I noticed it when you walked down here. Did you pee the bed, Hannah?” June said. Hannah looked like she’d seen a ghost at this point. 

Without another word Hannah immediately got up from the table. She felt the cold wet spot around her crotch get cooler as she quickly went up the stairs and into her room.

She swung the door open. Instantly she walked over to her dresser. Without hesitation she pulled the top drawer open. For a split second she saw the rows of pull-ups. She felt the weight of one return around her waist for a moment as well. Within a blink though, all the pull-ups vanished. Replaced instead by her normal underwear. The padding around her waist left her as well. She picked up her underwear and just held them in her hands. She was beyond shocked. 

Slowly she turned her head back toward her bed. There in the center, laid a dark wet spot. It was obvious to anyone that someone had wet that bed last night. Hannah looked down at her wet pants for a few moments, then back to her underwear.

“What the hell is happening!” Hannah said to herself.