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Claire placed the bottle of warm formula on the ground next to her. She swiveled her head back to the bed. Her hand slowly glided over the plastic. The mere touch of the casing sent a deep shiver through her spine. This had been years in the making. Almost an entire decade of consuming ABDL content. Reading story, after story, after story of women falling into a mentally regressed state. Their minds going from stand-up human beings to dissolved babyish mush. The fact they voluntarily threw away their entire lives. It always got Claire. Their whole lives were altered forever. No longer were they functions adults. They were dumb, ditsy, horn-ball pant pissers. The only thing they were good for by the end was a never-ending stream of wet and messy diapers. 

Clair was the penultimate AB/DL. You name it, she’s seen it on the internet. Her fetish ran deep. Deeper than most would. Since a young age, all she could ever fantasize about was dumping her brains into a diaper. It was a dangerous feeling for sure. 

At first all she needed was a story on the internet. A hot caption on tumblr or deviantart. She’d have to read one or two before she was satisfied for the night. Over time that became 5 or 6, which eventually lead to whole afternoons and evenings just browsing ABDL sites to get that final perfect orgasm. Even that wasn’t enough after a while.

She tried experimenting with drugs at first. She’d smoke up, drink, and repeat until her head was in a spinning haze. It didn’t take much for her to become a staggering dumb baby. It did the trick for a few years. But slowly, we all search for that next step. We all want that next big fix to really push us over the edge. That’s what eventually did Claire in.

She found herself living a double life. During the day she would be at work, doing the job of a normal adult women. At night she was losing her brain to all the hops and weed she could fill in her lungs and stomach. Her mental capacity was taking a noticeable hit. She became used to waking up hung over from a night of little sleep. She found herself unable to focus on her work during the day. Her fetish was bleeding over into “regular life”.

We all have to make a choice in life at some point. And for Claire. The decision came faster than she would have liked to admit. In the middle of the night, her brain bathing in a bath of THC and alcohol, she ordered them. When she saw the confirmation screen, a strange emotion grew inside her. Peace. She finally felt at peace in her life.

Her nails dug into the plastic, ripping open the case of diapers. The pink disposable diapers spilled out onto the floor. She looked at them with eyes the size of dinner plates. She felt ready. It was time.

She snatched one of the diapers up from the floor and admired it. A faint smile grew on her face as she peered at each side. They cute prints of bunnies and moons on them. She unfolded the diaper in her hand. The sweet smell of a dry diaper wafted into her nose. She took a deep inhale. That smirk on her face grew into a wide smile.

She sat down on the floor of her homemade nursery (She converted most of her house into a large nursery by that point). She began unzipping her pants. You see the diaper she was about to put on wasn’t an ordinary disposable. No, these were different. Experimental you could say. A case of diapers that cost Claire almost her entire bank account. A normal adult would freak about spending tens of thousands of dollars on a case of diapers. But for Claire, it was the door into her next chapter in life. And to be frank, she wouldn’t have to worry about that kind of stress in a few minutes.

The foreign company had worked for years preparing a pair diapers that infected the users mind. It washed it clean of adult thoughts and knowledge. The chemicals in the diaper broke down the neurons in her brain to the point where she would be a babbling mindless baby again. The only thing left was her sexual desires. In fact, those were amplified by the diaper. By the time the diapers had worked their magic she would be a blank face girl, a line of drool running down her chin, her diaper fully loaded, and her legs thrusting away.

She was trembling by the time she was ready to lift the front of the diaper over her waist. She’d worn thousands of diapers by this point. Diapering herself was almost as natural as breathing. But this was such a huge step. She knew what her life would become by the time the diapers were finished. With shaky hands, she pulled the diaper toward her stomach. She started breathing faster. Her heart was pounding in a mix of excitement and fear. 

The tapes went on faster than she expected. The years of diapering made it almost automatic. With the final tape in place. She looked up into the body mirror in front of her. A girl in complete fear looked back.

Silence. She sat on her knees, in silence, for a full 5 minutes. And then it hit her what she was doing.

“Oh god Claire come one, you gotta get outta this…” She said, trying with her left hand to pull off one of the tapes. But that’s when she realized. 


It was kinda like when you stand up and realize you’re way more drunk than you thought. Her hands suddenly felt so soft and hard to communicate with. The idea of even using her fingers for anything seemed so foreign to her. And she started to wonder why she even needed to use her hands in the first place. Any train of thought on the matter dissolved instantly.

“Uh-ohhh” Claire said, her right hand moving to the front of her diaper. A little giggle dribbled out of her mouth when she felt it. “My diapiee getting warm?” She thought, looking up to the mirror in surprise. She could feel the diaper getting warm around her hand. No part of her understood why. She tried reasoning why a diaper might get warm, but that was really tricky and hard to understand. What even makes diapers warm? Why would they ever not be warm? Normally they just were. Sometimes they weren’t wet, mushy, and fun to play with. But right now wasn’t one of those times, and Claire didn’t really care otherwise.

Her brain remembered that it was worried about something a second ago. Like she was supposed to tell herself something. Something really really important, something that and adult might want to tell her. She looked up into the air, a finger tapping her drool soaked chin, and that’s when she burst into a fit of laughter.

“Tehehe! Me no biwg kwid. Me justa baba. Me wight donna wea daaaa! Heheh. Nogga bub bub!” She uttered to herself. Her speech dissolved quickly into nonsense. Not that it really mattered anyways. The only way she was able to communicate anything was by letting her emotions do the talking anyways.

She lifted up onto her knees to position the pink pillow in front of her closer toward her crotch. She didn’t really know why she did that, and didn’t really care anyways. When she sat back down onto the pillow she lazily took note of the fact her diaper felt different. No part of her brain could reason why. Her diaper felt different all the time. Whatever line of reasoning she was lazily going through quickly faded though as her hips started thrusting. Her soaked, messy diaper squelching with each move.


The lights in her head grew brighter each second. It was like her brain was exploding with happy colored lights left and right. The waves of colors and sexual pleasure exploded from the center of her diapered crotch. Nothing made sense. Nothing mattered. The only thing Claire could do was hump her pillow and make sure more and more colors kept coming from her diaper. She felt warm gushing from the sides of her diaper and leaking down her leg. But she didn’t care. It only made the colors brighter.

Claire didn’t know when. And it’s not like she could tell anyways if she tried. But the colors grew so bright, that her whole vision became a blaze of rainbow colors. She was muttering and babbling constantly in response. Spit and drool shot out of her mouth like Niagara Falls. 

Then like a light switch. Everything exploded. It was more powerful than any firework. An atomic bomb. The big bang exploded in Claire’s mind. Blowing out any lingering dim flame of intelligence in Claire’s brain forever. The newly minted, horny diaper girl collapsed into a heap.Her eyes closed. Her chest expanded up and down while she tried catching her breath. After about 10 minutes she finally calmed down.

Her hand grabbed a bottle of formula strangely next to herself. She began sucking on it instantly. She had a drooly content look on her face. She’d done finally done it. She was like all the girls in those stories. She was what she always wanted to be. She was finally at peace. She drifted off into her first of infinite baby land dreams. 



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